Chapter 437

During the escape of NIKU and Lubic, the police found some new clues one after another. The truck used to commit the crime was stolen. The police searched near the place where the truck disappeared and found the place where these people used to live. According to the memories of the hotel staff they lived in, there were six of them, speaking English with a very strange accent. So the police asked the waiter to make a portrait of these people according to the impression of memory.

After the crime, these people didn't come back, and they didn't know where they were going, so the clue was interrupted again. But police officers found discarded cigarette boxes in the garbage cans of these people's houses, all marked in Italian. This further confirms the judgment of the ad hoc group that the group may have come from Italy.

However, the police are still a little slow, just when they arrive at the picture and plan to be wanted all over the country. NIKU and Rubik and others have been disguised as Mediterranean Airlines staff, left Marseilles by plane.

Rubic sat on the plane silent, although he was happy to escape from the hands of the French police, but when the plane landed, there was an unknown fate waiting for him. What is the punishment for these people? Rubik began to recall all the actions when NIKU appeared. He wanted to guess what the boss had planned for him through the reaction of these people.

When Nico gave the phone to himself, he seemed to say, "ask yourself! Mr. Nikolay never defaulted

"Mr. Nikolay?"

"It seems that moglievich also said the name at the beginning."

Rubik suddenly realized that it was this group that he had helped mogulevich deal with.

Over the past few days, Rubik has thoroughly understood how powerful these people are. If they are a gang, they are definitely the most powerful Gang Rubik has ever seen. Let's not say anything else, a plane can be called by one phone. How many gangs in Europe can do it?

Lubic's eyes suddenly brightened, and his frown finally spread. He thought of one thing, and that was how to deal with moglievich. The reason why he stayed in Moscow and did not dare to go back to Hungary was that he was afraid of being assassinated by Hungarian gangs. If you are not sure, Rubik will not be able to go back and reunite with his family. But what if I joined Nikolay's gang and became his man?

At least this group has more credit than mogulevich!

Along the way, Rubik was thinking about how to add people to Nikolay's organization, and time passed quickly unconsciously. It's not far from Marseilles to Naples. It's only two hours.

The airport where the plane landed is a private airport, so the security check here is not strict.

Rubik was taken into a black Mercedes Benz car under the custody of NIKU and others. As soon as they got on the car, their faces were covered and they could not see the outside scene. All of them suddenly became nervous and didn't know what was waiting for them. It's just Ruby who reminds you not to be nervous.

According to Yakov's request, these people are to be taken to Yakov's office. Only NIKU, who won Yakov's trust, knew about it.

The bus left the airport for about an hour and finally arrived at its destination. Rubik and the others were taken into a room before they took off their hoods.

Ruby's eyes suddenly saw the light, and a voice said, "I think it's time to teach you a lesson."

A group of people came into the room with baseball bats. Then there was a vicious beating. Ruby was stabbed in the stomach with a stick, and fell to his knees in pain. Then he felt that his back was broken by the rain like stick.

"Boss, i... I have something to say!" Rubik struggled with kindness.

When Yakov heard this, he raised his hand to stop his men from beating the killers. Yakov wants to hear what this guy has to say.

"Boss, I know mogulevich. I was hired by him to go to Grozny as you..."

Yakov didn't wait for Lubic to finish, so he came up and grabbed Lubic by the collar and lifted him up.

"Where is mogulevich?" Asked Yakov

"I'm not sure, but he's close to Hungarian gangs." Lubic said bitterly.

"Have you done anything for them?"

"I've done things for them!"

"What do you do?"

"They asked me to go to Grozny and impersonate Nikolay to assassinate Chechen rebels!"

"And then? How did you become our killer again? "

"Mogulevich is going to kill me, too. I'm running out and running all the way!"

At this point, Yakov's mood eased a little. He released Lubic and went back to his seat. During this time, Petrov's father came to inquire about the whereabouts of moglievich and Mikhailovich, but he knew nothing. Now I know that these people are mixed up with Hungarian gangs. How can I not be happy.

"Leave him, and the rest of you cut off a hand and send it back!" Yakov told his opponent.

"No, boss! It's all because of me. I've suffered from mogulevich, so I'm on guard against you! "I urge you to do the right thing with you according to my idea..." Lubic urged.

Yakov didn't expect that this Lubic should be so loyal. It's useful for him to keep Lubic. Because the clue to moglievic and mikhailovic is in this guy. In fact, when the hostage was killed by NIKU, Yakov was completely relieved. Yakov doesn't have to hold these people responsible. It's all about the mood.

Yakov said to Lubic, "let me let these guys go. You have to help me find out where those sonchivo bastards are hiding!"

"Boss, as long as I have your support, I will dig three feet to get him out. Moglievich is a poisonous snake. If I don't get rid of him one day, I can't live a safe life one day! " Rubik said, gnashing his teeth.

After getting Rubik's statement, Yakov was very satisfied. Although he has not returned to the Soviet Union for a long time, he is still clear about domestic affairs. Moglievich not only sent killers, but also went to Grozny to make trouble and plant Gorky brotherhood according to Rubik. But somehow, the KGB seems to have no response to the planting. Yakov did not have time to delve into the question in his heart, he was attracted by the intelligence that Rubik said.