Chapter 695

The retired Comrade honeck can no longer stop the train of GDR from coming to an end. He firmly believes that the Berlin Wall is the guarantee of world peace. Once the West tried to cross the Berlin Wall, the Soviet Union would never wait to die, but instead of waiting for the news that the Soviet Union sent troops, he saw on TV the news that Gorbachev and Bush would hold a summit meeting in Malta.

The core issue of this summit is to end the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union and establish a new type of us Soviet relationship. However, for both sides participating in the meeting, the Soviet Union had to do so. The domestic economic difficulties and more and more ethnic and political conflicts left the Soviet Union without a stable environment for development. Although the current situation is far less dangerous than Lenin's when the Soviet Union was founded, Gorbachev's weakness in her bones doomed her to adopt a compromise policy.

Thanks to Gorbachev's appreciation, seryosa will accompany him to this summit in Malta. But it doesn't make sense whether Xie liaosha will go or not, because this summit is not about trade. In fact, he prefers to stay at home, because he knows that there will be problems in democratic Germany soon.

It is not only the Soviet troops stationed in Poland and Hungary that will be withdrawn, but also some government agencies and intelligence agencies will be abolished. These personnel are naturally rare compared with those big soldiers, but the Soviet Union does not have such personnel.

Xie liaosha doesn't want these intelligence personnel to go to Europe and the United States for a living. He has long wanted to recruit some such talents to enrich the enterprises of Gorky group. We need to know how much resources it will cost to cultivate a Soviet spy who can lurk abroad for a long time. These people's extraordinary survival ability abroad and the ability to spy intelligence are not possessed by ordinary people.

The retreating KGBS soon found that they seemed to be the talents that the multinational companies in the Leningrad special economic zone were fighting for. Glencore, a famous commodity trader in Switzerland, is eager to recruit the KGB, who is familiar with Eastern Europe, as their traders. Following Enron energy and Western oil companies, two powerful companies also focused on the undeveloped market in Eastern Europe. In addition, Monsanto, which is engaged in chemical industry and agriculture, as well as Columbia bank and Columbia insurance company, which are eager to develop financial business. They want to develop their own GM business in Eastern Europe.

These one in a million KGB companies were soon divided up by the Gorky group. The wages offered by these enterprises under Gorky financial group to these KGBS are 30 times higher than when they were in KGB. Many people have just left the country where they have worked for many years, and then they come back with a different identity. People are still these people, but what they want to do is totally different.

The petrochemical base of Western oil companies in Leningrad has been put into operation. The finished gasoline and diesel products produced here are in short supply in Eastern European countries. In addition, Gorky Volkswagen's joint venture cars also began to be exported to Eastern Europe. Because of the low labor cost of the Soviet Union and the guarantee of the quality of Volkswagen. The cheap cars produced by Gorky Volkswagen began to sell well in Eastern Europe. In East Germany, he deliberately erased Golgi's logo, making people mistakenly believe that it was a product produced in West Germany. In fact, the East German people are very rich, but the products they produce can not meet the needs of the people. Many people can't afford to buy a car because they can't get a car coupon. The emergence of low-cost car products of Gorky Volkswagen makes people no longer worry about car coupons. In addition, Bank of Columbia's car loan business for users in Eastern Europe has reached a strategic alliance with Gorky Volkswagen, and then the well-known Columbia insurance company also provides preferential car loans for Gorky Volkswagen, These two measures soon made Gorky Volkswagen the first choice of consumers in East Germany and other Eastern European countries, surpassing satellite and Skoda.

The Bank of Columbia, led by Mikhail, has quietly opened the door of Eastern European countries with auto loans. For these countries that have just changed their day, the enterprises represented by the Bank of Columbia are those of the capitalist countries that are rooted in the red, and they are here to help them improve their economy. It is too late for them to welcome these enterprises, How can these enterprises be expelled.

But in fact, Mikhail and others entered the Eastern European market with seryoxar's new plan. Today's Eastern European countries are in recession, but they are not good for nothing. From the famous Skoda factory in the Austro Hungarian Empire to Carl Zeiss Jena, the pride of German optical instruments (the Carl Zeiss factory in East Germany is the real birthplace of Carl Zeiss), we can see that there are many reasons for this. These famous enterprises are just lambs to be slaughtered, and will soon become the dishes of western countries.

Xie liaosha knows that he can't stop the great changes in Eastern Europe, but he can take the opportunity to acquire the high-quality industrial enterprises in Eastern Europe and control the Eastern Europe economically. At present, the strength of the Bank of Colombia is enough to sweep the central banks of Eastern European countries, including the central banks of the Soviet Union. Xie liaosha should take advantage of the power vacuum in this region. He should not think that these countries can really move towards prosperity from the socialist camp to the capitalist camp. They still have a long way to go.

Xie liaosha sold the Volkswagen produced by the Soviet Union to Eastern Europe, and together with the Bank of Colombia began to take root in Hungary and East Germany. Because he provided a series of financial policies unheard of by the people of Eastern Europe, the Bank of Colombia absorbed a lot of deposits in Eastern European countries in a lot of time. In order to be on the safe side, he changed the money into the currently unpopular East German mark almost regardless of the cost. He was not worried about the devaluation of the East German mark. Because he firmly remembered in his mind that at the time of the merger, the exchange rate between the East German mark and the West German mark was 1:1. This is a good chance to jump on the pie.

East German mark and East German enterprises are the focus of his attention. Only Poland was blockaded by seryosa because Walesa offended him. Leningrad special economic zone is now beginning to improve, especially the natural gas terminal and petrochemical projects have begun to realize profits. So he proposed to Gorbachev to set up a second special economic zone along the coast of the Black Sea, the Gongqingcheng special economic zone.