Chapter 559

Midtown Manhattan is the most expensive business district in New York City. Many world-famous financial companies are hidden in the numerous office buildings. But it's not all about big companies. Many small companies with unique skills can have a world here.

In an office building in Rockefeller Center, there is a newly established small company that has set up its office here. The company was founded last year with a registered capital of only US $400000 and only four employers and employees. Now a year has passed, and the total number of employees in the company has doubled to ten. Why does a company with only 10 members dare to set its office address on Wall Street? The founder of the company is not a layman.

The company's two founders are from one of the five largest investment banks, Lehman Brothers. The company's name is Blackstone, which comes from the Greek meaning of the founder Peterson's name, stone, and the German meaning of the founder Schwarzman's name, black. Peterson and Schwarzman are not the nobody on Wall Street. Before he joined Lehman Brothers, Peterson served as assistant to Nixon Administration for international economic affairs, Secretary of Commerce, chairman of the National Productivity Council, and chairman of the US Soviet Business Council. Peterson is also a partner of Lehman Brothers. As for Schwarzman, he was Peterson's Apprentice when he was at Lehman Brothers. When he was at Lehman Brothers, Schwarzman, with Peterson's appreciation and support, became a partner of Lehman Brothers at the age of 31, which is a miracle of Wall Street.

Peterson and Schwarzman had a very happy cooperation at Lehman Brothers. One of them had extensive contacts in the political and business circles, and the other was very proficient in equity investment. So after Lehman Brothers proved their ability and won a good reputation in the industry, they left Lehman Brothers and set up their own house. They set up this small investment consulting company with us $400000 and their respective assistants. Their main business is to help commercial companies provide professional investment advice. But so far, the company's development is not smooth, is still in the process of groping for business.

During this time, the business war between Yota communications and at & T excited the whole wall street. Together with the two partners of Blackstone company also began to pay attention to the fierce business war. From the beginning, the two companies were evenly matched, until KKR turned the whole situation around. This series of dazzling commercial confrontation made the very calm telecom industry hot. However, after KKR announced the sale of shares to at & T, analysts and bankers on Wall Street generally believed that Yota communications was doomed. At & T now has 27.95% of Motorola's outstanding shares, which is only one step away from a comprehensive tender offer. As Yota is a private company, its finance is not public. However, analysts generally believe that Yota's listing and financing, and the introduction of new strategic investors are the only way out at present. If Yota communications goes public for financing, at & T, which stands behind Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, will never miss this opportunity to eat unicorn in the field of mobile communications. Although EVA may lose control of the company, she will still make a lot of money. No one will be a real loser in this business battle.

To everyone's surprise, EVA, the head of Yota communications, didn't choose the clear path given by analysts. On the contrary, I went everywhere to visit those powerful investment companies, hoping to find new allies without selling shares. All analysts believe that EVA's stubbornness will completely destroy Yota communications, a blue chip stock. But EVA's stubbornness made the two partners of Blackstone compassionate.

Peterson and Schwarzman's Blackstone company don't have much business now, so they take the case of Yota communication as their research object to pass the time and train their inexperienced employees. Schwarzman found all the information about Yota communications since its inception, and studied the stubborn company with Peterson. Through detailed analysis of the company's finance, technology and market prospects, Peterson and Schwarzman soon found the value of Yota communication.

It's not so much at & T that Yota communications can't do without it that at & T can't do without Yota communications. Yota communication is really a leader in the mobile communication market. Its first generation mobile communication technology has swept the whole United States, while the second generation mobile communication technology has been successfully implemented in Japan. According to the feedback from the Japanese market, Yota's second-generation mobile technology not only has better call quality, but also can transmit various forms of data. This technology is subversive. With this data transmission technology, operators in the Japanese market can provide users with real-time information such as weather information, text news, and financial information. This is definitely not comparable to at & T's current service.

"Peterson, do you think there's still room for Yota communications to recover?" Schwarzman asked his mentor.

"I don't think it's really irreparable. I just think the female CEO of Yota seems to be trapped in the cage of capital. Sometimes the problem of capital can't be solved only by capital." Peterson said meaningfully.

"Peterson, I don't think we should take the initiative to contact Yota communications. If we can take over the business consulting business of Yota communications and help them get out of trouble, it will be very helpful for the development of Blackstone company. We will be famous on Wall Street!" Schwarzman said excitedly.

"Boy, I know you can see the essence of this. Yota communication can't do without at & T, but at & T can't do without Yota communication. But I wonder why this company doesn't accept the investment from at & T and insists on developing with its own funds. " Asked Peterson.

"I don't know, but I don't think it matters?" Schwarzman was about to continue persuading Peterson when the door of the office was knocked. After getting Peterson's permission, the door of the room was pushed open. Peterson's personal assistant put a document on the table and said, "boss, I've consulted a lawyer. Most of Cisco's patents compete with Yota communications, and Cisco's patent application time is generally later than Yota. The lawyer said that if Yota filed a patent lawsuit, Cisco might not be able to pass the test! "

"Schwarzman, let's see if we can ask that beautiful CEO of Yota to come and have a talk. Now we have what she needs." Peterson said with a smile.