Chapter 520

Ivankov never thought that he could get out of here alive, because even death was a luxury for Ivankov. Ivankov, who was rescued, did not say any words of gratitude, because he knew that words were not enough to express his gratitude to the Gorky brotherhood and shariosha.

Lebede did not know Ivankov, and had never seen him before. He was trained by Ivankov to determine his identity. At this moment, lebede had already seen Ivankov, and a big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. The most critical part of Xie liaosha's task has been completed, and the rest is how to escape from Shengtian.

Lebede knew the situation very well. He knew that the moment when the Cubans liberated Guantanamo could be counted down. But lebede didn't want to get his men out of here by taking refuge with Cubans, because once he did, he would reveal his identity. Lebede had to get his men and Ivankov to move in the direction of the Guantanamo base that had not been engulfed by the fire. And the first step is to get out of this hospital.

"Listen, everyone. Now we're going to get out of here. But before we leave, we have to take all the hostages here. Only in this way can we get out of here safely! Now everyone is ready to make sure that none of the hostages are missing. Tell the Americans outside to make way for us, or we will kill all the hostages! " Then said lebede.

Now that the Americans have agreed to lebede's first request, the second one will not be too much entangled. Lebede kept his word. After the Americans gave way to a passage, lebede released ten American nurses.

Then, as lebed continued to retreat, he released all the hostages in his hands. Lebed's march was to the east of Guantanamo. It faces the sea, but because of the lack of water depth, it was not built into a wharf. Although these liebede's men are a mace of the Caribbean that Ivankov spent a lot of money to build, there are still not many people who can swim long distances. The sea off Guantanamo base is full of uninhabited islands, as long as they can swim past, these people will be able to escape. How on earth can we escape from here? Don't worry. Lebede has already thought about these problems.

After walking about two or three kilometers, lebede left the heart of the battle with his men. He led everyone to a cliff and said to everyone, "well, we're going to go our separate ways now. We'll climb down from here, and then on a overturned old fishing boat over there, there's a container in the cabin with several rubber boats and hundreds of life jackets, You choose a good water-based container to open and take out the contents. Then swim a few kilometers eastward. There is an island over there. The ships that sheriosha will take over will join you there. Good luck to you. "

"Won't you leave with us?" Ivankov asked in surprise.

"No, I have to go back to Guantanamo. If I disappear, the Cuban government will be suspicious!" Lebede didn't explain too much. After explaining what he should have done, he turned and left. Everyone looked at his back and felt sincere admiration. What kind of expert is this? He made such a large-scale plan lightly, even arranged the retreat perfectly, and hid the escape tools under the US Army's eyes early.

There are many abandoned fishing boats around Guantanamo, which are not uncommon. Because it costs a lot of money to tow this kind of fishing boat back to port, and it costs a lot of money to repair it. The most important thing is that after the money is spent, it won't be long before these ships often come up with problems. Many of these fishing boats are abandoned at sea and become floating garbage stations. Lebede discovered this after observing the surrounding situation. He abandoned the containers with life jackets near the sea near Guantanamo base, and then used these dilapidated wooden hull as a cover.

After bidding farewell to Ivankov, lebede contacted Boris by satellite phone and also pointed out the way to escape. Boris also did not expect that lebede even planned this step, but he still asked: "what about these Colombians who come with us, and we don't care whether they live or die?"

"Boris, they don't need us to worry. Cubans won't do anything to the revolutionary comrades who helped liberate Guantanamo. At that time, if people like us are known that the Soviets are involved in this matter, we will have endless troubles. Boris, our work is over. Let the people of the American countries decide what to do next by themselves

Although Boris felt sorry for these Colombian armed men, he knew that lebede was right. It's not easy for lebede to get these Gorky brothers out of their lives. It's impossible for lebede to let these tens of thousands of people leave together.


When the Gorky brotherhood, which had achieved its goal, was ready to leave, the Cuban army and the crazy Colombian armed men finally tore up the line of defense of the Rangers. The two forces began to continue to compress the living space of the US military. At this time, the U.S. warships also began to clean up the wreckage of the civil cruise ships blocking the channel in the Strait, using torpedoes to open up a temporary channel for submarines underwater.

The U.S. air force, unable to provide firepower support to ground forces, dropped a batch of materials to Guantanamo base. Only a small part of these materials fell near the area controlled by the U.S. Army in the base. Just as the Cubans were about to arrive near the U.S. airfield, they faced unprecedented fierce resistance. Unable to fly into the sky, the plane was converted into a mobile gun by the US ground crew, and the gun on the plane began to fire fiercely in the direction of the Cuban and Colombian allied forces. At the same time, a few U.S. tanks in the base began to show great power, destroying several second-hand tanks that Cubans had picked up from the Soviet Union.

Cuba's top military officer, who was on the scene, was annoyed when he heard an exciting news. U.S. Secretary of state Schultz has just held a dialogue with the Cuban Foreign Minister through an intermediary country. The Americans are willing to withdraw from Guantanamo and formally hand it over to the Cuban government.

"The battle is over!"