Chapter 392

London Heathrow airport, civil aircraft from Moscow slowly landed on the runway of the airport. After getting off the plane, a group of Soviet officials in suits left through the VIP passageway of the airport and got into the car of the Soviet embassy.

In a black seagull car in the team, Yakovlev, who just led the team to London, is in the car to learn the latest situation from cheriesha, who has been here for more than a month.

"Well done, Secretary Gorbachev spoke highly of your action! I even praised you publicly at the Political Bureau meeting! " Yakovlev said.

"Did Secretary Gorbachev give me any instructions for the next step?" Xie liaosha asked with a low profile. Although he has made great achievements this time, he does not think that his position in secretary Gorbachev's heart will surpass that of Yakovlev, who was once a member of the Central Committee. He is still a small generation in front of him. At present, the interests of the two people are the same, that is, to help Gorbachev gradually improve his prestige in the party. Only when Gorbachev became the general secretary can they win.

"I'm afraid you'll have to stay here to help us! Secretary Gorbachev instructed you to take charge of business negotiations on natural gas, coal and other trade aspects. I was responsible for docking with the British Foreign Office and the Soviet British Liaison Group on the visit arrangements. The leader's visit is not so simple. It doesn't mean that you can come just by calling you. We have a lot of work to do! Alas, sometimes the biggest difficulty does not come from the outside, but from our inside! " Yakovlev said.

"What's wrong?" Xie liaosha recognized Yakovlev's words and asked quickly.

"There are different voices about the invitation within the Politburo. After all, it is not an invitation to general secretary Chernenko. Who do you think is most strongly opposed to Secretary Gorbachev's visit this time? It's foreign minister gromiko. He was so careful that he wanted to be the successor of the general secretary. Naturally, he tried his best to suppress Secretary Gorbachev! Some words are hard to say at home, but now when I go abroad, I don't have so many restrictions. Xie liaosha, you should know that Secretary Gorbachev completely failed in the last competition for general secretary. According to the Convention, he will withdraw from the Political Bureau, the core of power, two years later, that is, at the 27th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Unless we can make Secretary Gorbachev's prestige in the party exceed that of all the current members of the Politburo, we can change this practice! " Yakovlev explained earnestly for seliosha.

"I will work hard and live up to the training and trust of secretary Gorbachev!" Xie liaosha hastened to show his attitude.

The motorcade slowly drove into the courtyard of the Soviet embassy in the UK. Seliosha stayed here for a while. He discussed some work matters with Yakovlev and the Soviet ambassador to the UK. After dinner, seliosha left the Embassy by car and returned to the hotel where the Soviet trade negotiation delegation lived.

Xie liaosha has now made his identity public in the UK, which has caused a lot of trouble to his Japanese plan. Many bankers who had been attracted by Xie liaosha's huge plan in the banking association began to be indifferent to Xie liaosha. However, the banks that had commercial cooperation with Xie liaosha persisted. From time to time, Barclays Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland and Rothschild bank still invite Mr. seryosha to participate in some activities of the association of banks.

Shagliaosha has already called Mikhail. He plans to let Mikhail register a foreign financial company in Japan under the name of Mediterranean trading company, specializing in mortgage packing business. This matter should be done sooner rather than later. The earlier you enter this market, the more you will be able to obtain more huge profits.

Over the years, Mikhail has been the operator of xieliaosha's underground financial business. He was originally very smart, diligent and studious. Coupled with his interest, he seems to have become an expert in finance. In recent years, Yakov and Yuri have been out of the country one after another, and started a new career overseas. Yuri relies on an enterprising spirit, while Yakov relies on his character of being good at dealing with people. However, behind their success, they may not be able to run smoothly without the funds Mikhail has. Xie liaosha's financial group is now like a gangster's Bank, but the bank's customers not only have no interest but also pay high service fees. At the same time, Xie liaosha's financial group also extended loans to the gangs, and the interest was calculated monthly, with an annual interest rate as high as 50%, which was just a little more generous than usury. Xie liaosha's business is getting bigger and bigger now. It's very common for him to borrow money from gangs to run his own business. Mikhail has been carefully managing this huge amount of money. While supporting various businesses of seliosha, he has to try his best to avoid the problem of poor cash flow. Because ordinary banks will go bankrupt at most if they have this kind of problem. If the Mafia banks have this kind of problem, they will die.

On the second day after accepting the task of shaeliosha, Mikhail personally led the team to Japan to set up the first Asian branch of the organization, Sanjin society. The reason why it is called Sanjin society is that this company mainly carries out credit asset restructuring business for Japanese financial companies that are engaged in housing loans, personal consumption loans and personal operating loans. If we can explain it in simple terms, the clients of the three gold associations will be mainly banks and some small financial companies (mainly usury companies of the underworld). The business of the three gold associations is to buy the issued debts from these institutions at a low price, package them into financial derivatives, and then sell them to large financial institutions. This kind of business does not violate Japanese laws, and there is nothing to hide. Moreover, Japan does not seem to have strict management of funds from foreign countries. There is neither foreign exchange control nor strict supervision of anti money laundering. The pocketing Bank (billiard house) on the street is the best proof, This makes it easy for Mikhail to transfer the huge funds of the organization to Japan. Mikhail is not going to worry about Mediterranean trading company for the time being. He transferred his work in Mediterranean trading company to Boris through the organizational process, and then began to work wholeheartedly for seliosha's Japanese plan.