Chapter 486

Tokyo, Japan, as the only foreign exchange professional bank in Japan, the Bank of Tokyo is an indispensable business partner for all foreign companies entering Japan, because once foreign enterprises intend to invest in Japan, the first step is to deposit the US dollars in the Bank of Tokyo to exchange the corresponding Japanese yen funds. Because whether you invest in Japanese real estate or Japanese stock market, you need to use yen as the trading unit. Therefore, to some extent, this joint-stock bank undertakes part of the government's responsibility of supervising foreign investment.

Although there is an investment market with Nikkei index as the investment target in the United States, the capital scale of Xie liaosha is not affordable by these overseas Nikkei index markets. It is impossible to obtain the maximum profit without starting in Japan.

In Japan, which has experienced several financial crises in the future, a set of effective rules has long been worked out by international hot money and investors. Both the country and the people of Japan like saving very much, and they have huge foreign exchange reserves. Such a country is by no means an easy adversary. The essence of Plaza Agreement is to promote the appreciation of yen and reduce the price advantage of Japanese products in international competition. So the only right way to deal with Japan is to short the Japanese stock market and let the yen appreciate at the same time. Because only in this way can we get more dollars.

Not long ago, Bank of Columbia, a regional multinational bank located in Latin America, applied to Bank of Tokyo to open a yen account, and deposited up to 10 billion US dollars of foreign exchange assets into the account of this enterprise. Because of the huge amount of this fund, even the Finance Department of Tibet province was shocked. We should know that the US dollar in the world is not as rampant as later generations. Conservatively, it is estimated that the US $10 billion exceeds the foreign exchange reserves of more than half of the countries in the world. During the Asian financial crisis in 1998, the foreign exchange reserves of the whole country of South Korea only reached US $30 billion. Since the other side is willing to pay such a high price to support Japan's economic development, Japan has to give some care.

Naturally, the Department of finance is very concerned about the big customer of CBC. They specially sent Kuroda affairs officer to follow up the matter and try to help CBC's business activities in Japan.

However, before Kuroda could arrange a time to visit the person in charge of CBC in Japan, the financial department soon received an application for acquisition from Colombia. CBC's acquisition target was another foreign-funded financial company in Japan, Sanjin society.

"It seems that the Bank of Columbia has also come to invest in Japan's subprime loan market. Our country's real estate market is really prosperous. Even the banks in Latin America want to take a share!" Kuroda chatted when he went out drinking with his colleagues in the evening.

"Kuroda, you're lucky. If you can get the Bank of Columbia to invest more money in the projects we encourage, you can be promoted!" A senior raised his glass and congratulated Kuroda.

"Where! where? I haven't met the person in charge yet? " Kuroda waved his hand and said helplessly.

"Ah? No, don't they know what the financial department does? Kuroda sang, although we have to try our best to let these foreigners provide funds to help us develop our economy, we are not in the post-war situation now. We don't ask them to help us, we give them an opportunity to share the growth of Japan's wealth, You can't disgrace our financial department! " The elder said to Kuroda with a tone of lesson.

"Yes, master! But Columbia bank is not arrogant. They say that the person in charge of Japan has not arrived yet, so they can't let the person in charge visit us for the time being! " Kuroda changed his way along with his predecessor's temper. He didn't dare to ask the person in charge of the Bank of Columbia to visit him according to his predecessor's saying. If the relationship gets stiff, his promotion will be out of the question.

"Master, do you think the three gold associations will agree to this deal?" Kuroda humbly asked for advice from his predecessors.

·"Certainly not. Sanjin will make so much money! Which bank does not have the sub-prime products issued by the three gold associations! Let me tell you something. Mitsubishi Bank has long wanted to take action against the San Jin Hui. Now the real estate market is so hot. The San Jin Hui is also the largest sub-prime product distributor in China. How can those domestic banks let a foreign company stand in such an important position? " Heitian's predecessors drink wine while analyzing for Heitian.

These words didn't make Kuroda take it to heart at that time, but it wasn't long before the financial department received more applications for the acquisition of the three gold associations. Kuroda soon understood that this was because the financial department leaked information to the big plutocrats in China. In the past, it was generally believed that Sanjin would be sold, but Sanjin was unexpectedly willing to commit to the small bank of Columbia. This has discontented Japan's big banks, which have been pursuing the company.

Mikhail originally intended to combine the two companies through the acquisition activities of CBC, but he just applied to the financial authorities in Japan and immediately received more offers. Bank of Mitsubishi, Bank of Tokyo, Bank of Japan and Sumitomo all have great interest in the small Sanjin club. This surprised Mikhail.

Originally, Mikhail thought it would take a long time to get rid of the burden of the three gold associations. However, since someone offered to help, Mikhail was not polite. He directly rejected the acquisition plan of CBC and invited the highest bidder, Bank of Japan, to discuss the business.

Mikhail has been in Japan for a long time. Since he came to Japan, Mikhail has rarely been involved in the affairs of the gang. He devotes all his energy to finance. Mikhail is familiar with the Bank of Japan, which was founded in 1882. Its main business is to help the Japanese government to study abroad, Especially in the United States. The Bank of Japan is most interested in US Treasury bonds and real estate. As the capital actually comes from the Japanese government, although it also has private business, in the final analysis, the Bank of Japan is actually the Central Bank of Japan. Mikhail understands what the subprime mortgage products created by shaeliosha are. Once the property market plummets, these AAA level security bonds will completely become garbage. Mikhail doesn't want to be involved in the sale of the three financial institutions at that time. Since the Bank of Japan wants to be the big wrongdoer, Mikhail will have to become a beauty.