Chapter 432

The exit route is still to take a cargo ship to sea from Leningrad, and then arrange for three killers to disembark in Gdansk. The next Mediterranean flight will take these people to Italy. They will get forged documents in Italy and enter France as tourists.

These people walking with Rubik are probably going abroad for the first time. When they come out of the airport, they stare at the colorful night scene outside the window. Although Lubic has never been to Italy, his missing for his family makes him uninterested in these material temptations.

Rubik, they were arranged to live in a house near the port of Naples, where they were asked not to leave. Of course, this is Italy after all. Food and wine are still available.

They were left in Italy because there was new news from molgin. The pan European mobile network research team (GSM) is based in Toulouse, near Spain. In addition to formulating the European version of the second generation mobile communication technology standards, the team also undertook most of the communication experiment technology. The core members of this group are about ten, all of them are first-class experts from Alcatel and Ericsson, as well as some famous European communication technology research institutions.

Now the task is very clear. Xie liaosha wants to kill the GSM team and delay the research progress of the European Conference on posts and telecommunications. As long as it can last for a year and a half, the technology of Yota communication will be available by then. At that time, European standards were useless even if they were formulated, because there was still a long way to go from the formulation of standards to the final commercial implementation.

Seryosha asked Yakov to send the killer to France and find a chance to do it. So the killers who had been locked up in Naples for a long time got on the freighter bound for Marseilles, France. At the same time, Yakov's cronies, Romanian killers, followed the six killers from Moscow and Gdansk into France.

After a few days together, these killers became familiar with each other. Only Lubic is an exception. He is not interested in making good relations with these people. Lubic only hopes that he can successfully complete the task and get the corresponding reward.

When these people left the port of Marseilles, the people who sent them sent them thousands of francs each to meet the expenses of these days, and then they left. Each of them has a satellite phone, and the boss will give them the following tasks through the satellite phone.

A few thousand francs is not enough for them to live separately. They can only choose to live together and wait for the boss's instructions. The men rented a car and went to Toulouse on the boss's instructions. Then someone sent them photos of the targets by email and where they worked. They have to deal with the rest by themselves.

Rubik is no longer standing by this time. He is worried about two things. One is whether the action can succeed, and the other is whether the boss behind the success will hurt them. It's better to let everyone know about this kind of thing, so Lubic quietly told his worries to his new friends.

"I think this man is right. What if the boss who doesn't show up really wants to kill us?" A killer from Gdansk said with some worry.

"I agree. It's no harm to be more careful in our business!" Another guy said.

Rubik analyzed for you: "guys, we are tied together now. You have seen the terrain near the Research Institute. Although it is not downtown, there are air force troops stationed nearby! There is also an aircraft manufacturing company nearby. If we start in this place, it will take less than five minutes for these armed men to rush up and kill us! So, we must do it when they leave this area! "

"What's your idea, man? Why don't you tell me? " Someone asked curiously.

"There's a mountain tunnel from the Institute to downtown Toulouse, and I want to do it in this tunnel." Ruby said seriously.

"What do you want to do?" Someone asked again.

"I haven't thought about it completely yet. I just have a general plan!" Rubick said.

So Rubik began to tell his plan for these companions in detail. These companions are not ordinary people, and we are all together to fill in the loopholes in the plan bit by bit. When the plan is finally in shape, there is another problem before everyone, that is, how to ensure that they can get the ransom safely.

"I think so. The big boss asked us to kill all these people! But we can leave one or two targets as hostages. If the boss wants to have a black meal, then we will tell the hostage the truth and let him go. If all goes well, we'll kill the hostages and go our own way with the money? " Ruby said to everyone seriously.

At this time, everyone was a little silent. This time, it was difficult. If something happened, would it cause more unnecessary trouble? Although the boss is likely to eat black, but no one is willing to make more trouble for that little possibility.

"We are hired to kill people. Who knows why these people want to die? no one! We don't know why we were hired to kill these people, so we can't guarantee that we won't be killed! " Lubic advised.

"Friends! I don't know if you feel it. I always feel that someone has been staring at me since I arrived in France. Although I can't find any evidence, I always believe in my intuition. My intuition is very smart! And for my own safety, I'm willing to leave a hostage! " Said one of my Polish friends.

"How good is your intuition?" Someone asked with disdain.

"It's so smart that all my original gangs have been arrested by the cops. I'm the only one out there!" The poles also said unconvinced.

"It can't be your letter to the police!" Some people think that humor asked.

The poles got up and kicked it! There's going to be a war in the house. Rubik didn't want them to fight. He stood between them, grabbed his face, and separated them!

"Listen, this is France. If you fight and bring in the police, we'll be done! Although I'm short of money, I don't want to die in a muddle headed way. Do you understand? " Rubick said.

"I understand!"


Although they were still staring at each other, they slowly stepped back.