Chapter 464

After a long talk between Spencer and garribo, the second police officer, they felt that they had a lot in common. Spencer is well aware that the main responsibility of Interpol in Europe is to combat transnational crime, organized crime and other criminal activities. And the most rampant place of these criminal activities is Italy, so it is very helpful to listen to the opinions of police officer Garibaldi.

"Officer Spencer, are you interested in going to the street with me in the evening? I have something I want you to see with your own eyes!" Asked Garibaldi suddenly before he left the house.

"If it's no trouble, I'd love to!" Spencer replied.


After nine o'clock in the evening, Garibaldi drove a gray private car to the hotel to pick up Spencer. Spencer was waiting at the door ahead of time, and Garibaldi saw Spencer as soon as he drove.

"Where are we going?" Spencer asked as he got in the car.

"Go and see the business of those Eastern Europeans!" Garibaldi replied bluntly.

Garibaldi soon drove his car out of the hotel. At night, there were few cars in the streets of Naples, but I didn't know where Garibaldi was going. When it was almost there, there were more cars. Soon a scene of red and white let Spencer see some way.

Spencer couldn't help thinking that it looked like a red light district. What was Garibaldi doing?

The car slowed down after driving into a narrow street. All around are neon lights, and women dressed in glamour. Garibaldi's car had just stopped, and soon a woman was lying on the window and asked, "two brothers, do you want service?"

"Service, how much is it?" Asked Garibaldi, familiar.

"2000 lira!" The woman said to untie the coat, all his chest burst out. This move surprised Spencer, who was unprepared.

"It's too expensive. Forget it! By the way, do you have any cigarettes of this brand? " Garibaldi said, and took out a note from his pocket, on which was written the name of the Cuban cigarette found by Interpol from France. Because it was Spanish, Garibaldi didn't know how to pronounce it.

"How much do you want? This brand is about one dollar a piece!" The woman took out this brand of cigarettes from her pocket. Cigarettes are packaged one by one, but the packaging is very rough. At first sight, they are not regular packaging.

Garibaldi took the cigarette, sent the woman away, gave a cigarette to Spencer, and said to him, "see!"

"What do you see?" Spencer asked vaguely.

"Didn't you see that the woman just now didn't look Italian?" Garibaldi suggested.

"You mean..." what did Spencer understand.

"Yes, the woman just now should have come from the East. You know, the local sex industry is controlled by the Mafia. Without the Mafia's permission, these women can't work here! " Garibaldi lit the cigarette, washed it, looked at it and nodded. It was worth the money.

"Is this what you call the gang of Eastern Europeans? They're protecting these J girls? " Spencer continued.

"No, most of these women are smuggled from Hungary. But look at these cigarettes. They're only easy to buy here. These women on the street are like mobile retail stores. They can buy cigarettes, alcohol and illegal drugs. They would never dare to do it without the Mafia's permission. And you see, there are still some gangsters on the street keeping order here. In other words, the arrival of these women did not reduce the income of the Mafia Garibaldi kept analyzing.

"You mean the Mafia colluded with gangs on the other side of the iron curtain to sell women from Eastern Europe and come here to engage in pornography?" Spencer woke up in surprise.

"Our government is still fighting against the East, but our gangs have already joined hands with the enemy!" Said Garibaldi coldly.

They sat in the car, watching the crowd outside. They were lost in thought. Although the Interpol represented by Spencer has linked the case of Toulouse with the criminal organization. But I never thought there would be such a complicated background.

"Officer Garibaldi, if it was you, how would you go on investigating?" Spencer has now understood that the high-ranking Interpol does not know what the real crime situation is. Unlike Garibaldi, he is very familiar with everything here. He noticed early that some criminal organizations from Eastern European countries began to infiltrate into the West. Because of the existence of the iron curtain, European judicial organs have no way to jointly crack down on these criminal activities. These countries at the forefront of the iron curtain have become hotbeds of criminals. Interpol alone can't arrest the real culprit.

"Hello! Have you ever thought about who will be the biggest beneficiary when these experts die? " Garibaldi finished a cigarette, threw the butt out of the window and asked casually.

When Spencer heard this, he looked at Garibaldi. What was he going to say? Then he denied the idea. However, he replied to Garibaldi: "these scientists are the best communication science experts in Europe. They are working out a communication standard in France. I'm sorry, I don't know much about what they are studying. However, it is said that similar companies in the United States are also studying this technology. I don't think it could be them

"What do you think is the motive of the gang to kill these communication scientists in such a big way? What's good for them? " Asked Garibaldi.

"Well, we haven't come to any conclusion. I don't know why the Mafia is doing this! " Said Spencer.

"It's strange, but I can't figure out why a gang should do something that has nothing to do with itself. And the risk is so great, unless there is any interest relationship between the two organizations! " Garibaldi looked at Spencer and made a little analysis.

"No! no no That's ridiculous. An American high-tech company and the Mafia? Is this a fantasy? " Spencer immediately subconsciously denied that, although he felt that Garibaldi was a bit whimsical, he had to admit in his heart that it could explain a lot of things that didn't make sense.

"I'll just say that if you do such a cruel thing at such a high cost, I won't believe it if you don't get great benefits at the back!" Said garibaldizan, stubbornly.