Chapter 435

This group of uninvited guests is Yakov's trump card, a group of professional killers from Romania. They followed the Lubic group all the way. But then Lubic gave up their plan to go to Spain and hid in the woods to camp. Romanians lost their targets for a time, but they finally found them.

NIKU Basescu saw the hostage tied to the tree at a glance, then walked over without hesitation and shot the hostage in the head with a gun. It doesn't seem to blink.

Ruby Heart raised his throat, he forced himself to calm down, do not panic.

NIKU picked up Rubik's satellite phone and turned it on. I dialed the number of Rubik's agent directly, and it took a few minutes. NIKU gave the phone to Lubic and said, "ask for it yourself! Mr. Nikolay never defaulted

Rubik called and asked in a low voice whether he had the corresponding remuneration in his Swiss account. The agent said happily on the phone, "yes, the boss has already paid the fee!"

"A bunch of idiots have to do so many things!" Nico taught these guys.

"What's the boss going to do with us?" After Rubik called, his heart was more than half down. Since the other party is willing to give money, then it will probably not kill them.

"From now on, all of you will listen to us. I'll try to arrange for you to leave France! Where are you from? Where are you going NIKU replied.

After the hostility was basically eliminated, NIKU asked the poles to pack their things and leave here. At the same time, he asked the Soviets to dig a hole and bury the hostage's body on the spot.

About half an hour later, everyone took care of what was at hand. NIKU, they got a truck, they got in, they went down the country road and back to the main road. NIKU told everyone to throw away their rifles and carry only their self-defense pistols.

Now, although the police don't know who the murderer is, they have basically completed the deployment. It's not so easy for them to leave France. For today's plan is to find a place to live and wait for Yakov to arrange for them. According to Zhao Yakov, these people are going to be brought back to Italy. They almost caused a disaster for Yakov. How could Yakov let them go easily. Although it won't take their lives, there is still an explanation.

On the way, NIKU first called Yakov, reported a letter, and then talked about the current situation. Yakov said to NIKU, "you want to go to Marseilles. I'll arrange a boat and a plane to wait for you at the same time."

With specific arrangements, the party began to march towards Marseilles. I bought some clothes on the road and changed the clothes and shoes when I committed the crime. The police can be seen checking everywhere along the way. Fortunately, we all speak English, so it's easy to pretend to be tourists.

NIKU and Rubik are racking their brains to avoid the police. In Italy, after learning about the killers, Yakov immediately reported to seryosa.

Xie liaosha put down the phone and went to the wine cabinet to pour himself a glass of whisky.

The problem has been solved for the time being. If the European Conference of Posts and Telecommunications had not relied on the public power of the government to crack down on its opponents, Xie liaosha would not have chosen such a fierce method. This time, these communication scientists who fell under the gun became the victims.

"Why don't you watch TV and drink alone here?" EVA came from the living room in her pajamas. She asked curiously when she saw Xie liaosha drinking alone.

Xie liaosha turned to EVA and didn't answer his question. Instead, he said, "it's best to push our second-generation communication system to the trial operation stage by the end of this month! Don't wait for all the problems to be solved. Before pushing them to the market, we should occupy the market first. We can't give any illusion to the European Conference of Posts and Telecommunications! "

"Have you received any news?" EVA asked curiously.

"That's not true. I just think the work efficiency in Europe is far less than that in the United States. It should not make progress in a very short time!" Shariosha didn't want to tell EVA that he used extraordinary means to solve the problem, this time it was just an exception. Although this kind of thing is unavoidable in the future.

The next day, Xie liaosha was going to the financial city in his car when his satellite phone suddenly rang. Xie liaosha gets on the phone. To his surprise, it's molgin who called.

"Xie liaosha, I want to know if you did what killed that GSM group?" Morgen asked gravely.

"I have no idea what GSM group was killed?" Xie liaosha said foolishly.

"My people are almost exposed because of this. Can't you say it before you start?" Molgin said reproachfully.

Xie liaosha will never admit anything on the phone. Who knows what morgin is up to. So he turned and said, "is something wrong with our comrade? Do you want me to help you with that? "

"No! After they got the news from the TV, they destroyed all the evidence of the theft! The French police can't deal with the KGB, but your action is so sudden that my people are unprepared. They ask me what happened, and I don't know how to explain it! " Morgin complained on the phone.

Xie liaosha understood that morgin didn't have any trouble because of his actions. He just wanted to let himself know that he had made great efforts in it and wanted to owe him a favor.

"Director morkin, this matter has nothing to do with me. But I'd like to thank you for your intelligence assistance. I'll visit you when I get back to Moscow! " Xie liaosha said.

"Is it really none of your business? Then I can rest assured. You know brother Xie liaosha, our KGB has been watched by the top recently! " Said morgin.

Xie liaosha and morgin keep playing coloratura on the phone. Moreking's mind Xie liaosha probably understands some, he wants to find a new backer. It's better to be Gorbachev behind shariosha. But he didn't want to introduce the KGB to Gorbachev. He had his own ideas. However, xieliaosha intends to maintain morgin's road.

After Xie liaosha hung up, he called nasjia to prepare some valuable gifts for morgin. It is impossible for shailyusha to return to China in a short time. Everything will be done after Gorbachev's visit to Britain.