Chapter 482

Boston, Yota communications headquarters, after repeated security measures, Interpol senior agent Spencer and recently joined the organization's organized crime expert officer Garibaldi finally entered the world's most famous communications company.

As the world's first-class high-tech communication company, Yota's headquarters are naturally extraordinary. According to public information, the company was founded by a Harvard Medical School girl named EVA, who is also one of the important directors of Microsoft, a world-famous software company. After the success, EVA did not drop out of school to join the business sea, but ran the company while completing her studies. With the advantages of technology, Yota communication has grown from a small communication technology company to a large multinational monopoly in just a few years. At present, almost all countries and regions in the world planning to build mobile communication network are inseparable from the technical standards of Yota communication.

Unfortunately, compared with the popularity of Yota communications, the founder of the company seems a little mysterious. Because Yota communication is still a private enterprise in the pure sense up to now, its business philosophy has always been very confusing. Yota communication seems to be a family workshop from the 19th century. It has been using its own funds to develop its business, without financing and listing. Therefore, the outside world knows nothing about its establishment background and operation status, and even EVA, its leader, rarely appears in front of the public. Only at Microsoft and at & T's annual events can the media and the public see her.

As a female business elite, her mysterious fortune and beautiful appearance are topics of interest to the media. Unfortunately, this woman never gives interviews in public. EVA is in the top 10 of the world's most powerful women. But many people say that once Yota goes public, EVA will become the richest woman in the world.

It's a pity that the more mysterious it is, the more interesting it is for the police like Garibaldi who like to get to the bottom of the matter. Since joining Interpol, Garibaldi and Spencer have been fighting for the massacre of the French tunnel. Although there are few clues so far, judging from what happened later, Yota communication is definitely the biggest beneficiary of this tragedy.

Since the United States is not a member of Interpol, it is difficult for Interpol to investigate this US based company. However, Garibaldi suggested contacting with many parties. Since the victims of this murder are all top communication scientists in Europe, and the project they studied has a direct conflict of interest with Yota communication, they think that Garibaldi's suspicion has some basis. So after Interpol and Yota communication, the mysterious CEO EVA finally agreed to meet their headquarters in the United States.

Spencer and Garibaldi are led into the elevator by the security personnel. The elevator is surrounded by mahogany, which looks heavy and solid. The floor is pure natural marble. Just an elevator looks so extraordinary.

It took a full minute for the elevator from the bottom floor to the top floor. When the elevator door opened again, it was a completely different scene. The room is covered with pure wool Beige carpets. Facing the elevator is a large desk, and behind the shoes is a whole glass wall, from which you can have a high-altitude view of the city of Boston.

There are two rows of sofas in the corner of the room. It seems that they are specially used to meet guests. On the left and right walls, there are some paintings and sculptures. There is only one woman on the whole floor. It's too luxurious. The decoration here looks simple and grand,

While Spencer and Garibaldi were still looking at the little furnished office, a lady slowly came down the spiral staircase on one side of the floor.

"Nice to meet you two police officers. Please help yourself. Would you like something to drink?" EVA slowly approached them, saying hello and shaking hands with each other. When Garibaldi first saw EVA, he was a little lost. The woman was so beautiful. Her golden hair was neatly coiled behind her head, and she was tall and slender. Even wearing business clothes can make people feel nervous. How does such a beautiful woman control this multinational company? Garibaldi is more and more curious about her.

"You're welcome. In fact, at the beginning, we just wanted to visit your company and ask some questions! I didn't expect you to meet us in person! It's an honor for us... "

"Can I have a look around?" Garibaldi suddenly interrupted Spencer's compliment.

"Of course! But upstairs is where I live, so... "EVA looked at Garibaldi and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'm just interested in your art!" Garibaldi then looked at Eva's collection, while Spencer and EVA went to the sofa and sat down. Then they began to talk!

Spencer first asked, "we'd like to ask you a few questions about mobile communications. As far as I know, your company is a monopolist in this field. What's your opinion on the murder of Telecom scientists in Europe last year?"

"It's really a pity! This is absolutely a great loss for our communication technology industry... "EVA said something regretful, and Spencer didn't hear anything wrong.

"But we have analyzed that the killing of these scientists is good for your company?" Spencer's words changed and he wanted to stimulate the beauty and see her reaction. This is a common trick used by the police during interrogation. Most of the time, the first reaction is the most real.

"Why do you say that?" EVA asked.

"Didn't a project they studied conflict of interest with you?" Spencer asked again.

"I don't think so. The future of mobile communication is bright. We welcome more competitors to join us!" EVA's answer has no substance, but it doesn't leak. Although Spencer didn't expect any clues from the meeting, he still wanted a clue. You know, it's not always a chance to ask the female CEO of Yota communications.