Chapter 579

The official reason for seliosha's visit to the Czech Republic is to investigate the automobile industry here. Skoda, a famous automobile manufacturer, is located in the small town of mdala near Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. Perhaps because of living in Golgi automobile factory for a long time, Xie liaosha has always been fond of automobile industry. In fact, in terms of industrial level, the overall quality of Soviet automobile products is still good, and the biggest advantage of Soviet automobile is its firmness and endurance. Two thousand years later, on the border between China and Mongolia, there are still old-fashioned gas cars to transport goods between the two countries. Therefore, he did not think that the Soviet automobile industry had reached an incurable stage.

However, no matter Gorky, Volga, or Moscow's likhachov, they are still in the hands of the state. According to Gorbachev's reform ideas, these three automobile companies will get more independent management rights in the future. However, when the state's planned economy committee gives the production plan, These factories still have to do their best to meet the needs of the country.

This means that the state-owned enterprises in the Soviet Union will not only stand the test of market economy, but also bear the burden of planned economy. This is a typical dual track system. In this case, although the factory managers have gained a certain degree of production autonomy, they also bear a great burden, because they need to raise their own funds and technology for production. It's typical to think that the horse can run fast, but also think that the horse doesn't eat grass.

Xie liaosha bets that few state-owned enterprises can play well under the dual track system. However, it is still a very good opportunity, a good opportunity for seryosha to inherit the legacy of the Soviet auto industry.

The private economy in the Soviet Union has opened a gap. Which youth science, technology and culture center set up by Xie liaosha in the Communist Youth League will be the biggest beneficiary of this policy. However, for Xie liaosha, he has no energy to pay attention to these small businesses. He's thinking about bigger issues. That is to find a suitable overseas automobile industry group, control it through Blackstone, and then in turn acquire these automobile companies in Eastern Europe, such as Skoda and Gorky. His target is Volkswagen, a famous automobile group in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Originally, during the new year's holiday, Xie liaosha didn't want to be busy with his work. However, Czech officials attached too much importance to him as a minister on holiday, so Xie liaosha had to be busy with social activities. However, Xie liaosha put off all evening activities and concentrated on staying with his family.

As early as a few years ago, thanks to Andropov's anti-corruption and other changes in the domestic environment, he sent all his beloved people to Switzerland. Because he is not sure whether he will be involved or not, this is a kind of self-protection measure that he has no choice but to do. This is also the reason why Xie liaosha has never married. He hoped that everything would be on the right track after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

During his stay in Czech Republic, he learned about the changes of domestic situation through Yulia. This new year's holiday, ligachev was not happy at all, while Gennady Yanayev, the top leader of the national trade union system, became the fire captain and flew to Donetsk, Gorky and other places to quell the workers' protests there.

Because of the principle of openness, Gorbachev tied his hands and feet and could not prohibit Yeltsin from expressing his views. In fact, Yeltsin was most afraid of the KGB and the internal affairs bureau of the Soviet Union. In order to prevent these two departments from jointly suppressing the petitions and protests of Moscow citizens, Yeltsin used his right to start a large-scale abolition of the KGB in Moscow and the establishment of the Ministry of the interior.

The development of the matter is completely beyond Xie liaosha's expectation, and now her MOFTEC is safe for the time being. As long as no one knows that Xie liaosha is behind all this, ligachov will not push Xie liaosha to the opposite side for the time being.

Just when seryosa thought the holiday would be calm, an unexpected visitor made Yuri and Ivankov busy again.

The guest of the visit is none other than Poland's opposition leader Vanessa. Now Yuri and Ivankov have regained their status of freedom, and the US side has lifted their wanted. The main reason is that they are regarded as backbone members of the Vatican and polish opposition.

Poland's opposition is far less important to the Gorky brotherhood than the Italian Mafia and the Medellin group, but seliosha knows that they are the most promising. It should be just two years before the Communist regimes in Eastern Europe will fall one by one like dominoes. Among them, Poland's Communist regime was the first to fall.

"Dear Yuri, my comrade! I'm sorry to disturb you during the new year, but I've read some good news in the newspaper recently. I think maybe we'll have a chance to unite the trade union. " Said Vanessa, looking forward and embarrassed.

"Chairman Walesa, please let me know if you have anything to do. You are welcome between us." As soon as Yuri saw Walesa's expression, he guessed that most likely he came to borrow money. Despite its reputation, solidarity has been fighting against the Polish government for eight years since 1979. In the past eight years, solidarity has been losing momentum day by day. Under the joint suppression of Poland and the Soviet Union, the organization has reached the stage of survival. At the beginning, the Americans and Western European countries who fantasized that solidarity could make Poland change are no longer supporting them, because they are not optimistic about the future development of solidarity, Now, apart from the Pope of the Vatican, the only thing that can help solidarity is the Gorky brotherhood in seryosa. But the Gorky brothers are only using solidarity. I never thought of working with them against the Soviet government.

"Yuri, I learned from the newspaper that there was a strike in Donetsk of the Soviet Union. I think this is an opportunity. So I want to get some help from you to help us to have another nationwide strike. We want to force the Polish government to accept our position. " Vanessa pleaded, looking at his scalp. He felt that he was just a beggar now. Although she has won the Nobel Peace Prize, her background as a water and electricity worker makes her unpopular in the western political circles. However, a strike means that a large number of workers have no income. Without the support of the gold owners, it is a dream for a fool to plan a national strike in Poland.