Chapter 666

The Leningrad special economic zone plan is like a spring breeze, blowing all over the three British islands and the European continent. With the arrival of this explosive news, all governments hope to take advantage of this opportunity to promote their own economic development. First, seryosa became a guest of honor to the British Prime Minister. Then, French President Francois Mitterrand asked the French ambassador to Britain to convey an invitation for an interview to seryosa. Germany followed suit. The three most important countries on the European continent were excited by the Soviet Union's economic reform.

The fundamental reason for this is that we are all in the same situation. The problems faced by the Soviet Union are exactly the problems brought about by the long-term ruling of labor parties after World War II. After the Second World War, the world's wealthiest continent was bombed into ruins. The economy has collapsed completely. We can only rely on the assistance of the United States to maintain the operation of the government. In this case, the labor party, which represents the interests of the middle and lower class people, has lost power in all countries and began to implement economic policies in the direction of Fabian socialism, The so-called Fabian socialism is the gradual establishment of socialist systems in various countries. This is the core idea of the British Labor Party, which is also recognized by the majority of labor parties in the European continent. He and Leninism belong to different socialist schools. Fabian was the general who defeated Hannibal, the God of war of Carthage, in the war between Rome and Carthage. His military strategy was to slowly wait for the time to attack. This idea also coincides with the idea that the British Labor Party advocates the gradual establishment of a socialist system through parliamentary struggle. Socialism is not heresy in Europe and even in the world. There are many left-wing political parties in capitalist countries all over the world who uphold the ideas of different schools of socialism. In the world, there is a unified organization called socialist international, whose predecessor is the third international founded before the first World War. There are political parties all over the world.

Leninism in the Soviet Union is also a kind of socialism, but what he inherited is Marx's scientific socialism, Lenin's thought of violent revolution, and Fabianism advocated by the labor party. Although the purpose is the same, it is quite different in the way of realization. However, since socialism still has something in common, that is, the establishment of state-owned enterprises and the establishment of an economic system controlled by the state. After the Second World War, a large number of British public utility companies were nationalized rapidly, so were Germany and France, while the Soviet Union continued Stalin's planned economy and was also a large nationalized enterprise. After the Second World War, the socialist state-owned economy played an important role in the era of serious shortage of supply and commodity shortage in the market. Whether in Stalin's Soviet Union or in Europe, where the Labor Party has been in power for a long time, economic development is very rapid. Because of the shortage of materials, the products produced by factories can sell at a good price regardless of their quality.

However, as the supply of goods in Europe returned to normal, the competition between enterprises began. Consumers are no longer satisfied with the practicality of goods, but pursue higher quality. This makes the industrial system that used to be used to scale efficiency begin to have problems. Whether the Soviet Union or the United States, or these European countries are basically facing the same problems. Some countries gradually occupy the high-end market by improving and enhancing their industrial manufacturing capacity and product competitiveness, among which the most significant are Japan and West Germany. However, some countries rely on the liberalization of the private economy to promote the competitiveness of large enterprises, of which the United Kingdom is a remarkable example.

Now there are only a few ready-made models in front of the Soviet Union, learning from Britain, Japan or China. But in fact, only learning from Britain can work. The Soviet Union is not China, and the manufacturing industry needs no demographic dividend. If the population of the Soviet Union is enough, agricultural production will not be in the current situation. Similarly, it is quite difficult to learn from the high-end manufacturing industry of Japan and Germany. Japan and West Germany are allies of the United States. They can easily acquire advanced technology from the United States, which is a convenient condition that the Soviet Union will never have.

For today's sake, privatization reform is the only way out, but the motive of the reform should not be the demand of the ruling party of the Soviet Union for its subordinates, but the spontaneous reform of the broad masses of the people of the Soviet Union. Now that he understood this truth, Xie liaosha also made it clear what kind of industry should be the core of Leningrad special economic zone. Naturally, most of the people in the Soviet Union can participate.

Although Xie liaosha came to Europe to raise money in order to fill his own pocket, if the development of Leningrad special economic zone was in big trouble at the beginning, then the follow-up financing plan is likely to fail. Therefore, in order to cheat as much money as possible, Xie liaosha didn't know that he had to make a mess of his PPT and really make some achievements.

After thinking about this, Xie liaosha adjusted his strategy a little. The Soviet Union foreign trade bank in London will be responsible for the issuance of the bonds in the UK, but the Soviet Union foreign trade bank still needs the authorization of the UK bond market to proceed smoothly. With the personal care of shagliaosha, the financing of the UK is very smooth. The British government is afraid that the financing plan will choose another market because of the restrictions of the British regulatory authorities, so the British government has the green light all the way and can't wait for the financing to be launched in the British market. The efficiency is far more than Xie liaosha's imagination. Although it is still a long time before the real listing of the Soviet Union's treasury bonds, several powerful market makers have come to the Soviet Union's foreign trade bank to apply for taking over the issuance of the Soviet Union's treasury bonds. After all, 500 billion is not a small amount. No financial institution in the UK can afford this financing independently. So about 40 or 50 financial institutions will join hands to take over this issue. In addition, many French market makers across the Strait can't wait to come to the UK and want a share.

However, the French soon learned from the staff of the Soviet Union's foreign trade party that minister ulyanov would go to France in a few days to continue financing for the Leningrad special economic zone. After learning the news, the French sent the great news back to China overnight, and soon the invitation from the other side of the English Channel snowed to the Soviet embassy in Britain. In order to ensure that seryoxal would not be picked up by other countries in advance, President Mitterrand even sent his special envoy to London to wait for seryoxal to leave for France, However, when President Mitterrand's special envoy came to Britain, he met the ambassador from West Germany here. For a while, he became almost the most popular person in Europe.