Chapter 390

"Open meeting? Why, I didn't say that at the beginning! " Xie liaosha said angrily.

"Mr. ulyanov, this is what the prime minister asked for! I can't persuade the prime minister to have a private meeting with you. As you know, this is the time of the storm! If the prime minister meets with you in private, once he is known by the reporters or those members of the labor party, he will certainly take the opportunity to attack. At that time, the Americans will certainly exert more pressure on the prime minister. " Ian McGrady strongly advised shagliaosha.

Xie liaosha and McGrady argued for an hour about whether to meet openly, but they still didn't find a solution acceptable to everyone. The difficulty of this matter is obviously beyond Xie liaosha's original idea. Now Xie liaosha has to think about what alternative plans can be made to facilitate this. Now that McGrady can't get through, the only thing shagliaosha can think of now is the prime minister's husband, sir Denise Thatcher.

Xie liaosha called Kalim over and asked in a low voice, "Kalim, do you know what the husband of the prime minister does?"

"He! It's said that he is a rich businessman in paint and pigment business. The old man is funny and lovely. It makes people feel that he is a bit shy, but he married such a powerful wife. Those third rate newspapers often report their husband and wife's affairs, and they make fun of him all day long! But a good man Karim said happily.

"Can you find a chance to get in touch with him?" Xie liaosha asked curiously?

"You really said that he and a frequent visitor of our gallery are good friends for many years. They often go to play golf or something together! I want to create a chance encounter, but there's no problem! " Karim agreed.

"Arrange it for me as soon as possible! These politicians are all old foxes. It's better for businessmen to talk Xie liaosha complained.

After Xie liaosha's explanation, Karim immediately went to work. Xie liaosha poured himself a glass of wine, sat on the sofa and quietly waited for Karim to organize an upper class outdoor social activity by telephone. In less than 20 minutes, a golf party including Sir Denise Thatcher had been arranged.

A few days later, dressed in casual clothes and driving in a sports car, shagliaosha and Karim arrived at a membership golf course. This day is a rare good weather, sunny, green grass, beautiful scenery can always make people feel comfortable.

Although he is still worried about what Gorbachev has told him, the first reason why he does not want to have a public meeting with Prime Minister Thatcher is that general secretary Gorbachev does it behind the back of the Politburo. It will bring great trouble to Secretary Gorbachev if he makes the news public before it is completed. On the other hand, it's because he doesn't want to expose himself to the public. After all, there is a big business waiting for him in the Bankers Association.

The ball was organized by Karim, and most of the guests were customers and members of the Rose Palace gallery. The people who have money to play art investment are basically the rich class who have received good art education since childhood. Everyone is very familiar with each other, except Xie liaosha. However, many guests in the banking industry recognized him.

Before the start of the game, shagliaosha and Sir Denise Thatcher got what he wanted. Sir Thatcher wore a pair of black rimmed glasses, a little balding, but he looked very kind. Someone who knew both shaeliosha and Dennis came to introduce them to each other. The middleman introduced to Dennis that shagliaosha was a coal merchant from the United States, and shagliaosha acquiesced in this identity.

Golf is not a fierce sport, but a sport for a leisurely walk. Two men hit the ball and walked on the lawn. There is a lot of time to communicate with each other, just as Xie Wenlong's English teacher said when he was in middle school. English people always start with the weather.

After playing three holes with Denise, the topic gradually shifted to business. When Dennis finally turned to coal. Deliberately slowing the distance between the caddie and the player, he grabbed Dennis and whispered, "I'm sorry, sir Thatcher. I have just concealed my true identity. I am not a rich businessman from the United States, although I do have some business in the United States. I'm actually a government official from the Soviet Union! "

Dennis was shocked by the words of shagliaosha. He didn't even notice the club fell to the ground. After a while, he said, "I'm sorry, I don't know much about politics." Then he turned around and left.

"Denise, do you know what it's like to be hungry?" she said

"What do you mean?" Dennis turned and looked at shariosha suspiciously.

"Please give me some time, I have to explain it for you!" Xie liaosha catches up and holds Dennis.

"All right! But not too long! " Dennis reluctantly agreed.

"Dennis, my country has suffered severe grain cuts for several years in a row. There are both natural and man-made reasons! We have to use gold and foreign exchange to buy food abroad! And I happen to be the main official in charge of agriculture. The funds we allocated to agriculture are not enough. If we spend most of the money on the purchase of grain, we will not have the money to buy those agricultural equipment to change the current situation! " Shagliaosha explained to Dennis.

"If you build less warships, missiles and airplanes, I don't think there will be any financial problems!" Dennis said sarcastically.

"Yes, you are right, but the annual agricultural allocation is not decided by me, but by our superiors. I can only get so much money every year. Now the proportion of imported grain is increasing. If this continues, we are likely to cause serious food problems. These words should not have been known to foreigners. I hope you can understand them. It's politicians who are in opposition, and it has nothing to do with the people! " Xie liaosha explained.

"What do you want me to do?" Dennis has a good heart, and shagliaosha really touched him.

Xie liaosha took out a letter from his pocket and gave it to Dennis. Then he whispered cautiously: "this is a personal letter from Secretary Gorbachev to your wife. Please destroy it immediately after reading it! We can provide the coal that your country needs urgently at present. We only hope that you can lift the sanctions on us in terms of agricultural machinery and equipment, and food processing equipment! Please do as I say. It's a matter of life and death! "