Chapter 429

In fact, Atkins doesn't know much, because so far, it is the Ministry of Posts and telecommunications that promotes the project internally. Xie liaosha didn't get any more news. He waited until the end of the activity and rushed home to discuss this with EVA.

Back home, Xie liaosha told EVA the whole story. When Xie liaosha finished, EVA knocked over her coffee cup in a panic.

"Damn it EVA took the towel from Karim and wiped the coffee stains on her body. She kept walking around the room, thinking about the countermeasures.

"How far is our second generation mobile communication going?" Xie liaosha asked in a voice.

"According to the current progress, we should be able to enter the trial operation test stage before the end of the year! At & T has always said that it would adopt our technology. I didn't notice that there would be competitors in Europe! " EVA said with chagrin that the second generation of new mobile communication took several years, and the whole project almost invested all the money earned by the first generation of mobile communication. Now it is about to be launched into the global market. Who knows that Europe has to develop a different set of standards. When the first generation of mobile network solutions did not perform well in the European market, it should be thought that EVA secretly blamed herself for being so slow.

Xie liaosha thought about it for a while, then stood up and said to EVA, "it doesn't matter. This thing was discovered early, and there are still some remedies! Don't we have a lot of patents for the first generation of mobile communications? Find a lawyer, fight a lawsuit with the European Conference of Posts and telecommunications, and hold them down first! "

"No, Xie liaosha! We have registered all the core patents of the second generation mobile communication! It's impossible that Europeans don't know about this. Since they dare to fight against us, they must have a different technical route from us. I think they should have thought about our setting up patent barriers! " EVA reminds shariosha.

"Whether it's useful or not, it's good to buy us some time!" Xie liaosha advised.

In fact, she didn't tell EVA about a plan, because the key to this matter is what the European Conference of Posts and Telecommunications (CETC) relies on to formulate its own mobile communication standards, that is, how the European Conference of Posts and Telecommunications (CETC) evades the patent barrier of Yota communication. Therefore, seryosha plans to take over the power of KGB and steal the top secret information which is still in a confidential state from the internal of the European Conference of Posts and telecommunications.

When the anti-corruption in the Soviet Union was the most urgent, chuerbanov once introduced a mysterious figure to deliver a message to seryosa. Since Andropov's death, seryosha has not contacted this person. Now shariosha plans to have this mysterious man mobilize the KGB to steal the technical information. Xie liaosha comforted EVA. Then he went into the bedroom, took out the satellite phone from his luggage and called the mysterious man.

Xie liaosha waited for a long time, but no one answered the phone. He hung up. About twenty minutes later, the satellite rang. Xie liaosha picked up the phone and asked in a low voice, "what's the matter?"

"I want to steal a piece of technical information belonging to a department within the European Conference on posts and telecommunications. Can you arrange it for me?" Xie liaosha replied.

"Boy, you are a senior cadre now. Don't you command the KGB with your power? This matter belongs to the Sixth General Administration of the KGB, the defense industry security administration. You can directly ask the director of the KGB to arrange it for you without going through me! " Said the other end of the phone.

"How can I command the KGB?" Xie liaosha thinks the other party is joking.

"When Andropov was there, you were absolutely immovable, but now, the KGB just wanted to let you owe them personal favor?" The other replied.

"What happened to the KGB?" Xie liaosha asked.

"Who do you think supports the KGB in today's world! No, the director of the sixth Bureau will never shirk responsibility for you! You can just arrange for him to do it. I promise I can do it for you The phone just hung up.

Xie liaosha slowly put down the phone. He thought he had offended the mysterious man. But this sentence "who do you think is the supporter of KGB in today's world" is really intriguing? Xie liaosha understood that both Chernenko's faction and gromiko's faction suffered a lot from Andropov's anti-corruption, and grish was almost sent to prison by Andropov. In any case, these two people will not like the KGB. The only thing left is our Secretary Gorbachev. With his political inclination, how can we protect the KGB.

To understand this, he left home and went directly to the Soviet embassy. You can't contact the KGB outside. You have to use the encrypted communication line in the embassy. On the way, shariosha could not let go of the KGB. I can't believe that the powerful KGB can recite its words.

When Xie liaosha arrived at the embassy, he explained his intention. The key flight attendants of the embassy immediately arranged for Xie liaosha to talk to the sixth Bureau of the KGB, defense industry security administration. He waited less than ten minutes before Moscow got through. So shagliaosha and the director of the sixth Bureau of the KGB began to talk about it.

Xie liaosha's reason was that he hoped to understand these communication technologies to develop the telecommunication technology in the Soviet Union. This reason is big and vague, but the director of the sixth Bureau, Mo Erjing, helped Xie liaosha find a more reliable reason.

"Yes, Comrade Xie liaosha, we must grasp the development trend of their communication technology, which is also the objective need of our KGB to ensure the safety of its own communication channels!" Director morkin emphasized seriously.

Xie liaosha didn't know that others were helping him. He took this matter into the KGB's intelligence plan. Because the phone is monitored and recorded, many things can't be said directly in it.

Xie liaosha finally stressed that it's better to do this as soon as possible, and thanks to the KGB comrades for their assistance. Then they hung up.

Although Xie liaosha didn't understand the painstaking efforts of director moljing, he was very grateful for the warm-hearted attitude of others. He plans to thank director molgin after he returns to Moscow.

The ambassador of the Soviet Union arranged dinner for Xie liaosha, but Xie liaosha was not easy to refuse. Although the ambassador is a member of the Ministry of foreign affairs, he knows that he has a wide range of contacts in Britain, so he naturally makes friends. It's a pity that Xie liaosha has been thinking about the KGB for a long time.