Chapter 658

Since galgas was elected president of Colombia, the anti drug situation in Colombia has become more and more serious. Galgas sacked a large number of corrupt police officers and recruited innocent young people from those who had just graduated to join the Colombian police force. A thorough cleaning of the police force was carried out.

After cleaning up the scum of the Colombian police force, gargas began to face up to the active guerrilla armed and drug trafficking organizations in Colombia. In particular, the Medellin group and the Cali group monopolized the drug distribution channels in the United States and Europe respectively. The two drug trafficking organizations have sufficient financial resources and each has formed a military force no less than the Colombian government army. Over the years, every Colombian government has taken various measures to crack down on drug trafficking groups. However, in the vast primeval jungle around Medellin and Cali, there are drug factories of Medellin and Cali. As long as these factories are not found for a day, it is impossible to destroy the Medellin group and the Kali group.

As the last Colombian government was eager to crack down on the anti-government forces, the guerrilla forces and drug trafficking groups in Colombia began to unite. The unity of the enemy made the campaign of the Colombian government more passive. Galgas understood that it was impossible to succeed in this way, so in order to divide the relationship between anti-government guerrillas and drug trafficking groups. Galgas began to send people to secretly contact the armed forces of the "April 19" movement (m-19), who once made the hijacking of the judicial building, hoping to negotiate for m-19 to lay down his arms and become a political party in Colombia in a legal way.

After the special envoy sent by galgas offered favorable conditions, the leadership of m-19 gradually became interested. They also began to gradually alienate themselves from the Medellin group and the Carly group. At the request of the Colombian government, m-19 and the armed factions such as the liberation army of Colombia reached a temporary cease-fire agreement. The Colombian government army promised not to take rash military action against them, but to solve the problem through negotiation. Colombia's six largest guerrilla forces have agreed to this condition one after another. This strategy has brought a glimmer of light to the political situation in Colombia.

After stabilizing the guerrillas, gargas turned his gun to the Medellin group and the Kali group. A bigger counterattack was launched against them. Galgas is not soft on drug dealers. He knew that the prison in Colombia could not hold the drug dealers of Medellin group. The drug dealers who were arrested today could run away the next day. Now the guerrillas are taking a passive attitude. In the final analysis, the guerrillas still have some political pursuits, while the drug dealers are only living for money. In the final analysis, they can't pee in one pot.

Galgas has taken one of the most frightening measures of drug dealers. That is extradition. The key drug traffickers seized by the Colombian government will not be tried by the court at all. They will be sent to the United States by US helicopter for trial. Galgas has done so because there are few judges in Colombia who dare to hear members of the Medellin group and the Cali group. Many judges who have heard similar cases in the past almost come to a bad end, and even their families will be mercilessly retaliated by drug dealers. It is based on this situation that galgas gave up the right of trial and directly handed them over to the Americans.

Under the cruel interrogation of the CIA, the whereabouts of some important leaders of the Medellin group gradually leaked out. Under the guidance of some intelligence from escoval's confidant, Martinez merome of Argentina, and Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha of Mexico, the CIA began to grasp, The Colombian government's gambling sweepers are fully armed in the Medellin area.

Eskovar didn't care at first. As usual, he contacted the guerrillas and sent troops to resist the attack of the government. But this time, eskovar met a big nail. These guerrilla leaders refused to lend a helping hand to the Medellin group at this time. At last, escoval realized that something was wrong.

The government's anti drug forces are advancing very fast, because the U.S. military helicopter sent them directly to Medellin. At this moment, the armed forces of Escobar in Medellin have just assembled.

An unprepared anti drug war started at this time. Government tanks and armored forces quickly entered the streets of downtown Medellin. And blocked Medellin's main thoroughfare. Many of Escobar's armed men and drug dealers live in Medellin. Before they could get to the assembly site, they were blocked at home by the Colombian government forces. Escoval's reaction was so slow that she regretted why she had agreed to let these people live in the city instead of the military camp in the jungle.

Teams of armed Colombian government troops began to knock on the doors of residents' houses in Medellin city with muzzle of guns and search door to door. Once guns and drugs were found, the family would be taken downstairs and transported to the prison in the rear by truck. However, the soldiers of the government army soon found that 90% of the residents here were suspected of drug-related. When they clean up a dilapidated slum, there are few residents left.

Those drug dealers who were blocked at home were soon searched out. Some drug dealers chose to fight with the government forces. They used their weapons at hand, fought and retreated, and ran to the jungle outside the city. There was a lot of gunfire and explosions in the city.

I have to say that the step-by-step method of the government army is really effective. Although the efficiency is very low, but the harvest is great. But on the first day they took thousands of drug dealers. All kinds of weapons, drugs and US dollars collected are even more numerous. Many drug traffickers' money in exchange for their lives has been confiscated by government forces. Medellin's drug dealers have suffered a lot today.

As the martial law and gambling sweeps escalated, Escobar discussed with his friends in the city. Plans to organize a counterattack to break the blockade of the Colombian government forces. So at ten o'clock in the night, Escobar's forces began to attack Medellin. Now desperate to regain control of Medellin, Escobar sent armed helicopters to launch a night strike against the Colombian government.