Chapter 597

"I would like to make a few points about the opening up of the market in the Federal Republic of Germany. In recent years, the international economic situation has been deteriorating. In order to safeguard our European market and interests, we have just established the European community, hoping to tide over the present difficulties with the help of a unified market. However, the biggest vested interest between us is which country. I think you should be very clear. Besides the Federal Republic of Germany, which country has such good means. While persuading us to open our domestic market, we are using all means to protect our domestic enterprises. The products of the Federal Republic of Germany sell well in Europe, crushing our own industry. But when we wanted a fair trading opportunity, the Germans refused. They told us that it was not in line with their domestic laws... "The British representative made a sharp speech at the economic conference of the European community, Every sentence in the discourse alludes to the "Volkswagen Corporation Protection Act" of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Other countries attending the meeting also expressed their opinions, questioning and opposing the "Volkswagen Corporation protection law" of the Federal Republic of Germany. Over the years, the strong German manufacturing industry has been squeezing the market of other countries' products, which makes other countries in Western Europe dissatisfied. Therefore, at today's EC economic conference, we started a group ridicule model for the Federal Republic of Germany. This conference has become a critical meeting of other countries for the Federal Republic of Germany.

There has never been a good thing in this world that you can take advantage of without losing. If you want other countries to open their markets, you have to trade them on attractive terms. Strong German manufacturing must have its own market, and Europe is the ready market. But if the Germans don't even give meat and soup to the rest of the European community, the unified market will collapse because of the credit collapse.

"The issue of the Volkswagen Corporation Protection Act is the internal affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany. I don't think it should be discussed in such an international situation. Moreover, we think that our trade with each other is fair. The goods of all countries here have always enjoyed the most preferential tariff in our country. I don't think there is anything unfair about it." The representative of the Federal Republic of Germany retorted.

"Yes, manufacturing industry is your strong point, but financial service is our strong point. The so-called fairness is not the only way to exert your strong point but to suppress our strong point!" The British representative retorted. Representatives from other countries also responded in groups, expressing their dissatisfaction with Germany by saying and doing one thing at a time.

The representative of Germany was dissatisfied with the attitude of other countries present, so he left the meeting quickly. I came to the office of the delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany outside the conference hall. He then contacted Prime Minister Kohl's secretary by telephone and reported the incident.

"You said that our Volkswagen Corporation Protection Act was jointly opposed by other countries in the European Community?" Asked Prime Minister Kohl.

"It's not just the VW corporate Protection Act, but also the recent Porsche incident. These British bankers are very dissatisfied with our domestic enterprises' joint run on foreign investors. They have brought this matter to the British Chancellor of the exchequer. Moreover, Bank of Columbia, the largest investor in Porsche, is a Wall Street upstart registered in the United States. I think the US sanctions against us are mostly related to the Porsche incident... "The representative of the Federal Republic of Germany reported to the premier.

"Do you think it is possible for us to reconcile with these countries《 It's not so easy to repeal the Volkswagen Corporation Protection Act. You should know how much influence Volkswagen has in China. The shareholders of the board of directors pick out any one who is a leading figure in the German automobile industry. They think it's beautiful. We should not only earn a lot of foreign exchange, but also do not want foreign investors to participate. There is no such good thing in the world. Forget it. I don't care about the public affairs. Only when they know the pain will they respect the interests of their counterparts in other European countries. However, we have to say at this EC meeting that I will solve the problem of Porsche as soon as possible! " As a politician, Prime Minister Kohl is very aware that only by selling part of the benefits can the whole Europe be united, and a unified European market will be a new foundation for the economic development of the Federal Republic of Germany. Germany is not a normal country now, half of its territory is still in the hands of the Soviet Union. If it can not become the most influential leading country among European countries, the Federal Republic of Germany will not be able to recover its territory and complete the reunification of Germany with the help of other European countries. Looking at the whole European continent, the only countries that can compete with Germany economically are Britain, France and Italy. Britain's domestic economy is still in trouble, while France and Italy are facing the same problems. If Germany can help these countries out of the current predicament with its own strength, it will greatly strengthen the voice of the Federal Republic of Germany in European affairs. Even in the face of a strong us in the future, a united Europe can refuse the unreasonable demands of the US. Therefore, European integration is too important for the Federal Republic of Germany, and compared with it, the Volkswagen Corporation Protection Act is nothing.

Cole, who has seen through the latest trade disputes, is no longer on the conservative side of the country. However, in view of the strong influence of domestic conservatism, Cole did not intend to take the initiative to promote this matter, but let the government choose to stay out of these trade conflicts. He believes that the market will make these self righteous German entrepreneurs bow.

A few days later, the EC economic conference was finally over. This meeting has almost become a criticism meeting for the member states to collectively denounce the conservatism of the German market. Under the heavy pressure, the representative of the Federal Republic of Germany promised not to adopt restrictive policies against foreign investors in the acquisition of Porsche. However, the German side did not give the transferor a satisfactory answer to the question of the Volkswagen Company protection law. After all, Porsche is a luxury sports car brand, and the influence of Volkswagen national car is not the same.

But things have finally turned for the better. The German court soon ruled that Piech and his allies had violated the law in intervening in the acquisition of Porsche. Wolfgang can finally breathe a sigh of relief. With Karim's full support, Wolfgang quickly submitted a new proposal to the board of directors with the help of voting power, that is, to issue new shares to introduce foreign strategic investors and further dilute Piech's shares and voting rights. Due to the loss of control, Piech could not oppose Wolfgang's proposal. He could only watch the British consortium enter the board of directors of Porsche and become a new major shareholder.