Chapter 398

Xie liaosha was informed of the Political Bureau's decision on personnel appointment the next day. Although Xie liaosha had prepared for his official career earlier, he did not expect to enter the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation as an assistant minister. You should know that this is a leading position at the Deputy ministerial level, and it has great power. Although it is called assistant, it is the actual executor of the work at the ministerial level.

The higher authorities removed Xie liaosha from the post of director of the Ministry of agriculture, but let him retain the post of senior official of the Moscow regiment. That's because there is no one to take over the project of workers' new village, because this project was founded by Xie liaosha. Now it is an image project of the Moscow government and the biggest livelihood project of the Soviet Union. Once another person comes to take over, Xie liaosha's foundation is well laid if he does well, but if he does not, his successor's ability is in question. No one will do this kind of thing that can't get any benefit.

Since he was promoted to the rank of vice minister, Xie liaosha's treatment naturally went up. When he went to the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation to report, he also accepted the treatment and privileges enjoyed by cadres at the vice ministerial level. Seliosha's car changed from Volga to Jill 4104 limousine, and from one special car to two special cars. At the same time, there are two full-time drivers to serve seliosha. In addition to the housing treatment, Xie liaosha has two more villas in Moscow, one in the Ministry compound of the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation in the center of the city, and the other in the suburbs. Brezhnev's son, Yuri Brezhnev, once served as the first vice minister of the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation. These high-ranking villas were also built under the leadership of Yuri Brezhnev in those years. They were decorated with the best materials. How could president Bo's son treat himself and his colleagues badly? Now Yuri has been removed from his post, but now Xie liaosha has taken advantage of it.

In addition to the housing, there are many more staff around Xie liaosha to take care of his daily life. Including personal doctors, nurses, cooks, cleaners, guards, gardeners and so on. If his secretary and driver are included, there are no less than 20 people in the team who serve him. Of course, if Xie liaosha has children or is married, the government will arrange more service personnel such as nanny for him.

The change in living conditions is only a small matter. What really makes Xie liaosha feel helpful is that he can access some data and information that he has not been able to access before, so as to provide more basis for his future decision-making. Xie liaosha transferred his secretary nasjia to the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation. With seryosha's promotion, nasja is now an official of the same rank as Gorky's deputy mayor. As for Xie liaosha's old subordinates in the Youth League Committee, such as Gorman and Pugachev, who made great efforts in the project of Moscow workers' new town. Xie liaosha originally wanted to transfer them to the Ministry of agriculture, but before he finished the process, Xie liaosha came to the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation, so their promotion would have to take some more trouble.

A few days before Xie liaosha took office, he was not in a hurry to go to work in the Department. He asked nasjia to go to work in the Department first. While hiding at home, he was concerned about his own business and studied the import and export data of the Soviet Union with Glencore's data analysis department. According to seliosha's analysis, although the Soviet Union is one of the only two superpowers in the world, there are not many competitive products in the international market. Looking at the export data of the Soviet Union, the most competitive export products are mainly oil, coal, iron ore, cement, gold, natural gas and other mineral products. And then there are weapons and agricultural products (caviar and so on). There is no comparability with the industrial products with high added value of science and technology in western countries. Looking at the trade partners of the Soviet Union, half of the trade volume comes from the poor countries such as the Eastern European group. The rich European Community accounts for about 12%, followed by the United States and some other countries. If it were not for the reasonable price of oil and natural gas, such a big country would not have been able to survive long ago.

Under the current international environment, it can be said that it is extremely unfavorable to the foreign trade of the Soviet Union. Although the natural gas pipeline and oil trade between the Soviet Union and Europe brought a large amount of foreign exchange to the Soviet Union, the wealth was squandered to the war in Afghanistan, as well as to import food, agricultural and sideline products, daily necessities and other civilian biological resources from abroad. Although leaders are aware that there is something wrong with the economy and need to reform, their understanding of the economy comes entirely from the data of the statistical department. For example, how much GDP can be increased by building a new factory and other simple calculations, but the operating rate of the factory and whether the products produced are internationally competitive are not the problems that leaders need to worry about.

Xie liaosha also has business in the United States. He is very clear about the gap between the two countries in the economic field. Although Reagan, the current leader of the United States, is developing military power militarily, the economy of the United States is also facing the risk of recession. However, the computer industry in the United States is becoming a new economic driving force and growth point, but the Soviet Union does not have this advantage. At present, there is a serious shortage of labor force in the Soviet Union. Even under this situation, a large number of young people are still sent to Afghanistan. However, the problems at this level can not be reversed at all.

It can be said that although the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation is a good department that everyone envies, if you really want to do something, the road ahead of Xie liaosha is not easy. Xie liaosha can sell more oil and petrochemical products, natural gas, electrolytic aluminum and other resources and raw materials for the Soviet Union through the channels of Glencore, but he can't guarantee that the prices of these resources and raw materials will never fall. If such a thing really happens, it will be a devastating blow to the Soviet economy.

However, to his surprise, Glencore's industry analysts seemed to be interested in the domestic automobile industry in the Soviet Union. In particular, the Volga brand cars produced by Gorky automobile factory and the LADA brand cars produced by Volga automobile factory, many analysts believe that these brands of cars have huge market advantages, and if they operate properly, they will have a very broad market prospect. The expert's words attracted Xie liaosha's attention.

As a post-80s man, Xie Wenlong knows more about Volga and LADA. When he was a child, the sign of the garage in front of his house said that he specialized in Santana, Volga, LADA and other models. At that time, he had to pass by the garage every day after school, and it was only when he was about to graduate from primary school that these Soviet car brands gradually disappeared from the scope of maintenance of the garage. Now the words of Glencore's analysis experts have made seliosha find a new direction of work, that is to develop the Soviet Union's automobile industry.