Chapter 722

"On the issue of maintaining world peace, the position of our Soviet government is consistent and clear. We call on all parties to the conflict to keep calm and exercise restraint, settle their disputes through negotiation rather than by force, and prevent some countries from taking the pretext of maintaining world peace but actually destroying it..."

The UN special session to solve the Kuwait issue was officially held. The United States submitted to the UN Security Council a plan to send multinational forces to combat Iraq and impose economic sanctions on Iraq. NATO allies, together with the League of Arab States headed by Saudi Arabia, responded. Iraq is in diplomatic isolation, but it doesn't work. As long as the five permanent members of the Soviet Union do not nod, the plan will not have legitimacy.

Before the meeting, the representatives of the US side wanted to communicate with the Soviet Union in advance, but he was not polite enough to refuse. On the contrary, he communicated with representatives of the Iraqi government and the Kuwait government before the meeting. For Kuwait, it is a great thanks that it can be mediated by the Soviet Union and regain its independence. Now they dare not talk about Iraq's debt any more. And Iraq now knows how much international pressure it will face for its reckless actions. Naturally, they do not dare to continue their extravagant occupation of the territory of Kuwait. Now they only want to retreat with dignity.

In the whole incident, Saudi Arabia played an extremely ignominious role. On the one hand, Saudi Arabia hoped that Iraq would defend Iran's revolutionary output and ensure Saudi Arabia's security. On the other hand, Saudi Arabia was afraid that Iraq would be too powerful to threaten Saudi Arabia's hegemony in the Middle East. Therefore, on the issue of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia has been eager for the United States to strike Iraq with force. This is in Saudi Arabia's interest. Therefore, when shailyusha proposed peace talks in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia blocked in every way. This kind of behavior completely chilled Kuwait's heart.

The intimate relationship between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait has been split, and the Soviet Union's hand has helped Kuwait a lot, which makes the Emir of Kuwait feel grateful to the Soviet Union. At least now, in the hearts of the Emir of Kuwait, the Soviet Union is the only big country that sincerely treats Kuwait.

With the end of the speech by the Chinese representative, all parties involved in the meeting have expressed their views. The voting session began soon. Many countries headed by the United States and Saudi Arabia voted for it, while China abstained, while the Soviet government voted against it. All of a sudden, you don't have to vote any more to know that this plan can't be passed.

"Representative of the Soviet Union, what do you mean? Are you supporting Iraq's aggression?" The United States said angrily that just last night Gorbachev personally called President Bush to say that the Soviet Union opposed any form of aggression, which made Bush very happy to think that the Soviet Union would hand over Iraq to the United States.

"We oppose any form of aggression, including multinational interference in the dispute between Iraq and Kuwait. We hope that Iraq and Kuwait can achieve peace at the negotiating table without outside interference. Instead of launching another war of aggression in the name of opposing aggression! " Xie liaosha replied impolitely.

"The issue of Kuwait is a problem between our Arab countries. The United States is our invited ally. On the contrary, the Soviet Union is not welcome. You want to get involved in the internal affairs of Arab countries. Dream about it!" Saudi representatives angrily refuted Mr. shailyusha's remarks and excused the United States.

"You are the countries that have reached into Kuwait! The government of Kuwait has issued a statement demanding that the international risk consulting company immediately withdraw from Kuwait and stop an armed operation. Why does the international risk consulting company not comply with the requirements of the government of Kuwait? It's not the United States and Saudi Arabia behind the scenes. These people have planted car bombs everywhere in Kuwait, known as attacking the Iraqi armed forces. In fact, we have all seen a school collapsed and dozens of children buried in the ruins. On the contrary, it was Iraq that made the rescue. Let's talk about this international risk consulting company! I have also heard about this company. About one-third of its members are Americans who have taken off their military uniforms, and the remaining two-thirds are immigrants who want permanent residency in the United States. Are you telling me that the United States is here to maintain peace in the Gulf region? Are you telling a joke? "

Xie liaosha always sat in his seat and calmly faced the attacks from various countries. Now the Soviet Union is weak in the United Nations, and its former allies have abandoned the Soviet Union. The diplomatic status of the Soviet Union is long gone. Today, the Soviet Union is here to defend Iraq, which is already a great kindness. Otherwise, Iraq will be torn to pieces by all the countries here. It is precisely because of this situation that Iraq has almost been isolated by the Arab countries and the international community, and the Soviet Union is his only reliance.

The whole venue was very noisy, and he had a big fight with the United States, Britain, France and Saudi Arabia. It's not going down at all. No matter how threatened the United States was, the Soviet Union was opposed to the US military plan.

"See the crowd outside protesting? This is the real voice of the American people. I don't know why the government, which regards itself as a democracy, is against the United Nations and the Americans outside! Although the Soviet Union's position against armed interference in Kuwait has been attacked by all of you here, thousands of people, including the American people, stand with us outside the court! Our insistence is for all peace loving people in the world and for the highest ideal of human peace. What's ridiculous is that even the people of the United States do not support the proposal of the representative of the United States, and dare to claim that they are for the sake of the whole world? Ridiculous! Shameless! What's the difference between those mercenaries who still come to Kuwait and refuse to retreat and the US Army... "

The attention of this UN conference is too high. Every sentence Xie liaosha said was captured by the camera and appeared on the major news media all over the world in real time! The representative of the United States would like to refute seryosha's speech, but the protesting crowd gathered outside the United Nations, and the delegates from all countries who came to the meeting could see it clearly when they entered the meeting, so they could not rely on it at all. Now no matter how eloquent he is, he can't be persuasive.

There was a sudden burst of scattered applause at the meeting. Looking back, Xie liaosha found that it was the representatives of Cuba and some Latin American countries, followed by Iraq, Syria and other allies who did not betray the Soviet Union. Although the applause was not much, it was better than none. The great power chauvinism of the Soviet Union in the past was too arrogant, and now it is left alone in the United Nations. But it doesn't matter. As long as you slowly control Eastern Europe, this situation will change.