Chapter 524

Griffith, the former CEO of Dakota pasta growers, wearing a baseball cap with his name printed on it, delivered his first campaign speech to thousands of supporters. As a senior executive of the most influential grain processing enterprise in North Dakota, Griffith has a good reputation and rich contacts in agricultural areas such as North Dakota. A few years ago, after a consortium from the UK acquired Dakota pasta growers, which he worked for, Griffith gained trust with his performance and continued to serve as a branch of this long-standing food processing company in his new owner.

Seriously speaking, in the past year or two, the food industry in the United States has undergone tremendous changes. Investors from Europe controlled most of the wheat production in Saskatchewan, Canada. Then they extended their tentacles to South Dakota and North Dakota. Griffith didn't know much about his boss. He only knew that his boss was a beautiful and young woman who lived in Switzerland all the year round, In Europe, there are also galleries and art businesses. Now the boss's huge grain business is taken over by Glencore, another company from Switzerland. Not long ago, Griffith was invited to Switzerland to meet Karim, who is already the vice president of Glencore. They talked about the future development of the company for a long time. During this conversation, Karim asked Griffith if he would like to leave the company and join the political circle.

When he first heard this sentence, Griffith thought that he was going to be excluded from the company that had been struggling for many years. Fortunately, after Karim's patient explanation, Griffith finally understood the real purpose of the other party's proposal.

"Griffith, you have a good reputation among the farmers in North and South Dakota, which is the fundamental reason why Dakota pasta growers can maintain a dominant position in these two states. But whether it is from the company or from your personal point of view, it is a pity that such excellent network resources are not used well! Next year is the mid-term election in the United States. I hope you can stand up and join the political circle. Of course, I will help you prepare the election expenses secretly! " Kalim said frankly according to seryosha's instructions.

"But, Karim! I have never had any experience in politics. Besides, what can I bring to the company when I am a businessman and a politician across the border? " Although Griffith is interested in politics, he doesn't want to leave Glencore's big tree. The company's treatment is not generally generous. Griffith's loyalty is largely due to the company's favorable treatment. But in addition, Glencore's excellent marketing ability is also one of the important reasons for Griffith. After Karim was fed up with Dakota pasta growers, the wheat and other agricultural products purchased by their company rarely overstocked, and hardly had any inventory problems. In Griffith's view, this is really an ideal job with more money, less work and closer to home.

"We are very clear about your concerns, Griffith, but I think you should look at this first?" Karim finished, took out a thick document from the table and put it in front of Griffith. Griffith opened the document, which is an undisclosed letter of intent. The target of the acquisition is a small seed sales company operated by Griffith. In the column of transaction amount, Griffith saw that it was vacant. He looked at Karim and wanted to know what was going on.

"Don't get me wrong, Griffith. The company is not dissatisfied with you taking over Dakota's resources to support your own seed marketing company. But now the company is going to introduce another seed production company in the United States to become a new supplier, so we are going to buy this seed sales company under your name! Price? You fill in the price yourself. The company will never make a counter-offer. At the same time, we will give some shares of the new seed company to your family! But I hope that if you are elected a State Councillor or governor in the future, you can help the company promote our seed products in North and South Dakota? " Karim no longer twists and turns. She chooses to explain the interests to Griffith directly and directly.

Griffith was completely shocked by Karim's big hand. He had never met such a situation in his many years of business experience. But Griffith was still a little uneasy and asked, "what kind of seed products and which company produced them?"

"Oh! It's genetically modified soybean produced by Monsanto Company. The biggest difference of this kind of soybean is that it won't be killed by glyphosate herbicide. If this kind of soybean is used, farmers can spray glyphosate herbicide produced by Monsanto Company at will, without any impact on soybean crops. As an expert, you know if there are no weeds eroding farmland, How much higher will the crop yield be Karim explained to Griffith.

"Genetically modified? Is Monsanto the company that produced DDT in World War II and defoliant in Vietnam? Aren't they a chemical company? When did you enter the seed production industry? " Asked Griffith, puzzled. He knows the glyphosate of Monsanto. This herbicide can kill almost all crops in the field, but it has a short period of validity, and it is said that the toxicity is very low, so it will not have any side effects on crops. Before the emergence of glyphosate, farmers in the United States mainly used agent orange, which was also produced by Monsanto, as a herbicide. However, after the end of the Vietnam War in 1975, the media revealed the harm of agent orange to newborns and human body, making glyphosate almost the only choice in the herbicide market. But glyphosate can kill weeds as well as crops, so herbicides can only be used one month before sowing. But now the new soybean seeds are not afraid of glyphosate. It's amazing. Does this mean that in the future, there will be no more plants to survive except crops in the farmland.

Griffith was surprised at his boss's powerful means, and he even quietly won over the chemical company Monsanto. With this kind of seed, the soybean yield and cost in Dakota region will be difficult to meet competitors in the world. Griffith thought of Karim's promise to give him a share of the seed sales company. Would anyone dislike this kind of seed. Griffith didn't hesitate. He filled in $100 million in the amount column and signed his name. Griffith made a lot of money from his part-time job. His seed sales company is worth millions of dollars at most.

Karim saw that there was no dissatisfaction with the amount. He had achieved his goal and asked Griffith to stand up for Monsanto's newly developed transgenic soybean platform. Although the Life Sciences Department of Monsanto has been trying to overcome the difficulties of corn in recent years, the first harvest was soybean. Griffith's influence in the agricultural state is absolutely the first choice for Monsanto to promote its own products.