Chapter 576

In Bogota, the capital of Colombia, Rubik and Chebyshev with forged French passports walked out of the airport. They took out a satellite phone to contact the people of Medellin group in a place with few people. Soon, a Toyota SUV picked up two people.

Rubik and Chebyshev came to Colombia to do a big thing on Nikolay's order, because Chebyshev was the first time to carry out such an important task, so up to now, Rubik has not told him what the specific task is.

Rubik never thought that one day he would be sent to a strange country to assassinate their president. So this time, Rubik was under a lot of pressure.

For seryosa, Colombia's drug trafficking group is his most important customer. Meanwhile, the local left-wing guerrilla forces and drug trafficking forces are the major customers of walianjing's arms export group. In addition, Colombia is also the most important sales market of Soviet cars in Latin America. If such a market is handed over to a leader who is extremely pro american, That could lead to a series of problems. And now seryosha is facing difficulties from ligachov at home. If he can't stabilize the overseas automobile sales market and arms market, it will be very unfavorable for stabilizing the domestic situation.

In fact, seliosha did not tell Rubik that this assassination does not have to be successful, because for seliosha, the more turbulent the situation in Columbia is, the more dependent a Medellin group and the guerrillas are on the arms and money laundering channels of the Gorky brotherhood. This is what seliosha most expects.

The Toyota SUV carrying Rubik and Chebyshev took them to a hotel in the center of the city. The building looks quite historic on the outside, but it's still very luxurious inside. Several people entered the room, we sat down, familiar with each other, and then slowly into the subject.

"Monsieur Escobar has asked us to treat two distinguished guests well and satisfy all your needs. I don't know what we can do for you!" The other side asked in unskilled English.

"We didn't carry familiar weapons because we were on a civil aircraft this time. I like SVD dragonov. The best bullets are dum bombs. In addition, you have to help us monitor the whereabouts of the target people. The effective target of SVD dragonov is 1000 meters, and my ideal distance is 800 meters!" Rubik patiently and meticulously raised his request, the other side listened carefully, and then kept it in mind silently.

"Vargas often gives speeches in public. I don't think it's difficult to find a chance to start. The key is that we can get out as soon as possible after we succeed, and how to remedy after we fail. According to the information provided by our paid insiders, this time the Americans are determined to help him to the presidency. It is said that his bodyguards are retired American secret service personnel... "After listening to Lubic's request, the other party also began to provide some existing information to Lubic for reference. Lubic heard that American secret service personnel were involved in it, I couldn't help frowning.

Rubik was a Sniper School Instructor in Hungary, and he knew how difficult it would be if there were professionals around the target. Not to mention that these experienced guys will do everything they can to protect the target mission firmly. When necessary, these people can even block bullets for the client. So in this case, Rubik's plan on the plane may not be appropriate.

"If that's the case, I may need a few helpers. You need to arrange it for me." Rubik revised his plan in his mind, and soon a more stable plan gradually took shape in Rubik's mind.

After the two sides agreed on the initial cooperation, the people of the Medellin group left. At the moment, Chebyshev, who came to Colombia as Lubic's younger brother, was extremely anxious. Along the way, he was looking for opportunities to contact his superior, baranikov, because baranikov told him that if he was forced to participate in serious criminal activities in undercover operations, he must contact him, otherwise, he would not get immunity from the KGB.

"Brother Lubic, can I go to the bar downstairs? It's my first time to come to such a far place. I heard that the women here are very beautiful. I want to see them. " Chebyshev asked Rubik, who was in the bath, as he packed the two men's luggage.

"Aren't you tired after such a long flight?" Rubick asked.

"Brother Lubic, I just want to see it!" Chebyshev explained quickly.

"Well, you go! Don't go too far. The public security is not very good here! " Rubick warned.

Chebyshev got Rubik's permission and left the room happily. After he closed the door, he ran to the elevator. At this moment, time is precious for Chebyshev. He wants to contact baranikov as soon as possible and tell him his new task.

After arriving at the bar, Chebyshev first picked up a waiting maid, and then arranged by the maid to go to a guest room in the hotel. While the maid went to take a bath, Chebyshev took out a satellite phone and began to contact his superior, baranikov.

The phone was soon connected. Baranikov asked anxiously, "Chebyshev, where are you now? Why haven't you contacted me for such a long time?"

"Boss, I've been sent to Colombia now. It seems that I want to kill some important people. I want to report to you that I can't find a chance to talk to you all this time!" Chebyshev said anxiously.

"Who do you want to kill? Do you know anything specific?" Baranikov asked quickly.

"I don't know. We've just met a few Colombians, and we don't know what to do next!" Chebyshev was on the phone, peeping at the bathroom, and his ears were constantly watching the sound of the running water in the bathroom.

"Chebyshev, try your best to get out of the trouble and don't take part in their actions too much. Even if you have to take part in criminal actions at a critical moment, you must not kill people, especially foreigners!" As baranikov exhorted him on the phone, he racked his brains to search inside the KGB for who was in charge of things on the other side of the Americas. This Nikolay was insane.