Chapter 587

Yuri soon fulfilled his promise. With the support of the Gorky brothers, the food supply to Poland began to increase. And Walesa is full of confidence in this operation. Walesa soon made a request to the Polish authorities through some media supporting solidarity in Poland. That is to make the solidarity Federation of trade unions a legitimate organization in Poland, and release the leaders and members of the solidarity Federation of trade unions arrested by the Polish secret police.

When the two news were released by the media, the Polish authorities immediately seized the media. And refused to have a dialogue with the United Federation of trade unions. This provides a reasonable excuse for Walesa's strike. So in Gdansk, the home of solidarity, Vanessa was the first to make trouble.

The strike started at the Gdansk shipyard where Vanessa had worked. On a weekday morning, the gate of Gdansk shipyard was pasted with a strike call with the seal of Solidarity Union. Then the managers of the factory found that most of the workers here refused to come to the factory.

The strike spread from one factory to another like a plague. In less than a week, a third of Gdansk's factories have come to a standstill. What's more, some school teachers also spontaneously joined the anti-government activities.

The workers made three demands to the government through the media. First, the arrested members of Solidarity Union were released. Second, let the Solidarity Union become a legal social group. Third, we should improve the current situation of shortage of domestic materials and high prices.

After the Polish government learned about the situation in Gdansk, it once again felt that it was in a mess. You know, since 1983, the Polish government, with the support of the Soviet Union, has carried out national martial law. There was a firefight between solidarity and Polish government forces. It took a whole year before solidarity was suppressed by force. I didn't expect that in a few years, the Solidarity Union would make a comeback.

The first Secretary of the Central Committee of the United workers' Party of Poland and the actual leader of Poland, voichech Jaruzelski, felt that the problem was very difficult at this time. Although yaruzelski was born in the army, he was the only general in the Polish army. But his political stance is more moderate. When the United Federation of trade unions started wave after wave of strikes and demonstrations across the country, although yaruzelski was the executor of military repression and national martial law, he was not willing to do so from the bottom of his heart.

At that time, the Soviet Union constantly exerted pressure on the Polish government. If Jaruzelski did not impose martial law on Poland and suppressed the solidarity Federation of trade unions, the strike of the solidarity Federation of trade unions might turn into a second Prague spring, and the final result would be that the Soviet Red Army took over Poland directly. This is what the independent Jaruzelski of Poland does not want to see.

In order to stop the strike spreading, yaruzelski sent his confidants to contact Solidarity Union secretly. At the same time, he hinted that the all Polish workers' Association, which obeyed the government, launched a boycott action.

The only reason why yaruzelski did so was that he worried that the Soviet Union had an excuse to intervene in Poland's internal affairs. From the perspective of the Polish government, Solidarity trade union is dangerous, but it is polish. If Poland is taken over by the Soviet Union, yaruzelski will become Poland's criminal.

Yaruzelski sent people he trusted to Gdansk to meet with solidarity workers, hoping to nip the strike in the bud. Walesa did not turn away yaruzelski's special envoy. In fact, Walesa is also a moderate within the Solidarity Union. He hopes to achieve his political goals through non violent and non cooperative means, rather than resorting to force.

"Secretary yaruzelski asked me to negotiate with you, but I hope you don't disclose this matter to the outside world until there is a conclusion on this matter!" As soon as Jaruzelski's special envoy came up, he reminded Vanessa of solidarity.

"Yes, but are you going to agree to our terms this time?" Asked Vanessa directly.

"Secretary Jaruzelski is willing to make concessions on the issue of releasing the arrested members of the solidarity Association! But the legalization of solidarity and the supply of goods! With all due respect, these two issues can not be solved overnight. They need a collective vote by the unified workers' Party of Poland. This kind of thing is often so complicated that Secretary Jaruzelski can't decide it alone. " It is inconvenient for the special envoy of yaruzelski to tell more about the inside story, which also involves the Soviet Union and the millions of troops on the border between the Soviet Union and Poland. In case the solidarity union becomes big and the Soviets lose patience and plan to send troops to solve the problem, Poland will inevitably fall into a worse situation.

"Mr. special envoy, solidarity union is the just voice of Polish workers. If you do not give Solidarity Union legal status, you are fighting against the majority of Polish workers!" Vawensa said impolitely.

The negotiation lasted for a whole day, and Walesa did not know the difficult situation of Jaruzelski. Although Jaruzelski seemed superior, he was only able to deal with the issue of solidarity carefully, neither giving the Soviets a word of mouth, nor making it too noisy. The special envoy felt that the differences between the two sides were too big to continue the talks. However, Walesa showed her goodwill and agreed that the Solidarity Union would let some factories resume production after the government released those arrested by the Solidarity Union. This guarantee made the special envoy of yaruzelski feel relieved and can go back to his life.

Secretary yaruzelski was anxiously waiting for the news from his staff in Warsaw, but at this time, a phone call let yaruzelski's heart rise to his throat. Aristov, the Soviet ambassador to Poland, soon called Jaruzelski to inquire about the strike of Gdansk workers. He asked in a worried tone: "dear comrade voichech, is the wave of opposition to the Soviet Union back in Poland? Kulikov and I are deeply worried about the situation in Poland

"Dear comrade aristov, please believe us that the situation is under control. We, the unified workers' Party of Poland, have the ability to handle our own affairs well. Please give us a little more time... "Yaruzelski said in a gentle voice, suppressing his anger.