Chapter 367

In the middle of December, the Italian branch of the Mediterranean trading company was finally ready and successfully opened. In order to confuse those countries that sanction the Soviet Union, the branch of Mediterranean trading company operates import and export business under the name of Glencore subsidiary. With the help of Italy's relaxed trade environment and the convenience of Mediterranean transportation, seryosa is finally free to fight.

As the new year and Christmas holidays of the Soviet Union are approaching, Xie liaosha specially imported a batch of cheap beef and pork from the United States to supply the domestic holiday market of the Soviet Union. In fact, Xie liaosha has not asked about such a small idea for a long time, but this time he personally asked at the request of Hassan.

Although Hassan's injury looks scary, it's not serious. Both bullets were lucky enough to pass through the body without injuring internal organs or arteries. Under the care of the black market doctor, Hassan just lay for more than a week and could go to the ground for activities. In order to find something for his brothers and raise some festival expenses, he asked Xie liaosha to help him get a batch of frozen meat back. Xie liaosha naturally agreed. Xie liaosha also found a good market for this batch of frozen meat with the help of the kololev trade union, which made Hassan a big profit easily with the help of the festival purchasing trend.

Hassan is a busy person, and with money on hand, he will not stay at home. During the holidays, Hassan went around to have fun and became a regular customer in underground casinos, pubs and red light districts. He didn't realize at all that the songtsevo brotherhood, which had been driven out of Moscow, had sent killers to deal with him.

The three killers mikhailovic sought are not ordinary people. After the bloody coup in Hungary in 1956, many anti Soviet organizations in Hungary have moved underground. In order to raise funds and buy weapons, these organizations naturally colluded with the local gangs. Because the gangs had money, some relatively weak anti Soviet organizations gradually gave up their faith and simply joined the gangs to engage in illegal activities. The background of these killers is also the same. They have been wanted by the Hungarian government for many years. They have a high awareness of anti investigation and operational ability, and are absolutely the most suitable candidates to carry out the assassination mission.

With the help of the songtsevo brotherhood, these people entered the Soviet Union from the border area between the Republic of Ukraine and Hungary. They first came to songtsevo City, the headquarters of the songtsevo brotherhood, to be tested by mikhailovic, and then came to Moscow with forged identities and passports.

Hassan has been in Moscow for many years, and it's not difficult to find out about him. These people soon found Hassan's figure. In order to find out Hassan's life rules and ensure that they can leave Moscow smoothly after they succeed, the three Hungarian killers didn't start immediately. They follow Hassan around these entertainment centers in Moscow every day, trying to find out Hassan's life rules.

In order to prevent accidents, these people did not bring weapons into Moscow with them, so they need to buy the needed weapons in Moscow's underground black market. Although Moscow is the capital, the public security situation here has not been very good since Stalin died. Sometimes it's easier to buy a gun than to buy vodka in a state-owned store. Just walk around a telephone post, telephone booth, underground passage or public toilet in the suburb, and you'll find advertisements for selling guns.

But don't expect to buy those high-precision sniper rifles with large firepower here. Only the gangs with good reputation can get these rifles. Most of the guns sold in these advertisements are tokalev pistols. If they are more than 50 meters, their lethality will be greatly reduced.

Hungarians need to buy a total of six pistols and 150 bullets. They found a phone around their private hotel and soon a seller contacted them. The seller asked them to have only one person to do the deal, which was set in an abandoned park on the Bank of Moscow.

The transaction time was set after 10 pm. The Hungarian who was sent to pick up the goods had been waiting for several hours in the cold wind. Just when he felt that he was being teased and wanted to go back, two distant beams of light suddenly lit up the road in front of him.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. We must be more careful in our business!" A van slowly stops in front of Hungarians.

Hungarian is not angry. He can understand the other side's caution. He just wants to get the deal done quickly and get warm. The driver who jumped from the truck went to the back of the car and opened the compartment of the truck. It seemed that there were some cans and other things inside. The driver climbed into the carriage, pulled out some oil cloth bags from the inside, put them on the edge of the carriage, then jumped down from the inside and said to the Hungarian: "all here, pay money and deliver goods, send 50 bullets, a total of 100000 rubles!"

Hungarians open these oilcloth bags, pick up these cold tokalev and check them one by one. There are many scratches on the surface of these guns. It seems that they have been used for a long time.

"Can I have a try?" Asked the Hungarian.

"Of course The driver gave him six bullets, and the Hungarian put the bullet and muffler on the wall and fired at the ice on the river. After a dull sound, ice debris splashed on the ice, a bullet in the moonlight, rotating at high speed on the ice. Hungarians checked each gun in turn, then nodded and approved the goods. He took the cash bag from his waist and gave it to the seller. After counting the money, the seller finally gave the bullet to the Hungarian.

Hungarians who bought guns pinned them to their waists, arranged their clothes and began to walk back. At this time, it was late at night. The low temperature outside made people crazy. Hungarians did not adapt to the low temperature. In a hurry, he suddenly stepped on the ice and rolled off the side of the road. His things were all over the ground and bullets were everywhere. Even the gun fell out. Hungarians, regardless of pain, panic and hurry to pack up these deadly things.

On the other hand, the gun driver took the money and went back to find his accomplice to make money. When he arrived, his friends were still waiting for him in the room. He excitedly emptied the contents of the money bag on the table. Just as everyone was rushing up to grab the money, a jagged piece of paper fell upside down on the ground, attracting the driver's attention. He picked up the piece of paper, Turn over a look, can't help but be shocked.