Chapter 675

"Severely punish the murderer of the explosion!"

"Give me the truth, give me my countrymen back!"

"The Soviets can't cover up criminals!"

"Georgia belongs to the Georgians!"


Just as scheduled, gamsakhurdia's speech has just ended, and Georgians are still immersed in his proposition that "Georgia belongs to Georgians!" In my imagination. In less than 10 minutes, Tbilisi central railway station was crowded, and a serious explosion occurred in the waiting hall.

The bomb was placed in a huge trunk. After the explosion, more than 20 Georgians were killed and nearly 100 injured. After the explosion, people found a condemnation letter signed by the Abkhaz truth society in the annex of the suitcase, denouncing the Georgian plundering of Abkhaz territory and persecution of the Abkhaz nation.

The incident fueled the anger of the Georgians, who soon gathered in the central square of Tbilisi to express their dissatisfaction with the central government of Georgia. With more and more people, the situation is getting out of hand. Paji ashvili was afraid of the serious consequences, so he mobilized a large number of police to the square in front of the central government of Georgia to maintain order. He also left home and rushed to the scene at the first time, shouting to the gathered Georgians to calm down and wait patiently for the government's investigation.

Unfortunately, Paji ashvili has little prestige in Georgia. The people here regard him as the air and ignore him. The opposition on the scene didn't care to talk to pakishviri at all. They chanted slogans such as "fight to the Russian Empire", "Georgia independence" and so on. He asked for direct dialogue with Shevardnadze and Gorbachev.

Shortly after the incident, the news reached Xie liaosha, who learned about it from the Communist Youth League Pravda. Xie liaosha suggested that journalists of the Communist Youth League Pravda should not listen to the rumors of the opposition in Georgia, stand firm and truly expose the conspiracy of the opposition. Xie liaosha asked the Communist Youth League Pravda to focus its report on the foreign passport of Gamsa hurdia. Behind this incident is the plot of Western forces to destroy the Soviet Union. Now seliosha is extremely regretful. He regrets that his negligence made Gamsa hurdia seize the opportunity. However, the opportunity will not come again. The card of truth society of Abkhazia can not be used. Now the Soviet government and the opposition of Georgia are staring at him. Only the army has a chance to quell the riot.

After the call with the Communist Youth League Pravda, Xie liaosha rushed to Yakovlev's home by car. When he got there, Yakovlev was discussing with the editor in chief of Pravda about the coverage of Georgia. The arrival of Xie liaosha makes Yakovlev have to put down his work and deal with Xie liaosha's side first.

"Secretary Yakovlev, I have just heard some news from comrades in the Communist Youth League Pravda that the Americans have intervened in the issue of Abkhazia with the help of the opposition forces in Georgia. Our reporter heard that Gamsa hurtiah is a traitor because he holds a passport from many western countries Xie liaosha asked anxiously.

"Yes, Xie liaosha, we already know what you said! We are going to let Comrade Shevardnadze go to Tbilisi again to have a dialogue with the opposition... "

"When is the time to negotiate? You know we have enough evidence to prove that Gamsa hurdia is a spy and a traitor. We can't reconcile our differences with him..." Xie liaosha said excitedly.

"Xie liaosha, this is a matter of the central government. You have your own work. Just take care of your own affairs!" Yakovlev said with an uncomfortable face.

"Secretary Yakovlev, I came to you just to do my own work well. The situation in Georgia has seriously affected the confidence of foreign investors in Leningrad special economic zone. If the central government can't solve this problem quickly, our investors will begin to withdraw their capital soon..." retorted Xie liaosha.

"What do you want?" When Yakovlev heard about the Leningrad Special Economic Zone, he finally paid attention to it. Leningrad special economic zone is now the last cover for Gorbachev's economic reform. If even this signboard is destroyed, Gorbachev's economic reform will be a complete failure.

"I suggest the central government quickly mobilize elite forces to enter Georgia, quell the crisis there and clear up the traitors!" Xie liaosha said firmly.

"Isn't that good?" Yakovlev hesitated again.

"Secretary, there's nothing bad about it. Only stability can keep us together. Even Thatcher's government will send police to deal with the striking workers. The earlier this thing is done, the less harm it will cause. Once it continues to wait, the consequences may be more serious. We should learn a lesson from this incident. Gamsahurdia is very good at inciting the masses and creating ethnic contradictions. He is not removed for a day, and Georgia is restless for a day. " Xie liaosha said with gnashing teeth.

Yakovlev and shariosha discussed for most of the day. He did not dare to bear the responsibility for the failure of the Leningrad Special Economic Zone, so he took shariosha to the Kremlin to meet Gorbachev. Gorbachev was as hesitant as Yakovlev. I never dare to make up my mind. In the end, I had to let my secretary call all the members of the Politburo to make a decision together. And seryosha is waiting for the final result in Gorbachev's office.

The temporary meeting was very efficient because there was only one topic. Because of the red square plane incident and the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, the Ministry of defense has no place in the Politburo. So now the politburo is full of civil servants who decide whether to send troops to quell the insurgency in Georgia. After a round of voting, the majority were in favor of sending troops. Yakovlev abstained directly, Shevardnadze voted against it, while ligachov, rezhkov and others voted for it. Gorbachev finally raised his hand in favor of sending troops to Georgia after seeing the results. The order for military action to deal with the insurgency in Georgia was rushed to the Soviet Ministry of defense after the meeting.


In Tula, south of Moscow, lebed, who had just put his children to sleep, was leaning against a rocking chair and smoking his pipe when the red telephone on his desk rang.

"Comrade lebede, we have just received an order from the Central Committee. Order the Tula airborne division to leave immediately and rush to Tbilisi to deal with the rebellion! "

"Yes Lebede replied.