Chapter 514

The Caribbean is still warm in December, and the U.S. troops at Guantanamo are doing nothing to have fun as usual. Life here is so peaceful that there is nothing to do except training and base maintenance every day. Although the scenery here is good, but after years of looking down there is nothing new. The American soldiers stationed here feel like they're going to have a bad time. The country they are in is not an ally of the United States, so their chances of leaving the barracks are slim. The soldiers here envy the Japanese or Filipino soldiers assigned to Asia. They can leave the barracks and have fun with the local girls. But it's much better than here.

Although the relationship between the United States and Cuba is not good, Guantanamo is peaceful for most of the time. Merchant ships to Cuba can freely pass through the waters controlled by the Americans, and local fishing boats enter and leave the Gulf under the eyes of the US Army every day. Although we are two hostile sides, we are close at hand. The soldiers here have a very different feeling of freedom from what the U.S. government claims. They feel like they're in jail, trapped in the base.

Boris called almost every day to ask when to start, but lebede was still investigating. The freighter from Rostov arrived in the open sea near Cuba ahead of time. Boris and his artillery boarded the freighter, seizing every moment to familiarize themselves with the operation of Katyusha rockets. For this operation, walianjing almost emptied the armory near Odessa.

After a few more days, lebede finally decided to do it. He contacted Boris by telephone to discuss the specific time of the operation.

"What do you think of doing it at night?" Boris suggested that, according to his idea, working at night can achieve the purpose of surprise.

"No, Boris, we'll do it in the afternoon! If the fishing boat returns to the port at night, it will appear abnormal, and we don't have night vision equipment. We are the ones who suffer at night! " Lebede vetoed.

"All right, it's up to you!" Boris didn't have too much trouble with this.

"All right, Boris, before we go, I want you to repeat the steps of the whole operation?" Asked lebed at last.


On a Saturday morning in December 1985, the U.S. Army at Guantanamo began its day as usual. There is a baseball game between the flying troops and the Marine Corps today. This is already a big event in this base, many young men are secretly betting to have fun.

For the Cubans in Guantanamo, today seems to be a little different. Since the morning, some fishing boats from Colombia have been berthing near Guantanamo Bay. Local fishermen are curious. Why do Colombians come to Cuba to fish?

Some curious fishermen went to ask. Although they belong to different countries, they all speak Spanish. So there's no problem communicating. These fishermen in Colombia seem to look down on people, and they are always indifferent to questions from Cubans. This makes the hospitable Cuban fishermen feel a little unhappy.

"Hello! Why do you Colombians come to our waters if you don't fish well? " Some fishermen ran up to him and asked impolitely.

"You're not here to steal our fish, are you? This is Cuba's territorial sea?" Asked the Cuban fisherman warily.


"Get out of the way, who cares about your rotten fish and shrimps? I'm here to do something big!" The angry Colombian fisherman, who was entangled by the Cuban fishermen, replied impolitely.

After about twelve o'clock, more and more small fishing boats poured into Guantanamo Bay, and there were hundreds of them. On weekdays, the empty area of Guantanamo Bay suddenly became lively. But these ships are floating on the sea, neither berthing nor fishing. Many local fishermen feel puzzled.

An hour later, a 10000 ton freighter sailed into Guantanamo Bay. Seeing this, many local fishing boats in the Bay sound their sirens. I don't know how long it's been since a large ship landed. Looking at the containers on their deck, there must be a lot of foreign goods coming.

Due to the American blockade, few merchant ships dock in Cuba on weekdays! Therefore, the local Bai family is very welcome to foreign merchant ships. Because in this way, they can purchase some foreign goods.

"Fiona goddess, please reduce the speed to less than one quarter. Our pilot will guide you to land safely. Please do not deviate from the course!" The Port Tower contacted the seafarers on the 10000 ton freighter by radio. The underwater situation in Guantanamo Bay is still a bit complicated, and it has been a long time since such a large ship has been in port. So even the local maritime authorities are not familiar with the situation of the waterway. But the sailors on this ship don't seem very willing to communicate!

"Warning, Fiona! You are three degrees off course, please adjust your course The pilot, who had been guiding the Fiona goddess to dock, found that the ship had deviated from its course, and gave a warning. Just then, a shocking scene appeared.

"Fiona goddess, what are you doing? Why did you raise the speed to ten knots? If your course is not right, you will hit the rocks!"

"Call Fiona, stop, are you blind! You are thirty degrees off course

"Fiona, please stop..."

"Boom!" After a loud noise, Fiona, who did not listen to the command, finally stopped. There was a dull sound under the water due to the huge impact. Many people in the Bay saw this scene. The disobedient Fiona rushed to the reef with extremely fast speed, and then got stuck on it. Anyone who has navigational experience knows that the ten thousand ton ship is on the beach.

"I'm sorry! Mr. pilot, there seems to be something wrong with our transmission system! " Just then, the crew of the Fiona goddess replied slowly. It doesn't seem to worry at all.

"Why don't you listen to the command? You're such a big ship. How much horsepower tugboat is needed to drag you back to the deep water area!" Said the pilot chagrined.

"It doesn't matter. Don't rush to rescue us, Mr. pilot. You are a good man. Something big will happen here in a moment. I advise you to get ashore as soon as possible." The staff in the suit said this and cut off the radio completely.

The story of Fiona sitting on the beach was soon noticed by the Americans. They found it very interesting to see this guy stuck on the reef. This is also a memorable event that has happened over the years. At this time, someone saw several black spots on the sea in the distance.

"One, two, three, four, five! Why do so many ships stop at Guantanamo today? " The soldier standing on the lookout said to himself. But at the moment of speaking, the speed of those ships was still unchanged, and they rushed straight towards the breakwater of the US military base!