Chapter 468

Relying on his past work relationship, walianjing soon got a ticket to Kabul. As for how to get the needle missile he wanted, walianjing did not have a thorough plan. He plans to wait until Afghanistan to consider these issues.

When walianjing was still in the KGB, he had access to a lot of information that the old Bai family in China could not. He knew that the fighting spirit of the Red Army of the Soviet Union had been exhausted in Afghanistan. As early as a few years ago, the Turkmen army, which was the first to take part in the war, had a large-scale private escape, so the Ministry of defense had to dispatch politically reliable troops from the Russian Republic and the Ukrainian Republic to take part in the war.

Because of the disadvantageous situation of the war, the soldiers on the front line began to be restless, the discipline of the army began to be lax, and the fighting spirit began to lose. What's more, some soldiers of the Red Army of the Soviet Union defected to Pakistan, even to the armed forces of the jihadist Masood, and turned their guns to attack their compatriots.

When he landed in Kabul, it was already the morning of the third day. Walianjing knows that he can't get what he needs in Kabul. On the one hand, the management of troops here is relatively strict. On the other hand, there is a special large-scale air defense system with strong firepower. Iranian and Pakistani planes dare not come here to act wildly.

Walianjing's destination is located in Kandahar, which is close to the border with Pakistan. From time to time, there are Pakistani or American planes patrolling the border. Occasionally, there are armed helicopters or A-10 attack planes and other weapons to provide air support to the local mujahideen. Therefore, in the hands of the Soviet Red Army troops stationed nearby, a large number of individual air defense missiles were equipped to deal with these aircraft. Although walianjing has no reliable relationship with the local troops, he firmly believes that the soldiers on the front line will not be uninterested in the green dollar.

The most dangerous part of the journey in Afghanistan is the transportation supply line from Dushanbe in Tajikistan to Kabul. Since the outbreak of the war in Afghanistan, the Soviet Red Army has tried to get through this transportation artery. But until now, most of the supply of the Soviet army still depends on aircraft. The reason is that this transportation artery passes through the famous Panjshir Valley, where the army of Masood, the leader of the mujahideen, is located. The road safety situation from Kabul to Kandahar is much better. They are all open plains, and the Soviet armored forces can easily deploy and guard nearby.

After a few days in Kabul, walianjing bought a second-hand car and hired a Russian speaking local guide at a high price. In order to minimize the risk, he also changed into the robes of local people.

After he asked the guide to help him purchase all the things he needed on the way, he immediately set out to the southwest along the official route.

Wa Lianjing put all his money in the chair of the driver's seat. Along the way, he didn't dare to sleep soundly. When he was tired, he took a rest in the car. One hand always touched tokalev on his back waist. It's not easy to walk on the road from Kabul to Kandahar. From time to time, we can see military vehicles and tanks overturned by rockets. Fortunately, walianjing is more lucky. Most of the time on the road, he honestly follows other cars, so he doesn't encounter weapons such as mines.

Walianjing found this guide, named kassim, who spoke good Russian and was honest. Wa Lianjing thinks that this boy is a good helper. As soon as he thinks that maybe the weapons business will become a stable financial path in the future, he has the idea of recruiting this guide.

It took nearly four days on the way, because the road condition was so bad. The second-hand car of walianjing was sent to the garage when it arrived in Kandahar. Walianjing found a place to live near the Soviet Camp. He asked Kassem to inquire about the news and see if there was a trading market for Soviet trucks and weapons.

It didn't take kassim much time to find the place that walianjing was looking for. In a word, this place is the best place for local people to get along with the Soviet Union. Although the two countries are at war, the Soviets need to earn more money to send home to pay for the increasingly high living prices, while the local people can only buy from the Soviet army because of all kinds of goods they need, so a small-scale underground market is formed. Here you can buy Soviet made auto parts, Soviet guns and other items flowing out of the barracks. Some of these items were removed from abandoned vehicles on the battlefield, while some were stolen and sold by the Soviet army.

Walianjing and kassim stroll around the market to investigate the situation here. Because he was dressed in local clothes, covered his face and wore sunglasses, he didn't leave out anything. When he came to a weapons stall and saw tokalev and ak-74 hanging on the shelf without even opening the oil seal, he had a bottom in his heart. He whispered a few words in Cassim's ear, and Cassim immediately asked the stall owner, "is that all? Is there a more powerful one? "

"Little brother, these things are enough for self-defense!" As soon as the stall owner saw kassim's appearance, he was not a big customer and was ready to send him away.

"Boss, my master wants to ask, is there any weapon that can attack the plane?" Qasim asked again.

"Rockets? If you can afford it, I can ask for it for you The stall owner stood up and this time no longer looked down upon each other. He was afraid that the other party was sent to buy from the jihadist forces outside the city, so he quickly invited them into the house. The house is a two-story building with a small courtyard in the middle.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know what weapons you want? We have everything here. As long as you have money, we can get it for you! " The stall owner offered tea and cigarettes to the two people.

Kassim translated the words of the stall owner to walianjing in a low voice, and then walianjing asked kassim: "my host said that he wanted the weapon that could shoot down the Soviet plane, not the rocket, but the weapon that could catch the plane automatically on his shoulder!"

"You mean, man to man air defense missiles! This kind of thing is very expensive. We don't have it on hand for the time being! But guest, do you want it made in the Soviet Union or the United States? We can get it all here! " The stall owner replied.

"Boss, you're not kidding! Is it so easy to get this kind of weapon? " After understanding the other party's reply, walianjing asked Kassem to ask. He thought he had heard something wrong. He thought it was very difficult. Could he just find a small arms stand to do it?

"Guest! You don't know, those Russian soldiers are so poor and crazy that they dare to take out everything. As for the US made missiles! Hehe, some mujahideen troops prefer to do opium business, but they don't want to fight with the Russians. It's useless to get this kind of weapon from the Americans. It's better to sell it! " The stall owner explained with a smile.