Chapter 691

When the storm came, everyone tried every means to survive. The same is true for banks. When a large number of non-performing loans suddenly appear in the banking system, the first thing they want to abandon is their customers. They disband in sunny days and take back their umbrellas in rainy days. The ruthlessness of banks is incisively and vividly displayed at this moment.

The loans of those big enterprises are better. They are the customers that the bank will always strive for. Unless the bank is in a hopeless situation like Xiwu group, the bank will never fall out with such enterprises. In fact, the most unfortunate ones are the small and medium-sized enterprises that Japan is proud of. They are the first customers in the banking industry to turn over.

In recent years, Japan's real estate and stock market have been the only one in the world, and many people are fascinated by the fast money brought by the stock market. Many well-developed small and medium-sized enterprises even give up their own business and start to speculate in land and stock. With the help of the east wind of Japan's economic take-off, they naturally make a lot of money. As a result, people are more and more daring, and many people begin to try their best to use various ways to borrow funds, because according to the current rising speed of the real estate market and stock market, even if they borrow usury to invest, they can make a lot of money. Many people put all their money in one basket.

But the face change of the bank made these people fall from heaven to the bottom. No one thought that the time of ebb should come so fast. When the bank takes its customer list one by one to inform its loan customers to cancel the contract, people can't believe it is true. How can you afford a house without the support of the bank. Even the white-collar workers in big business houses can't afford the house prices in Tokyo. Not to mention the ordinary people whose income is in the lower middle class. Many of them even borrow the down payment from financial companies. Those people are all underworld. They can make you feel worse than death if they owe them money.

Japan's parliament is still fighting for power and profit for the stock time of likulut. Even on TV, it has been shown several times that the congressmen staged all martial arts in the sacred Parliament. In Japan's stock market, those unknown hot money from all over the world are madly shorting Japanese bank stocks. The decline of bank stocks has triggered the decline of stocks in other industries in Japan. Those star stocks that rose just a few months ago are now pressed on the limit every day and can't be sold at all.

And in the society, some of the news that banks forced debts and lost their real estate, and finally went to a dead end began to appear in the newspapers. Unexpectedly, in the first year after the Heisei period, the whole society of Japan fell into chaos.

Although there are some unknowns in this, Xie liaosha still feels a great sense of achievement. The plan to carve up Japan has finally come to fruition. Now, without Xie liaosha's hands on it, those international hot money who are at the helm of the wind will compete with Japan's plutocrats. Hidden in Switzerland, Panama and other places for many years, the world's capital that has not been seen for a long time has jumped out. At the same time, when Japan's bubble burst, it also strives for a legal identity for itself.

Now that the overall situation has been decided, Xie liaosha can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Even if all the Western backers have withdrawn their funds, the construction of the Leningrad special economic zone can continue. However, although their own problems have been solved, the internal and external political environment of the Soviet Union is still not optimistic.

Just when seryosa devoted himself to Japan's plan, Poland held its first general election after national reconciliation. In this election, Walesa defeated yaruzelski, who promoted the round table conference and successfully solved the problem of solidarity, and became Poland's first non Communist prime minister after World War II. Originally, shagliaosha should be happy for Walesa, but all pervasive Americans contacted Walesa through the Holy See and agreed to provide a series of economic assistance to Poland. Under the material temptation of the United States, the Gorky brotherhood, which has been supporting the Solidarity Union for many years, was abandoned. At this moment, seryosa also realized the ungrateful and merciless side of the poles. A series of benefits that Walesa promised to the Gorky brotherhood are now beyond count. Almost overnight, the Gorky brotherhood and Solidarity Union changed from close comrades to friendly strangers.

Poland is on the border of the Soviet Union. Facing Poland, which the Americans can't control for the time being, the Soviet Union's iron and steel torrent only needs to cross the border a little to walk on Polish land. But Gorbachev didn't have the courage. He chose to give Poland freedom. This is simply letting the comrades of the Communist Party in Eastern Europe live and die on their own.

In fact, it's not his fault that Gorbachev didn't care about Poland, because now the Soviet Union is facing a bigger problem. That is, the party organizations of the three Baltic States openly expressed their desire for independence to the Central Committee.

Yakovlev's openness policy made the ethnic minorities in the Soviet Union begin to re-examine their own history. After Gorbachev came to power, he was unable to effectively manage the local power, which also provided the soil for the rise of separatism in some ethnic minority areas. Now the first secretaries of the party committees of Estonia, Latvian and Lithuanian are all local people. They are very dissatisfied with the rising number of Russian immigrants and the Soviet Union's policy of national integration. So just before the bloodshed in Georgia, when the opposition in Georgia was at its worst, the expulsion of Russian citizens in Estonia, Latvian and Lithuanian countries began to heat up.

However, Georgia's anti insurgency action has greatly deterred the separatists in the three Baltic countries, so they gave up the idea of direct confrontation with the government and adopted a peaceful strategy to express their will for independence. As a result, some nationalists proposed to hold a protest on the Baltic road.

The so-called Baltic road is that people join hands to connect the capitals of esania, Latvian and Lithuanian states in the form of human chains. At 4 p.m., people held hands for 15 minutes to protest. During the whole event, no one went on a hunger strike, and no one sat down to demonstrate. They just sang patriotic songs hand in hand. However, shagliaosha knows very well that this is clearly the color revolution that Americans like most. This kind of protest and demonstration is almost without danger, and the cost of participation is very low. However, the international impact caused by this is not small. After the lessons of Georgia, both seliosha and Gorbachev dare not use force rashly. However, seliosha is extremely disappointed with Gorbachev. Now, seliosha really feels that Yeltsin should be allowed to return to the political arena earlier.