Chapter 518

The Cuban government and Colombia's left-wing guerrillas are not without ties. Over the years, Cuba has been following in the footsteps of the Soviet Union to export revolution to neighboring countries. Moreover, because many Latin American countries are ruled by military governments and dictators, and the international economy is stagnant, the economies of Latin American countries are also greatly affected. Therefore, socialism still has a market among the poor people in these countries. Many intellectuals who have been exposed to communist ideas have begun to take up arms against those in power. Cuba has become the revolutionary banner of Latin America.

Let's say that several major armed groups in Colombia also received the guidance of Cubans at the beginning, but these groups later embarked on the road of supporting war with drugs, and then the two sides parted ways. But there are still some connections in the past. This time, the armed elements of Colombia came to Cuba uninvited to make trouble. The Cuban government still has some bad feelings in mind.

Castro has been uncertain whether he will join the battle. On the one hand, he is afraid of the strong military strength of the United States, and on the other hand, he has no excuse to intervene. Guantanamo is an indefinite leasehold of the United States in Cuba, which has only ownership but no jurisdiction. But now a new situation has emerged. The exchange of fire between the two sides has spread to Guantanamo city. The excuse for the Cuban government to intervene in the incident already exists.

Castro stood up excitedly and announced to his staff, "in view of the fact that the current fighting between a group of unidentified armed forces and the US military has affected the lives and property of the Cuban people, I have decided to send armed forces to take over Guantanamo base and maintain the security of Guantanamo city. I order that troops be sent at once

At Castro's command, all his subordinates were inspired. Is the Guantanamo issue, which has been hopelessly solved for many years, going to be completely solved by this opportunity, and Cuba can finally recover its last piece of territory occupied by foreign forces.

The Cuban military leader in Guantanamo Province soon received a personal call from supreme leader Fidel Castro. Ten minutes later, the first group of Cuban troops began to march toward the US base in military vehicles.

"Listen up, everyone. The time has come to recover the last territory occupied by imperialism! You should be honored to have the opportunity to serve your country. Now, support our Colombian friends! Drive the American aggressors out of Cuba... "After the impassioned oath, the Cuban armed forces began to rush to Guantanamo base not far away, which was occupied indefinitely by the Americans. It doesn't matter who hit the shells that fell into the city, because what Cubans want is not to pursue the responsibility of the runners, but to take the opportunity to recover their territory and complete the reunification of the country.

In the following time, the Rangers built a line of defense in the north of the base, successfully blocking the pace of the Colombian armed groups. The arrival of Cubans brought new forces to the armed groups of Colombia. Although the situation on the battlefield is still sticky, the balance of victory is leaning towards the armed groups of Colombia and the Guba army.

Rangers are special operations forces. Each of them is an elite in the army, but when these people encounter the tactics of rushing up the sea of people, they don't know what to do. They don't have an advantage. The Ranger commander at the scene soon told general Harmon about the unfavorable factors here, and Harmon was taking the fresh troops to the exchange of fire. The U.S. military in the base opened up a water area with small ships for the landing of the U.S. water transport aircraft. This area is now the only area where the U.S. military can provide air transport services.

When lebede and Boris learned that Cuba had sent troops, their hearts were finally put down. They are now beginning to worry about another important matter, Ivankov's whereabouts.

Lebede learned from several American people captured that Ivankov should be held near the camp deep inside the base. It's located in the heart of Guantanamo and didn't suffer much from the attack. But the Americans are now fighting to the death to stop lebede and Ivankov.

In the end, lebede said to Boris, "Boris, it's no way to go on like this. I'll take the people left by Ivankov to go around the cliff. You can find some boats. When we find Ivankov, we'll leave here!"

After lebede said this, he quietly left the army with the armed members of the Gorky brotherhood, while Boris temporarily took over the command of the entire armed group of Colombia.

Boris had served in the Red Army of the Soviet Union, and the Cubans were good apprentices of the Soviet Union. At this time, both teams adopted the tactics of the sea of people that the Soviet people were very familiar with. Wave after wave of attacks made the Rangers more and more powerless. This battle was fought in a way that their generation of Rangers had never seen before. The Americans have long given up the way of fighting by scale in World War II. The U.S. military has a strong air and sea power, which can provide firepower support for ground forces at any time. However, these high-tech weapons are totally useless today. A large amount of gas produced by the combustion of crude oil makes these weapons equipped with sophisticated semiconductor integrated circuit electronic instruments all become furnishings. But the old transistor based fighters of the Soviet Union can still be used in this case. Because when the Soviets first designed their own weapons, they even considered the electromagnetic storm after the explosion of nuclear weapons.

"General Harmon, we can't stand it. The Cubans are in the war?" The Ranger commander said in a heavy voice on the phone that without the air superiority, the Ranger did not know how to fight.

"What, the Cubans are standing in, damn it!" Hearing this news on the plane, Harmon was filled with indignation. He thought for a while, dialed the president's phone, first reported the Cubans' participation in the war, and then he pleaded with the president: "Mr President, I ask you to send air force to cruise Havana!"

"General Harmon, are you kidding? Cruise Havana, who gave you such power. Have you ever thought about what to do if your gun goes off? Do you want to involve the United States in the vortex of war in one day? " Asked President Reagan sternly.

"But, Mr. President, the Cubans have opened fire on us!" Harmon asked angrily.

"Ha, what if we declare war on Cuba? Will they just stand by? " President Reagan hung up impatiently and had nothing to talk about with such a guy who would only think from a military point of view. Then he called Secretary of state Schultz.