Chapter 442

The luchez family without union support is like a cobra with its fangs pulled out. There is no threat to anyone at all. Just when they are attacked and unable to fight back, more and more mafia families immediately join the army.

But none of this is what sherius Shah in London needs to care about, because Secretary Gorbachev is finally coming.

When Gorbachev's special plane finally landed at Heathrow airport, a sense of pride rose in his heart. It is no exaggeration to say that Xie liaosha contributed to all this, and he is the one who plays chess.

Seliosha and Yakovlev stood in the line under the spiral staircase, waiting for Gorbachev's interview. Since Gorbachev was not the head of state, this time the foreign secretary of the United Kingdom was responsible for receiving him. However, in order to make Gorbachev's visit more impressive, he called his friends in Britain to join in.

Gorbachev stepped out of the cabin and waved to the welcoming crowd. Then I went down the spiral staircase with my wife. The British Foreign Secretary, who had been waiting for a long time, came forward to shake hands with Gorbachev. Journalists from both the Soviet Union and Britain recorded the moment at the same time.

Gorbachev first exchanged greetings with the British welcoming staff, and then came to the Soviet welcoming staff. Along the way, Yakovlev told shariosha a lot about the events that happened in Moscow during this period. The news is unknown to Mr. seliosha in the UK. But there was something unexpected about seryotha, and Yakovlev would talk to him about it.

"Seryosa, we're going to give up our good intentions with gromico. Anyway, they have no hope. We don't need to stimulate them too much. That's why we arranged for you to stay in England and not let you come back! " Yakovlev explained to seryosha.

"Dean, you know the contradiction between grishen and me! I wonder if grishen is also the object of our appeasement? " He didn't want to be left in London by Gorbachev after he had finished everything. If Gorbachev and gromico shake hands and make peace, shariosha will lose the foundation to balance grishen. There is no possibility of reconciliation between Xie liaosha and grishen, but how can the Deputy ministerial officials be the opponents of the Communist Party of China.

"You misunderstood that grishen was involved in the maritime case. Although he was not handed over to the court for trial, his reputation in the party has been very poor. We know the contradiction between you and grishen. You can rest assured that we will not let this moth stay in the Politburo! " Yakovlev assured seryosha.

The destination of the convoy was the Soviet embassy. Gorbachev, who was tired of the journey, had to take a rest to carry on his next activities. As a matter of fact, the contents of the talks during this visit have already been discussed. The main task of Gorbachev's visit is to release goodwill and strengthen friendship between the two countries. The highlight, of course, is the meeting between Gorbachev and Prime Minister Thatcher. The second is the visit to some British industrial enterprises.

During the break at the embassy, Gorbachev called seryosha into the room alone. Ask him about Prime Minister Thatcher. Xie liaosha tried to answer Gorbachev's question according to his intelligence. However, Gorbachev changed the subject and suddenly asked, "what do you think would happen if I asked Prime Minister Thatcher to convey goodwill to the president of the United States?"

"Secretary! I think President Yakovlev has more say in this kind of thing than me! " Xie liaosha said modestly.

"I want to hear your opinion!" Gorbachev asked as he looked in the mirror and sorted out his dress for the event.

"Secretary! I don't think it's bad! " Xie liaosha can hear that Gorbachev has planned to do so. It's definitely not a good idea to overthrow the leader's decision. Xie liaosha won't do such a stupid thing.

"Seryosa, I hear you are friends with Prime Minister Thatcher's husband?" Asked Gorbachev.

"Yes, he had a very good attitude towards us Soviets and made a lot of efforts when I first came to England. We play golf together once in a while! But he's not interested in politics! " Xie liaosha replied.

"How is he? I want to know what impression he made when you dealt with him? " Asked Gorbachev.

"He's an honest man. He's easy-going." Xie liaosha concluded.

"Xie liaosha, I want to visit No. 10 Downing Street. Can you arrange it for me?" Gorbachev asked suddenly.

"Visit?" Xie liaosha said in surprise. This is simply impossible. How can the British intelligence department approve the Soviet leaders' visit to the British Prime Minister's residence?