Chapter 342

With the deepening of the game schedule, Xie liaosha's starting date is also getting closer. The citizens of Moscow, on the other hand, reveled in the fierce football match. In addition to the UEFA Cup and the Champions League every year, there are few opportunities for the Soviet team to play against the European giants. Now that they have just won the world cup, Serie A is the most attractive sports event in the world.

In order to thank the Mafia family behind these clubs, Xie liaosha entrusted Yakov to talk about cooperation with them. In a word, Xie liaosha's business in Italy is not small now. Although his partners are all gangsters, there has been no case of being hacked for so many years. In fact, there are deep-seated reasons for this. Because gangs are engaged in high-risk industries, credit is far more important than money. All mafia families hope to deal with trustworthy people, and they are also doing their best to maintain the dignity of Italian gangs. Most of the time, gangs can live on more than banks. Xie liaosha has a deep understanding of this sentence.

These new families need to be guaranteed by seliosha's existing partners. Seliosha has applied many management systems learned from banks in the past six months to his business in Italy, and the effect is very good. Now, China is facing huge regulatory pressure, so expanding the international market has become the primary task.

During this period of time, Yakov's work in Italy is good, and seryosa has even planned to let Yakov stay in Italy. However, if we don't settle the domestic affairs, we still feel uneasy in the end. At the end of the month, the last friendly match arrived as scheduled, and the Romanian also faced a greater test.

The competition started at 8 p.m. in Moscow, but the entry time was arranged at 7 p.m. before the competition, there were some singing and dancing performances as warm-up activities. Romanians had been lurking in Lenin stadium disguised as staff members for a long time.

As there were many big people present together, their seats were arranged in the central area of the grandstand. There are at least hundreds of VIP guests sitting here. Naturally, the Ministry of the interior has arranged a large number of police forces to maintain the order here, not counting the KGB spies disguised as ordinary fans. It is extremely difficult to get people out of the stadium in such a security environment.

Xie liaosha has been sitting in his office since six o'clock, patiently waiting for the final result. Xie liaosha has tried his best to do everything he can, and now he can only wait for the fate.

When borguza and his wife came to the Leningrad stadium, they were worried. They didn't know what the final result of the night was, whether they were successful in escape, or whether they were discovered by the KGB of their intention and faced with more tragic experiences. They've never had the bottom of their mind.

Borguza and his wife were quickly guided to their seats, and their guards followed. Although it was his guard, they could not refuse any request from any guard. Trotsky and pronichev are also facing the same trouble. Their hearts are very confused. Their only plan is to go step by step. They don't know how to cooperate to escape from here.

"Drinks, orange soda! An orange soda, sir! It's cool and delicious. I'm sure you'll feel cool from head to toe after a sip A waiter selling drinks in a sports Yard said to them.

"Thank you. We're not thirsty?" Borguza said casually.

"Really not? Oh, you are a cadre! Now that you come out to play, don't be reluctant to spend money. I'm not easy either. You see, I can only come in to sell drinks after buying tickets. If I can't even get the tickets back, we'll be miserable! " The peddler pleaded.

"All right! Three drinks, then Borguza didn't have the patience to entangle with each other too much, so he took out his wallet and bought three cups!

"This one belongs to this gentleman, this one belongs to this lady, this one belongs to you!" The vendor gave everyone the paper cups with drinks, and he did not allow borjuza or his guards to pick them up. However, this detail did not attract everyone's attention. We took the cup, opened the lid and took a drink subconsciously. But borjuza immediately felt that he was cheated. Why is there a pungent taste in the drink?

Borguza subconsciously looked at the cup. Suddenly, a line of small words on the inner wall of the cup attracted borguza's attention. It said: "leave your seat 20 minutes after the game and go to the bathroom behind you!"

Borguza immediately understood what was going on. He tried to make himself like he had just done, and he put the lid back on it. Then he began to wait for the passage of time. Borguza calmly looked ahead. In fact, he was watching the time displayed on the scoreboard of the game, which would not arouse anyone's doubt.

At almost the same time, a mysterious message came to him, who was far away from borguza. As like as two peas were paying for some souvenirs, a ruble, who had written messages, was found by the salesman, almost identical to that of Mr. Pronichev, sitting in the last row, found the line on a packet of newly bought cigarettes.

Soon after, with a burst of cheers from the audience. The players of Sparta Moscow and Juve, who participated in the last match, began to walk into Lenin stadium. The match is about to begin. The DJ in the stadium introduces the name of each player with provocative words, and then the player will come into the stadium from the tunnel to greet the audience. The order of admission follows the principle that the home team is in the front and the visiting team is in the back. The first one to enter is the first eleven players from Sparta Moscow. With the entrance of each player, Sparta's support will set off a wave of people.

After that, the players of the club of Juve entered the stadium, and the fans were even more excited by their familiar names. When the last player, Paolo Rossi, who won the world cup in Spain, stepped into the stadium, the audience sent out almost crazy cheers. The commentator on the scene began to introduce Rossi's legendary experience, and it was mentioned that this man had a two-year suspension before winning the world cup.

However, the commentator may have been trying to save face for Paul Rossi, and did not mention that Paul Rossi was suspended by FIFA for two years because of immoral match (match fixing). Paul Rossi is an indispensable key figure in seryosa's plan.