Chapter 413

Plaza Hotel is located on 59th Street in New York City, USA. It looks across the street from Central Park and faces the general square in the East. This is also the origin of the name of the Plaza Hotel. Since its opening in 1907, it has been a place for celebrities and dignitaries to stay. It is famous for its considerate service all over the world. The hotel now belongs to Hilton Hotel Group, which can be called the Pearl of the crown of the hotel industry.

Xie liaosha is not only a high-profile economic expert, he is also a senior official of the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation of the Soviet Union. Xie liaosha was arranged in the hotel's VIP suite, which allows Xie liaosha to fully experience the meticulous service of the meal. Xie liaosha originally thought the Plaza Hotel was a Japanese Hotel, because in his impression, the Plaza Agreement should have been signed in Japan, but now it seems that the signing place is in New York, but Xie liaosha does not remember the specific time of signing. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the Japanese plan, Xie liaosha thinks that he should find a way to buy the hotel.

The forum lasted for five days and invited experts, scholars and government officials from major Western economies and some emerging economies to attend. Xie liaosha is not very interested in this. He plans to read the speech prepared for him by Glencore employees in the meeting. The most crucial issue is how to facilitate the meeting with US officials, which is the biggest task of shagliaosha's trip. Because with the current relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union, even if Xie liaosha took the initiative to say hello to American officials, people may not ignore him. So these days, shagliaosha is not going to stay in the hotel and have a good rest. He must participate in various public activities as much as possible to attract the attention of the media, so that the US government can not ignore his identity.

This year is not only the election year of the United States, but also the Olympic year. In a few months, the Los Angeles Olympic Games will open. But in retaliation for the U.S. boycott of the Moscow Olympics, the Soviet Union also refused to send a delegation to the Los Angeles Olympics. The atmosphere of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union is now the most worrying thing in the world. Due to the existence of a large number of medium range missiles, people living in European countries are the most worried. Now that the Soviet Union has put down its position and started to do business with Europe, the United States still has no indication of the changes made by the Soviet Union. In order to seek re-election, President Reagan from time to time wanted to talk about the Soviet Union. Under the influence of a series of unfavorable factors, the situation was very unfavorable for shariosha to complete his task.

Xie liaosha took a bath in the suite and washed away his tiredness. He had planned to go out and walk around, but as soon as he opened the door, he saw several Asians standing outside, as if they were planning to knock on the door. Xie liaosha quickly asked, "gentlemen, what can I do for you?"

"Are you Mr. ulyanov? I'm the representative of Nomura Securities. We're going to greet you at the door! " The other side politely handed over his business card and introduced himself to Xie liaosha in fluent Russian.

"I'm just going out to find a place to have a drink. Come along if you don't mind!" Xie liaosha kindly invited the other party.

"Oh! Really? Then we will venture to disturb you! " Visitors immediately follow Xie liaosha's steps. Xie liaosha changes his mind and doesn't plan to go outside the hotel. He just drinks a few drinks in the bar of the hotel. So they went to the most famous palm hall inside the hotel and found a seat to sit down. After the waiter brought a bottle of whisky, Xie liaosha began to communicate with these Japanese people he just met. It seems that they came to ask Xie liaosha about some problems with the subprime mortgage products. Therefore, the conversation focused on the actual effect of the subprime mortgage products and the future prospects.

Xie liaosha has been prepared for this for a long time. In order to make his speech more convincing, Xie liaosha takes the example of Moscow workers' new city as a specific example of subprime mortgage products in real estate. Strictly speaking, the bonds issued by the National Housing Bank by Xie liaosha can also be regarded as a kind of subprime loan, because the income of the common people in the Soviet Union is generally not high, and the ability of credit guarantee for bonds is naturally not strong. However, he deliberately concealed an important factor, that is, the Soviet workers were not allowed to lose their jobs. Therefore, the Soviet workers' solvency was very strong. Xie liaosha gave the photos of the workers' new town project before and after development to each other for them to pass on and look at each other.

Worker's new town is the most modern residential living area in Moscow, which adopts the most popular urban planning scheme in the world. Coupled with the unique beauty of Soviet architecture and the shock in scale, it seems very convincing. Xie liaosha's luggage also brought a video about the construction of the workers' new town project, which showed the speed of the modernization of the workers' new town in a fast editing way. This information was provided by a photographer of the new worker's city project of the Communist Youth League Committee of Moscow. He takes pictures of sunrise and sunset on the roof of the tallest building of the new worker's city every day, and he has hardly changed this habit for several years. This time, sherio Saud turned the film of these photos into a film, saved it into a video, and brought it to New York.

"Mr. ulyanov, this is really shocking. The construction speed of your country is so amazing! Is this the power of subprime mortgage? " Asked the Japanese in surprise.

"Yes, gentlemen! Subprime mortgage products are not made out of thin air. We use financial innovation to solve the practical problems in social life. As long as we combine the debts of people with different solvency, we can create safer financial derivatives. It was in this way that we got a lot of money to start the project, without using any money from the state. " Xie liaosha said half true and half false. Anyway, most people in non socialist countries have no idea how the banking system of the Soviet Union works. Seliosha can give full play to it.

"Ulyanov, Mr. Di Yiming of our country highly praised the concept of subprime mortgage products you created. Nomura Securities introduced this product from London under the guidance of Mr. Di Yiming. Today, you can see the huge capacity and broad prospects of the subprime mortgage products. We firmly believe that your invention will bring more funds to the housing loan market... "The Japanese guests gushed with compliments.

"Has Mr. Di Yiming come to America, too?" Xie liaosha asks curiously.

"Yes, he heard that you are going to attend this forum. He has taken a connecting flight to New York. One of the purposes of our visit to you is to invite you to have a talk with him on behalf of Mr. Yiming." The Japanese guest replied.

"Please do tell Mr. Di Yiming. If you don't mind, I'd like to arrange a special gathering for business representatives to attend this meeting. At the same time, I'd like to invite Mr. Di Yiming to attend!" Xie liaosha announced with a smile.