Chapter 500

Deep in Colombia's dense forest, after a burst of gunfire, birds in the forest have fled the ground. Ben Ali, dressed in military uniform, looks at the soldier who is transforming from a drug dealer, with a happy smile on his face.

Ben Ali's greatest skill in his life is to fight. Ben Ali will do nothing else. Ben Ali grew up in rural Mali, a country plagued by poverty, disease and endless civil war. In order to leave the country, Ben Ali joined the French Foreign Legion stationed in Mali and began his career as a mercenary.

The biggest advantage of the French Foreign Legion is that after serving for a certain number of years, they can apply for French nationality and then settle in France. In order to leave his motherland, Ben Ali trained himself assiduously and tried to show himself in the execution of the task. It can be said that the French dream in his heart almost supported him through those difficult years.

Just as Ben Ali was about to realize his dream, a sudden event broke his French dream. When a senior officer of the Legion tried to insult a refugee's daughter, Ben Ali stopped him out of a sense of justice. And reported the official to the top. What Ben Ali didn't expect was that the Foreign Legion flaunting honor and loyalty expelled Ben Ali.

Since then, Ben Ali has been on the road of no return to the underground mercenary. In the following years, he has sneaked into Europe. Because he has no identity and skills, he can only work for the gangs to do some assassination and defense work.

By a coincidence, Ben Ali took over the task of a Dutch drug trafficking group. However, when he served as the temporary bodyguard of a leader within the group, there was internal strife in the drug trafficking group. In order to get his reward back, Ben Ali spared no effort to protect his client. Perhaps out of gratitude, his client helped him with his right of abode in the Netherlands.

Ben Ali worked as a bodyguard in the drug trafficking group for a period of time. Unfortunately, the drug trafficking group was destroyed by the Dutch police soon after. Ben Ali came to Aruba, married and had children, and had a happy time. Later, because of his descendants and family, Ben Ali needed more money. So after a period of silence, Ben Ali went back to his old business.

Although all of his activities were illegal, because all the commissions Ben Ali accepted were located abroad, he did not leave any records except frequent going abroad.


After the battle in ramodro prison, Ben Ali's life in Medellin was pretty good. Escobar trusted him very much and gave him the task of training and training the army. As long as Ben Ali spoke, Escobar would purchase weapons and military supplies according to his ideas. As the troops in his hands became more and more similar day by day, Ben Ali had a great sense of achievement in his heart for no reason.

Unfortunately, at this time, a phone call from his wife in Aruba found him. And told him about the immigration service.

"It's impossible. I've had the right of abode for nearly ten years. Why did it suddenly go wrong?" Ben Ali instinctively doubted that it was a crucial time for training, and he never wanted to leave at this time.

"I heard that it was caused by frequent going abroad during the period when you applied! In addition, the Immigration Department of Aruba recently revised the relevant rules to require immigrants who stay less than three years to report within this week. Otherwise, it will be regarded as invalid application... "Ben Ali's wife talked on the phone for a long time, but she didn't say why. However, Ben Ali became more and more confused.

After putting down the phone, Ben Ali made it clear. That is, he has to go back in a week. So Ben Ali had no choice but to explain it to Escobar.

Ben Ali's stuff is simple. There's nothing to clean up. He made time to go to Medellin and buy some Colombian specialties as gifts for his wife and children. Then he drove to the northern port city of Barranquilla overnight. Because there was no airport on Aruba Island, he had to go back by boat from Barranquilla.

What Ben Ali didn't expect was that from the moment he left Medellin, he was under the control of the Colombian government. And the CIA, who planned the scam, has already targeted him.

Along the way, the CIA has been paying attention to all the people Ben Ali has contacted, but to their disappointment, Ben Ali has not met any special important people.

With half an hour to go, Ben Ali was sitting in the dining room, munching on breakfast. The view inside the restaurant is very wide. You can see ships leaving the harbor in the distance. As the time is too early, not many passengers choose to take the boat at this time. So Ben Ali unconsciously noticed a group of passengers waiting to leave.

"Why does that newspaper reader in the corner feel like he's seen it somewhere?" Ben Ali noticed a guy when he looked around. He always felt that this person seemed to have met not long ago, but he couldn't remember when.

Ben Ali suddenly got up and wanted to ask if he was an old acquaintance, but as soon as he got up, he found that no less than four pairs of eyes in the restaurant were looking at him at the same time, and Ben Ali understood immediately.

"Run This is the only thought in Ben Ali's mind at the moment. Like a cheetah, he abandoned all his luggage and rushed out the door.

"Report, the prey has found us!" The intelligence personnel in charge of monitoring Ben Ali also quickly followed, and the people behind immediately reported the situation here with invisible walkie talkies.

Ben Ali jumped directly from the second floor of the restaurant in a hurry. Before he got to his feet, a car braked and stopped beside him. Ben Ali is on the run. Several people rushed out of the car and rushed to him immediately.

Ben Ali pulled out his pistol from his waist. Without turning his head back, he hit back.

"Bang... Bang..."

"Everyone, don't shoot, keep alive!" The action team member's earphone immediately transmitted the superior's instruction.

Ben Ali had just finished his breakfast, and soon after he ran, his stomach began to ache. Just then, the man behind him came up with a lunge and hugged him from behind. Immediately after that, the others came up and rushed up like a pile of people. Ben Ali roared and was crushed to the bottom.

"Bang... Bang..." a few dull sounds came from the crowd.