Chapter 477

Outside Kandahar, two T-72 tanks and two armored personnel carriers were captured by the mujahideen after the mujahideen and the Afghan people's army performed a big play. Then they were taken away and hid in the cave, waiting for the arrival of walianjing.

Salim, the owner of the weapons stall, had never done such a big business before. It was only after the mujahideen got the exact news that Salim's heart was released.

After the "defeated" people's army returned to the camp, it was naturally severely criticized by its superiors. However, the people's army did not plan to send troops to recapture the discarded equipment, because even the Soviets themselves might not be the opponents of the jihadists who had the advantage of geographical advantage. Now, except for some elite troops of the Soviet Red Army, no troops dare to take the initiative to attack.

Of course, these things are not for walianjing to worry about. Walianjing is now worrying about how to transport these heavy equipment out of Afghanistan. After communicating with Petrov's father, we finally have a relatively safe case. Missiles and artillery shells on combat vehicles are still transported directly to Medellin by Mediterranean Shipping aircraft. As for heavy equipment such as armored vehicles and tanks, they were first rented two Il-76 freights from the civil aviation of the Soviet Union, and then transported back to Gorky city of the Soviet Union under the camouflage of imported stones. Then they were directly transported to Rostov along the Black Sea through the Volga canal. The company would send freighters to transport weapons to Colombia by sea.

Because there was a certain risk in this incident, he asked his old friend lebed to say hello to the airborne troops stationed in Kandahar, so the four armored vehicles were placed in special containers and imported into the Soviet Union in the name of Afghan stones.

He doesn't like to take part in the bad things of Medellin group, but escovar is a big client of Gorky brotherhood, which can not only bring huge profits to him, but also hold many secrets of Yuri and Ivankov. In addition to helping Escobar and the Colombian government, seryosa's only choice is to kill Escobar.

Get rid of Escobar. Stop teasing me! Not even the CIA or the DEA can do it. Besides, what about seryotha's car business if escoval dies! Therefore, a living Escobar is more beneficial to seryosa, and seryosa, who is struggling with the Colombian government army, is constantly relying on the help of the Gorky brotherhood. Sooner or later, seryova can completely control the whole Medellin group.

Xie is not interested in drug trafficking, but many of Xie's clients are interested in the drug business. Cocaine is one of the important sources of finance of Italian mafia. Although he is engaged in money laundering business, the better the business of customers, the more profitable he will be. Who let him control the huge underground capital network!

After weighing the pros and cons, seryosha acquiesced in Yuri and Ivankov's plan to help escoval. None of eskoval's drug dealers can operate the T-72 tank. The armored force is a highly technical branch. It takes a combat unit of four to five people to drive a tank. Eskovar, a drug dealer, would not have thought so carefully about this kind of thing, but Yuri, who had been an airborne soldier, was clear about it.

Ivankov recruited some defectors who had served in the armored forces of the Soviet Red Army in Brighton community. These defectors were deceived by the beautiful illusion of the United States. After betraying the Red Army, they came to the United States. However, due to the lack of life skills, they had to rely on the Russian villagers in Brighton to live a precarious life, and they had long regretted their fate. They have lost their faith and suffered from poverty. As long as they have money, what can they do to work for drug dealers?

Just as the tanks eskovar had bought had entered the Caribbean, the mercenaries Yuri and Ivankov had recruited had been sent to Medellin. Escobar is now very convinced of Yuri. Yuri tells Escobar that if he really attacks the prison in Colombia, there will be more battles. Escobar's men are lack of discipline, and it's OK to fight with the wind, but once they fall into the wind, it's hard to avoid the last big defeat.

Ivankov also recommended to Escobar the mercenaries who lived in seclusion in the Dutch island of Aruba, the elite team who had served in the French Foreign Legion, Ben Ali and his partners. Under the call of the US dollar, these hundred battle elites came out again and secretly came to Colombia to participate in the prisoner robbery operation of Medellin group.

At this moment, the U.S. intelligence agency, which is at a loss because of the last two fighter planes accidentally shot down, is still worrying about the source of weapons for drug trafficking syndicates. The emergence of man to man air defense missiles makes the U.S. drug enforcement agency and the CIA more afraid of encircling and suppressing the Colombian drug trafficking groups. Apache armed helicopters and A-10 attack planes are no longer invincible weapons. The drug dealers have clearly found a way to restrain themselves. In the jungle of Colombia, drug dealers with automatic tracking anti-aircraft missiles are more difficult to deal with than the Communist Party of Vietnam.

"According to the available intelligence, these missiles can't come from Cuba! I'm sure of that, because Escobar and Colombia's left-wing guerrillas have had conflicts, they are deadly enemies! "It's impossible for Castro, who fantasizes about exporting revolution and spreading its seeds all over Latin America, to cooperate with drug dealers?" At the CIA Intelligence Conference, Caribbean intelligence experts did not hesitate to deny the conjecture of their Colombian colleagues.

"Who else can sell these missiles to these drug dealers?" Asked colleagues in Colombia.

"Hey! Don't be so angry. Why do you just stare at the A-10 that was shot down by the hand drill. We also have an armed helicopter that was shot down by our own stinger missile. Don't you think that's the important clue? " Intelligence experts in the Caribbean retorted.

"I said if you are in love with Castro, why defend him everywhere!" Intelligence in Colombia retorted.

"You TMD..."

A war of abuse is about to begin, but soon someone is pushing the conference room. A middle-aged man with glasses walks up to the convener of the meeting, gives the other party a report that has just arrived, and then whispers in his ear: "look, this is our analysis report! That's the point! "

The convenor of the meeting looked along the line of words pointed to by the other party's fingers and was surprised.

"According to the number on the missile fragments intercepted at the scene, it can be concluded that this batch of Stinger missiles should have been secretly sent to the South Asian battlefield! According to the record, these weapons should have been in the hands of Afghanistan or Pakistan's allies! "