Chapter 595

The German side soon sent its diplomats stationed in London to the London Office of the Soviet foreign trade bank and paid a visit to the former Secretary of seryosa nasja. Meanwhile, Dennis, the husband of Prime Minister Thatcher, personally handed over a letter of trust to seryosa. Nasja told seryosha about it that night. After understanding the situation, seryosha asked nasja to return to Moscow with the letter.

Nasjia has been working in London for almost a year. In this year, in addition to the work that Xie liaosha has given him, nasjia also took a degree in finance from the London School of economics and political science. On the whole, nasjia is familiar with some business in the bank. In fact, as a manager, the most important thing is not to have superb financial skills or rich financial knowledge. The most important thing is to have the ability to bear pressure and continue to learn. Because for financial institutions, superior treatment and generous salary will always attract the best minds to join in. If you don't understand some problems, just ask your subordinates to write a detailed report for you.

After nasja returned to Moscow, seryosha had a long talk with her. Things in the UK have basically come to an end, and nasga's degree is a one-year master's degree in the UK, which will be almost over in another month. Xie liaosha asked nasjia what her personal plan was, whether to stay abroad or return to work in Moscow. Nasjia did not express her personal opinion. She said that she fully listened to Xie liaosha's arrangement.

"Nasja, I can't intervene in the German boy's affairs for the time being. This makes Gorbachev distrust the Ministry of defense. I feel that the Ministry of defense may make a big move, so I plan to wait until the situation calms down a little bit before getting involved. You should tell the German side for me first, and tell them that I have agreed to do so, but let them not worry and continue to communicate with the Soviet Union's foreign affairs department! " After discussing business with nasjia, Xie liaosha and nasjia have dinner together. Now Xie liaosha doesn't regard nasjia as her subordinate any more. She helps Xie liaosha deal with many important things and is loyal all the time. Now Xie liaosha regards her as a trustworthy person.

Nasja stayed in Moscow for about a week when he left for London. As expected, things developed as Xie liaosha expected. Sergei Sokolov, the defense minister, was removed from his post because he "committed serious mistakes in commanding the army". Dimitri yasov, the new defense minister, was originally the deputy minister in charge of personnel arrangement of the defense ministry, ranking last among all the deputy ministers, but he was promoted to the position of minister by leaping over several top deputy ministers, This is a great humiliation to the officials of the military system. This is because Gorbachev's move is obviously a punishment to the Ministry of defense. In addition, the new defense minister he arranged can not convince the public, which has also aroused the dissatisfaction of many veteran generals to a certain extent.

This matter involves not only the post of secretary of defense, but also a series of personnel adjustments. However, to his delight, lebed was promoted to be the commander of Tula airborne division. However, the crafty grachov took advantage of this opportunity to become a major general, and formally entered the ranks of the high-level military. Of course, these are the afterwords.

He felt that the matter was almost over, so he went to see this Matias lute through his KGB acquaintances. Then he found an opportunity to contact Yakovlev and discuss the matter with Yakovlev.

"Is the general secretary going to deal with this boy like this?" Xie liaosha asked Yakovlev straightforwardly that since ligachev reorganized the Ministry, there has been a gap in the intimate relationship between the two people, and there has been no such exchange for a long time.

"I don't know. The Federal Republic of Germany is now demanding the release of this guy every day, and it has also united with other western countries. The general secretary has a headache now. If we let him go, it would be a disgrace to the Soviet Union. But if we don't let him go, the Federal Republic of Germany is our rare economic partner. The relationship is too stiff, but the gain is not worth the loss! " Yakovlev shook his head and sighed.

"Secretary Yakovlev, have you ever considered that this boy is still a minor, our Soviet law has always been lenient to minors, and we still owe a large amount of foreign debt to the Federal Republic of Germany? This foreign debt will be due next year. Why don't we take this opportunity to ask the Federal Republic of Germany to reduce or extend our foreign debt? " Seryosha suggested to Yakovlev.

"We haven't thought about this problem, but I'm worried that this kid will talk nonsense after he is released, which will damage the dignity of the Soviet Union! What's more, we lost too many people this time. We can't account for it if we don't punish this guy! " Yakovlev is still worried.

"Secretary Yakovlev, we can't deal with this matter with emotion. Do you know that the whole world is watching us? We have made a big joke. We can't hurt the image of our country again on this matter! Why can't we try this young man normally according to the laws of the Soviet Union? We can also invite foreign media to participate in the live broadcast of the trial, which at least proves that we are legal and that our legal system is sound... "Xie liaosha persuades.

"Live, what if this kid talks nonsense in court?" Yakovlev asked.

"Isn't that plane still in our hands? Let the air force think of a way to take a few pictures, such as let our fighters follow this plane or something! As long as we can prove that we have found this plane long ago, we didn't find him, we just didn't take action because we didn't want to hurt him! Even if the boy denies, it can only show that he is deliberately raising himself. " Xie liaosha gives an example.

"Is it easy to deal with debt?" Yakovlev didn't agree directly, instead, he turned to the debt issue just mentioned by Xie liaosha.

"This is an opportunity that we have to cooperate with each other properly. Then the debt of the Federal Republic of Germany will have to be postponed anyway. Moreover, I'm still considering whether German enterprises can invest in our country and use foreign capital to help us develop our industry and economy." Xie liaosha asked Yakovlev.

"That's a good idea, but how do you want to cooperate?" Yakovlev asked.

"I've heard that Golgi's efficiency is not good in recent years. I want to cooperate with German automobile enterprises to establish a joint venture automobile factory, just like our neighbor China..." Xie liaosha replied.