Chapter 352

Xie liaosha stayed in Canada for a few more days. After explaining some things, he took a flight back to Moscow. Yakovlev stayed in Canada to fight for the rights and interests of the Soviet Union. Donia, EVA and Karim all have things to do, and when they've dealt with them, they'll settle in Zurich together.

When he returned to Moscow again, Xie liaosha's mood was different. Since the anti-corruption campaign of the president of security was launched, Xie liaosha and his brothers were forced to go abroad to explore new markets. As a result, their strength was not weakened, but stronger. However, the rapid expansion has also brought many problems. As the business is scattered in various regions of Europe and North America, the management is very difficult. In addition, Xie liaosha lacks effective armed forces to deal with emergencies. Therefore, Xie liaosha has to be careful when doing business abroad, for fear of being attacked by others.

However, in recent operations, these mercenaries recruited by Ivankov and Yakov have made shariosha find a new way to prepare his own armed forces. Xie liaosha now understands a truth. Instead of supporting a large group of thugs, it is better to recruit more elite soldiers like Romanian mercenaries or Aruba mercenaries to be useful in the future. In this way, Xie liaosha will be able to get the blade into the scabbard on weekdays and defeat the enemy at the critical moment. It is not easy to attract the attention of the judicial departments of various countries, and he can also have some loose violent action teams.

Therefore, shariosha specially explained Yakov and Ivankov, and encouraged them to recruit more capable mercenaries as peripheral organizations, so as to create a safer business environment for the Gorky brothers. At this stage, Ivankov's situation is pretty good, but Yakov's situation is a bit chaotic.

Since Yakov came to Italy as Nikolay's agent, he quickly became a guest of honor in various families. His business expanded very smoothly, and even won the reputation of Mafia banker. However, the situation here is far from that simple. Although the mafia has a national committee, it is not a unified organization after all. There are various contradictions and conflicts of interest among various families and organizations. Yakov is here to make money, not to get into trouble. He has no interest in the conflicts among families. So Yakov's strategy in Italy is similar to Britain's glorious isolation policy.

All along, Yakov's closest partners have been Sicilian mafia families, like Gambino and janovise. They belong to the same Italian business family alliance called ours, which is mainly located in New York and Sicily. Since they established a business partnership with seryosa, the strength of the whole family alliance has greatly increased, and gradually began to recover from the pressure of Italian and American police. But Yakov didn't want to be an outsider. It's too dangerous to let his partner's family dominate in a foreign country. So Yakov developed a family alliance of peace party in Naples to balance our cause. However, this does not guarantee that Yakov can maximize the interests of the Gorky brotherhood.

In Italy, there are nearly thousands of mafia families, big and small. However, there is a great disparity in strength between them. Some have thousands of family members, while others have only a few. So in order to survive, small families have joined a large family led family alliance. According to Yakov's understanding in Italy these days, in addition to the family alliance that has established a cooperative relationship with Yakov, our business and camora, there are also the glorious society in Calabria region located at the toe of the boot like map of the Apennine Peninsula, and the holy crown alliance in Priya region. With our business and kamorra's windfall under Yakov's support, the glory society and the crown league began to be a little envious, and they were eager to become Nikolay's customers.

Yakov is well aware that business here can never be done in a wrong way. Playing balance is the safest strategy for the Gorky brotherhood. At the beginning, Yakov controlled the forces of various factions in the Qiuming area by this single hand. Now in Italy, Yakov still has to rely on this method to protect himself.

Yakov then proposed that we sit down and have a talk, so the leaders of the four Mafia leagues gathered in Rome and began to sit down and discuss cooperation with Mr. Nikolay. This is something that hasn't happened to the Italian mafia in years.

The meeting place is strictly confidential. Except Yakov, all the five parties involved in the negotiation can only bring one bodyguard to come, and no one can carry weapons. On that day, Yakov's people carefully checked all the guests' bodies before they were allowed to enter.

At the meeting, Yakov told them that Mr. Nikolay welcomed anyone to be his client, but Mr. Nikolay also had some agreements that his clients should abide by. Mr. Nikolay had no intention of intervening in the conflicts among Italian families and would not unilaterally help one faction to fight against the other. However, Mr. Nikolay's interests in Italy need to be guaranteed. Before a loan is returned, Mr. Nikolay will not approve a new loan. The amount of loan depends on the scale of funds entrusted by the client in Mr. Nikolay's company. In addition, it will be linked with the past credit. If a family or organization fails to pay Nicholas, all Italian families will regard him as the enemy of the Mafia.

It can be said that Yakov's conditions are very harsh, but so what? Is there a second Mafia banker like Nikolay in the world? Absolutely not! What Xie liaosha is doing is his own business. What he is facing now is Italy's underground financial market with annual transaction amount of hundreds of billions of dollars. Is there any law to protect what you do. So we must use a special way to get mutual trust, in order to continue to do business well.

The powerful representatives of Sicily and Naples immediately agreed to Yakov's terms. They have long been Yakov's old customers. Now most of their funds are handed over to Yakov. They don't know how much faster their capital turnover is than in the past. No matter how harsh the terms Yakov put forward, they are reluctant to refuse.

The representatives of Calabria regional honor Association hesitated a little and agreed. They could not think of anything that was bad for them. Then the weakest Priya crown league also agreed to Yakov's conditions.

After the meeting, Yakov, as a foreigner, took part in the Mafia's ancient and traditional swearing ceremony, and determined the conditions proposed by Yakov in the form of oath, which also means that Yakov's plan has become one of the Mafia's codes and will be pursued and killed by all if he disobeys it. The Italian market will be completely open to the Gorky brothers from now on.