Chapter 511

"Why are you suddenly interested in this question?" Lebede is a smart man. He came to him from Moscow early in the morning, and then talked with him. Lebed instinctively felt that there must be something hidden in it. He became interested in the real purpose of shagliaosha's coming to him.

"It's OK, just ask!" Xie liaosha, aware of lebede's vigilance, quickly denied it.

"All right! If you don't say it, I won't ask. Let's go on with what happened just now. Do you want to know how to attack the American military base with militia? Do you know how hard it is? The Cuban army can't do it, let alone the militia! " Lebede categorically denied the possibility.

"Is it because of the quality of weapons, equipment and personnel?" Xie liaosha asked.

"No, the main reason is that it's a port, and the ground forces alone can't cut off the threat of the US Navy from the sea. From the map, although the channel of Guantanamo Bay is narrow, it is too close to the United States. American warships can quickly come to support. This is the most deadly place Lebed analyzed the map for seryosha. Xie liaosha listened attentively and thought about the great advantages of Guantanamo base.

Guantanamo base is located in a bay, and its north side is Guantanamo city in Cuba. And Guantanamo base is closely guarding the entrance to the sea of Guantanamo Bay. Guantanamo base is divided into two parts: East and West. On weekdays, Cuban ships can enter and leave the sea area controlled by Guantanamo base. If we only talk about maritime defense, the blockade of Guantanamo Bay is not strict, and merchant ships can enter and leave here at will.

For Guantanamo, the biggest threat is actually land. Cuba's revolutionary armed forces are the key defense targets of Guantanamo base. The land defense of Guantanamo base is almost armed to the teeth. Once the Cuban army takes action, the US warships will rush to Guantanamo Bay for reinforcement. The Navy's warships are all heavy weapons. Unless there are torpedoes or missiles specially designed to deal with warships, warships are unsinkable fortresses, which can never be dealt with by rocket launchers or AK-47.

"Lebede, to be honest, one of my important subordinates is being held at Guantanamo! I want to get him out. Can you help me? " Xie liaosha thought for a long time, but he couldn't think of a reason. Finally, he planned to join the gang. In this case, Xie liaosha had to rely on a person with rich military literacy as commander. Lebede is the most trusted brother of life and death, and she believes that lebede will never betray himself. Moreover, lebede is a military cadre who has studied in the Military Academy of vorongze for many times. According to the consistent personnel arrangement of the Ministry of defense, lebede is a cadre who has been trained as a future senior military general. There is no doubt about his military level.

"Xie liaosha, it's not that I don't want to help, it's that I can't help! This is an American military base. Without the support of the Navy, let alone the militia, even the most elite gruu special forces can do nothing! However, what have you done all these years? Why have you been put into Guantanamo Asked lebed.

"Let me tell you the truth. Recently, the work of our Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation has become more and more difficult. Didn't we export cars to South America? Some of these cars are military vehicles. I can't help it either. I won't talk about the quality of domestic civilian products. Our country's arms sell well in the international market... "Xie liaosha told lebed about his secret arms business. After hearing this, lebede was too scared to speak for a long time.

"How dare you? Don't you know how powerful the KGB is? " Lebed angrily reproached seryosa.

"Lebede, let me tell you something you can't think of. Our country has been unable to support itself in food and main farm products for nearly several years. In the last few years of general secretary Brezhnev, relying on the rising international oil prices, our foreign exchange income can keep up with the pace of supply. But now the price of oil is about to reach our cost line! As the foreign trade minister of the Soviet Union, my duty is to grab more foreign exchange interests for the country. For this purpose, I will not hesitate to sell arms! " Xie liaoshayi retorts sternly.

Although he stayed in the army, he still knew something about the society. Now it is more and more difficult to buy the goods in the state-owned stores. People can't live without the black market. But the price of goods on the black market is too high, and everyone's wages are even hard to eat. In lebede's army, many officers even began to resell military supplies for a living. The brave made a lot of money, while the timid could only continue to suffer poverty. Lebede understood the harm of these things to the army, but in such a big environment, even if he is now the commander, what can he change?

"Well, let's study it together! Tell me about the situation. How many people are you going to send to chew this hard bone? " Lebede went to the table and asked, studying the map carefully.

"I have a well-trained private armed force of about 500 people. These people are now on standby on an island in the Caribbean. These people are all defectors in the Afghan battlefield, and their military quality is OK. In addition, I can recruit some guerrillas and anti-government armed personnel from Columbia! These people have been fighting with the Colombian government forces all the year round, and they still have some military capabilities... "Seryosa began to introduce the situation of the personnel. The armed men in Colombia are the big ones. As long as they have enough money, they are willing to help seryosa work hard.

"Xie liaosha, can you get a large freighter? You said that if we use a cargo ship to block the entrance of Guantanamo Bay, then we can simply block the whole Guantanamo Bay? " Asked lebede with a flash of inspiration.

"Freighter, what tonnage do you want? I can get you as many as you want! " Xie liaosha replied quickly.

"Xie liaosha, I just casually said that even if I am not a member of the shipping company, I know the price of a freighter..."

"Lebede, as long as you can save people, money is not a problem!"