Chapter 547

"There were serious riots in Mogadishu, local residents rushed into the United Nations Security Zone, smashed, looted and burned... Many people were killed in the U.S. congressional investigation team, and Massachusetts Congressman John Colvin was killed in the conflict."

——New York Times, April 2, 1987

"Female journalist Zoe famiga was found in the ruins of the UN storage and transportation center, seriously injured, but her life was not in danger. According to the doctor, Zoe is completely blind in one eye because of everyone, and his foot is likely to be amputated because of serious infection. "

——New York Times, April 3, 1987

"The Congress announced that in view of the current tense situation in Somalia, it has decided to terminate the investigation of the friendship Africa Foundation. And the love Africa Foundation claims that because many employees died in the riot, they will permanently withdraw from food aid projects in Africa. "

——New York Times, April 5, 1987

"The Somali authorities claimed that the time was due to the UN troops shooting unarmed Somalis at the scene, while Zoe famiga, a female journalist who woke up, claimed that the fraternity Africa Foundation pretended to be a UN soldier and deliberately created the riot? The fraternity Africa foundation firmly denies this! "

——New York Times, April 6, 1987

"The New York Times has decided to hire Zoe famiga as deputy editor in chief of the political section of the New York Times."

——New York Times, April 10, 1987

"The fraternity Africa Foundation has decided to terminate its charity business permanently and return all its belongings to the donors!"

——New York Times, April 11, 1987

"When the Pulitzer Prize was announced in 1986, Zoe famiga, a female reporter from the New York Times, and Jimi McConnell, an associated press reporter who died, were among them. In the award presentation, Columbia University claimed that Zoe and Jimi's courage to reveal the truth, as well as their courage not to be afraid of power, inspired all journalists.... "

——New York Times, April 11, 1987

Shagliaosha blocked the investigation of the US Congress with a bloody riot. More than 100 UN, charity and local people were killed and hundreds injured in the riot. Because of this riot, the barre government in Somalia is facing criticism from the international community. The United Nations and other international charities have decided to close the security zone in Mogadishu and move relief centers to ports in Djibouti and Eritrean.

Xie liaosha decided not to use the fraternity Africa Foundation as a platform to continue his food business. He opened another new grain import and export company in Panama, which registered its owner with an anonymous stock account. The grain it imported from the United States would be transported to Japan through the Panama Canal, and then repackaged in Japan and transported to the Far East of the Soviet Union. Although the cost has increased, the profit is still considerable.

Although the cooperation was destroyed by Zoe, she still hopes that the association will continue to be tied to the chariot of the Gorky brotherhood. Because there is another more important thing that Xie liaosha needs the help of the farmers' Association, which is the genetically modified soybean that Xie liaosha has spent a lot of money to develop.

Monsanto's genetically modified soybeans were commercialized prior to corn, and then several vegetable seeds came to market one after another. In order to speed up the research and development of staple foods such as corn, wheat and rice, Xie liaosha allocated a new budget of 2 billion US dollars to Monsanto's molecular biology department.

But the seed market is already a very mature market. It's not easy to have a deep foothold here. Although the genetically modified seed of Mt. seliaosha has incomparable advantages, it is only a brand-new product after all and has to be tested by the market.

There is not enough time left for Xie liaosha, because the patent of glyphosate, a key product of Monsanto's chemical department, will expire in a few years. At that time, the chemical industry giants who intend to join in will certainly squeeze Monsanto's market share, and Xie liaosha's genetically modified seeds just need to be used with glyphosate.

Based on his experience in the Ministry of agriculture in the past, Xie liaosha decided to introduce transgenic cotton from Monsanto and extend it to the five Central Asian countries of the Soviet Union. At the same time, Xie liaosha also placed a large number of glyphosate orders with Monsanto chemical to temporarily maintain the full production of Monsanto's chemical department. Xie hopes to maximize the benefits of genetically modified seeds and glyphosate before the patent for glyphosate expires.

In Japan, Mikhail put forward another new proposal to shariosha, that is, to set up an agricultural insurance company for American farmers to assist in the marketing of Monsanto products. The specific plan is as follows: as long as a farmer chooses Monsanto's genetically modified seeds and the supporting use of Nongda brand glyphosate herbicide, he can buy the insurance products of Columbia agricultural insurance company at a very low price. In the future, in case of yield problems due to some reason, the insurance company can compensate the farmers for their losses.

Xie liaosha felt that Mikhail's proposal was very reasonable, so he authorized Mikhail to operate this matter. Mikhail soon flew back to the United States to deal with the establishment of Columbia insurance company.

Just as he was going to find a chance to visit Switzerland and reunite with his family, he received a call from the Kremlin one late night.

"Minister ulyanov, please go to the Supreme Soviet immediately. The general secretary is going to hold an emergency meeting. All officials above the Deputy ministerial level should be present!" On the other side of the phone, the operator said anxiously.

Although xieliaosha didn't want to say goodbye to his dream at this time, he still had to struggle to get dressed, and then told his driver to get ready for the car and rush to the Supreme Soviet.

When he arrived at the Supreme Soviet, he was stunned by the number of people who attended the meeting. There were hundreds of people, not only officials from Moscow, but also the first secretaries of Ukraine and Belarus. Yeltsin had already arrived here.

"Brother Boris, what's going on?" Xie liaosha went to Yeltsin and asked in a low voice.

"Don't you know that, seryosa? A few days ago, there was a serious nuclear leak in Chernobyl. These damned local officials tried to cover it up and delayed reporting it to the central government for a few days! " Yeltsin said indignantly