Chapter 686

"Give me my money back quickly, and I'll take all my money?"

"Guest, what you are dealing with is regular savings business. If you withdraw cash in advance, you will lose a lot of interest..."

"I don't care. I'd rather have my money without interest. Give me my money back as soon as possible..."


Since last night, the debt relationship between the United Bank of Japan and Saibu group has been reported in the news. In addition, the latest research report of Hunshui has given a serious warning to the bad debt problem of the United Bank of Japan. The next morning, the outlets of the United Bank of Tokyo were crowded with customers who came to withdraw money. As soon as the stock market opened on the same day, the stock price of Japan United Bank was directly hit on the daily limit board.

After the event of Xiwu group, the Research Report of Hunshui company has become the short guide of Japan. As long as the companies concerned by Hunshui company are all short by mysterious organizations. However, Hunshui's report only emphasized the debt problem and financial fraud of their research objects, which were studied through public information. Moreover, Hunshui is a foreign company, and Japanese regulators have no right to shut up the Swiss company.

Now it is known to all of Japan that the United Bank of Japan has lent a loan of 400 billion yen to Xiwu group. Many investors doubt whether the loan can be repaid. After all, this is one fifth of the total assets of the United Bank of Japan. Once the loan cannot be recovered, the United Bank of Japan will have to go bankrupt.

It is precisely because of the close relationship between the United Bank of Japan and the Xiwu group that the debt crisis of the Xiwu group triggered the run on the United Bank of Japan. As a bank with business outlets all over the Japanese archipelago, the major business outlets of the United Bank of Japan are full of long lines. Many office workers even ask for leave to go to the United Bank of Japan to get their money. It's not easy for everyone to make money. In case the United Bank of Japan really goes bankrupt, many families will lose all their life savings.

Unprepared, some of the bank's smaller outlets ran out of cash, and calls to headquarters were made from all over the country to Tokyo. The board of directors of the United Bank of Japan held an emergency meeting to discuss the solution to the run storm. In the face of the nationwide run storm, the United Bank of Japan was unable to solve it at all. At the end of the meeting, we only came up with two solutions. One is to take back the loan from Xiwu group in advance to replenish the bank's working capital. The other is to ask other banks for help. We would rather pay more interest to borrow part of the funds from other banks in a short term than let the depositors in front of the counter not get the money. At present, it is only the first wave of runs, If the United Bank of Japan is unable to cash, more depositors will join the run army.

After the meeting, the president of the United Bank of Japan went to the hospital in person to see the ailing bank. But by the time he got here, there were already directors and executives of major Japanese banks standing outside the ward.

Xiwu group's shares have been suspended for a week, and di Yiming's wealth has shrunk by nearly a third. But now Xiwu group has not announced any effective measures to recover its share price. And the debt of Xiwu group has exceeded the net assets of the company. Now the banks of Xiwu group have long regretted lending money to them. They are afraid that Xiwu group will go bankrupt. What should they do?

Listening to the groaning voice outside the ward, he felt very upset. In recent years, he was almost the leader of Japanese business. Unexpectedly, when he was old, he was blocked by the bank to collect debts. It is said that banks borrow umbrellas on sunny days and collect umbrellas on rainy days. This time, di Yiming thoroughly felt the warmth and coldness of human relationships. At this moment, he knew that as long as he could not repay the loans of these banks, the banks would not let him go.

Seeing that he couldn't hold on any longer, di Yiming had to get up from the hospital bed and put on formal clothes. After all, I'm in my sixties. I've just been seriously ill. Diyiming forced himself to leave his ward and walked out of the door.

As soon as diyiming walked out of the house, the bank presidents who were waiting outside crowded over to discuss the repayment of the loan with diyiming. Although he is not the richest man in the world, he is still one of the richest people in Japan. This is a face to be given.

"Ladies and gentlemen, don't be impatient. I won't lose a cent of your loan, but now we Xiwu group have encountered some difficulties. We should have worked together to tide over the difficulties, but your behavior makes me very sad! Is it for the sake of such a loan that we have abandoned our friendship of years of pleasant cooperation? If you really care about this loan, I will return the money to you even if I break the pot and sell iron, but I won't have any business contacts with you from now on... "I said something soft and hard, first of all, I stabilized the situation at the scene. Then he took out several documents from his secretary and threw them directly on the desk.

"Look, these are some properties of our Xiwu group in Hokkaido. If any of you are in such a hurry to recover the loan, you can take it. The money should be enough to repay your debt?" Di Yiming said contemptuously, as if throwing a bone to a wild dog. Bankers present, look at me and I'll look at you. No one is sure whether they will take the money or tide over the difficulties with Xiwu group.

At this moment, the anxious president of the United Bank of Japan can no longer care about the old friendship. They are different from other banks in this room. Are depositors waiting for money at the door of their bank? In case of no money, the bank will have to be smashed by depositors. He didn't care about anything else. He went forward and bowed deeply to tiyiming. Then he said, "president, we, the United Bank of Japan, have run on the bank. We can't support it any more. So we have to recover the loan ahead of time. We have a total of 400 billion yen of credit between us and your company. We hope your company can repay the money as soon as possible, Otherwise, we have to apply to the court to seal up the assets of your company.... "

"You dare to talk to me like this, you..." diyiming pointed his crutch at the president of the United Bank of Japan, and raised his hand to fight. People quickly dissuaded him. The president of the Bank of Japan Laihe, who has completely torn his face, said to the presidents of other banks here: "we have all read the report of Hunshui company and know the current financial situation of Xiwu group. Our United Bank of Japan has been dragged down by Xiwu group, but we are definitely not the only one. How much money have you lent to Xiwu group, You know in your heart, I dare say that as long as we can't take back the loan from Xiwu group, depositors will withdraw money from one bank to another, and then the whole Japanese banking industry will be buried with Xiwu group... "