Chapter 680

Alexander Lebedev, a KGB financial spy, was extremely smart. At the age of 22, he had already studied for a doctorate in the International Institute of socialist system economics in Moscow, while he was still struggling for his bachelor's degree at Leningrad University. As the elite of young scholars in the Soviet Union, KGB sent him to London, the heart of capitalism, to serve his country. When he was in the Research Institute, Lebedev's subject was western national debt and economic globalization. When he entered the city of London as a Russian Jew, he soon became famous in the British investment community. Just a few years ago, Lebedev made a lot of money by trading high-risk bonds in Africa and South America, It successfully won the favor of the old European Investment Bank Rothschild bank, and became Rothschild's investment expert in the European bond market.

Alexander Lebedev was not only a spy, but also a rare expert in the Soviet Union who knew western financial markets. The KGB will not easily employ such a talent when there is no particularly important and urgent task. Once it is put into operation, the efforts of the KGB spent on Lebedev for so many years will be in vain.

At this moment, he can't care so much. He has to find enough investment for the Leningrad special economic zone. Therefore, a person who has extraordinary experience in the British financial circle and can stand in his own way must stand up, listen to his instructions and act as the front desk puppet of his plan, Lebedev is the most suitable in all respects.

When Lebedev received the order of muddy water plan from his own online, he resigned from Rothschild bank and left for Switzerland according to the instructions of his superiors. And registered a company called Hunshui finance office there. Then he had a new superior contact person, whose first task was to investigate the debt situation of Xiwu group, Japan's largest commercial real estate company.

Lebedev was very surprised when he heard this order. He thought he would be sent to Switzerland to break into an international organization to serve as the ears and eyes of the Soviet Union. However, he did not expect that his superior would let him come to Switzerland to study Japanese commercial real estate companies. What the hell is going on? Although Lebedev didn't quite understand the intention of his superiors, he still chose to carry it out honestly. Although he has just arrived in Switzerland, he is still very familiar with how to set up a financial research company. After all, it is much easier for him to study the economic situation of various countries with a lot of data in Moscow International Institute of socialist system economics, and corporate bonds are much simpler than Treasury bonds. Because there are too many uncontrollable factors of national debt, and many countries are secretive about their own economic data, it is very difficult to analyze the security of national debt in some emerging markets. Because of financial supervision, it is much easier to study corporate bonds, because there are a lot of public information to read.

As a landmark commercial real estate company in Japan, Xiwu group's public information can't be more detailed. After all, it is a listed company, which needs to provide its investors with real and strictly audited financial reports every quarter. According to the financial report of Xiwu group, this commercial real estate company with business in Japan, Europe and the United States is building luxury hotels, golf courses, ski resorts and other luxury projects all over the world. Most of its capital comes from bank loans in Japan, and its total liabilities have long exceeded its existing assets, which is very dangerous under normal circumstances, However, Japan's strong real estate market and stock market have enabled the eccentric Xiwu group to survive all the time.

According to the financial report of Xiwu group, their newly opened ski resort in Switzerland has been profitable in the first year. Lebedev drove alone to the resort that appeared in the financial report of the Xiwu group. However, he found that the actual situation here was not consistent with the description of the Xiwu group. In front of him, there were almost no tourists in the ski resort, and even no resort villas. Except for a few wooden houses on the top of the mountain, there were no buildings at all, There's not even a ski lift here. It is clear that the group lied to its shareholders about its ski resort project in Switzerland.

Although this kind of thing can be distinguished at a glance, the investors of Xiwu group are mainly in Japan. How many people will fly to Switzerland to see if the ski resort of Xiwu is consistent with the description in the financial report? Lebedev quickly reported the incident to his superiors, and within a few days instructed him to find a way to poke the incident into the British financial media in the name of Hunshui research company, and then continue to dig into the Xiwu group to see if it has any similar fraud.

Lebedev didn't understand why the KGB was clinging to the financial situation of the Xiwu group, but he was still conscientiously carrying out the orders of his superiors. Lebedev soon published his first report on the group through his British acquaintances in a medium-sized newspaper in London, and sent a similar report to the Japanese media. Lebedev felt that his report could not even be lifted. The total assets of Xiwu group were so huge that this small ski resort project in Switzerland could not even compare with a drop in the bucket. So after sending out the report, Lebedev took his staff to continue to review other projects of the group.

This financial analysis report was soon published in the UK. Just as Lebedev estimated, he did not make any waves. It seems that no one cares about this matter at all. In Japan, the report was regarded as a fake news attack on Xiwu group by Yomiuri Shimbun, and was directly put into the waste paper pile by the newspaper editor. Almost no Japanese would believe that today's business leaders, the most successful businessmen in Japan for thousands of years, would make financial fraud.

The shares of Xiwu group reached a new high on the Tokyo Stock Exchange before the close on Friday. It seems that everything can confirm that this report is just a false accusation, while the Swiss enterprise called Hunshui research company has no value at all.

However, when the Tokyo stock exchange closed on Monday afternoon, Lebedev's research report, which was thrown into the waste paper pile, was picked out from the waste paper pile by the editor of Yomiuri Shimbun and published on the front page of the next day, and then was wildly reprinted by the major Japanese media. For a while, almost all Japanese stock investors knew the name of muddy water.