Chapter 457

"Xie liaosha, it's done!" Yakovlev made a special trip to speak this sentence in a joyful voice on the phone. Although there will be corresponding reports on TV soon, Yakovlev still wants to personally report the good news to Gorbachev's close ministers.

After putting down the phone, Xie liaosha was inspired. Although he knew that Gorbachev was the final winner for a long time, Xie liaosha knew that it was not easy because he had personally experienced the struggle in the past year.

The first thing after Gorbachev took office was the funeral of general secretary Chernenko, the third supreme leader of the Soviet Union to die within three years. The frequent turnover of high-ranking leaders made the political situation of the Soviet Union unstable, and the great cause of reform stagnated.

It is not only the economic reform that has been delayed, but also the anti-corruption movement advocated by Andropov has been completely rejected. He knew very well what kind of person Gorbachev was. In the first two years of his administration, he would not expand his financial business to China in any case.

With the announcement of the list of general secretary Chernenko's funeral Committee, the common people soon knew who the new leader was. Gromiko did not withdraw from the stage of Moscow politics. He was elected chairman of the presidium of the Supreme Soviet. This position is nominally the head of state of the Soviet Union, but in fact it has only symbolic significance.

Xie liaosha was honored to be appointed as a member of the funeral Committee of general secretary Chernenko. This is not an honor that everyone can get, because srulavliov, the head of seryosha, did not get this honor. He knew that this was Gorbachev's reward.

Xie liaosha devoted himself wholeheartedly to the work of the funeral Committee. This time, he was still responsible for external liaison and inviting foreign dignitaries to attend Chernenko's funeral. Nasja is in charge of the specific things, and Xie liaosha only needs to take charge of the overall situation.

Chernenko's funeral was the same as before. Two days before the funeral, Chernenko's coffin was parked at the workers' cultural center in Moscow for people to mourn. Outside the cultural center is full of wreaths sent by the masses, but there are few ordinary people who can really walk into the inner hall to see Chernenko's appearance.

Naturally, the first to come were members of the Politburo headed by Gorbachev, who wore red cuffs with black rims on their right arms, a symbol of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. As a ministerial official, Xie liaosha came with his colleagues from the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation. Because Xie liaosha was put into the funeral committee by Gorbachev, several colleagues from the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation were alienated from Xie liaosha. However, Xie liaosha didn't care about these things, because Gorbachev would soon make a major adjustment in personnel. At that time, MOFTEC will be completely convinced by Xie liaosha.

The ceremony lasted for two days. During these two days, it became Gorbachev's most important job to meet the envoys and representatives of various countries who came to attend the funeral. The reception of these great figures is Xie liaosha's main business these days.

The delegation from Britain is very familiar with him, but he doesn't know much about them. However, this does not prevent Xie liaosha from establishing a new friendship with them. Xie liaosha made an appointment with the officials in charge of trade in the British delegation. Xie liaosha invited the other party to wait until after the funeral to inspect the landing condition of the steam turbine in Ural heavy machinery factory, and the other party agreed happily.

At the burial ceremony of general secretary Chernenko, Xie liaosha was fortunate enough to stand at Lenin's tomb and overlook the spectacular scene of the whole red square. In the distance, the mass square is full of Chernenko's portraits and commemorative slogans.

Right above Lenin's tomb, Gorbachev delivered a eulogy to the 200000 people who came to attend the burial ceremony, remembering and summarizing the achievements of general secretary Chernenko in his life.

Then we went to the tomb of Ning and came to the rear of an artillery car carrying the coffin of general secretary Chernenko. We followed the slowly advancing artillery car around the field for three weeks. The coffin was then placed in the new virgin cemetery.

It was Gorbachev who supported Chernenko. Gromiko and Gorbachev stood on the left and right sides of the first row respectively, while the relatives of general secretary Chernenko followed closely.

People can only see the burial ceremony inside the new virgin cemetery on TV. Although Xie liaosha can walk into the cemetery, he can only stand outside the crowd and watch it.

The silence in the cemetery was broken by the sound of saluting shots fired by the guards. After a round of gunfire, Chernenko's relatives came forward to say goodbye to him. Then the coffin was closed and slowly put into the tomb dug in advance. After that, the red Empire leader was calm.

After Chernenko was buried, Gorbachev led the people back to the top of Lenin's tomb, because a grand military parade was about to take place. With Gorbachev's order, the guard of honor of the three armed forces passed the red square with neat steps. When the guard of honor passed under Lenin's tomb, they would shout: "Wula!"

Gorbachev took off his hat, held it in his hand, waved his greetings to the Red Army officers and soldiers, and looked at the army square and various types of Soviet weapons passing through the Red Square. The representatives from European countries gradually came up with different ideas. The strong military strength of the Soviet Union is the sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of European countries. Both eastern and Western Europe are afraid of the military strength of the Soviet Union.

But now is not the time to consider the mood of the representatives of these countries. The sudden death of Chernenko, who has been in office for only one year, has brought a huge blow to the people of the Soviet Union. A military parade can greatly enhance the confidence and pride of the people of the Soviet Union for the country.

Yeltsin quietly went to Xie liaosha's side, looked at the procession below, and said with emotion: "if only our country could have fewer weapons and put money into the cause related to the national economy and people's livelihood!"

"When you get to Moscow, you can go to Secretary Gorbachev personally to discuss these matters. By the way, how is the handover of our workers' new town project now? When are you going to take office? " Xie liaosha copes with it casually.

"Yakovlev told me that I could come to Moscow next month. I can't do without your help, brother xieliaosha!" Yeltsin said excitedly.

"That's for sure!" Xie liaosha replied happily.