Chapter 339

"From now on, you follow me and I will send you to Canada!" Ivankov said to the children of these senior officials. They are sitting in the car eating the hamburger Ivankov bought. These days, they became spies for no reason, then they were sent to prison for no reason, and finally they were hijacked by kidnappers for no reason. This month's life experience is much richer than the sum of the past ten years. At the moment, a small hamburger comforted them greatly. One boy even burst into tears.

Ivankov also sighed a long sigh. This kind of behavior to help officials escape the KGB sanctions, which Ivankov would not have done six months ago. Because he is a law thief, but now, in this period of time in the United States, he has enjoyed a happy life that he has never enjoyed before, and enjoys the confidence brought by power and money. At the moment, he is no longer entangled in the identity of the law thief, because it is far better than those officials who used to be high.

The five frightened children thought they were going to die this time, but they were picked up by an old Russian speaking man. And the old man also told them that he took care of them for their parents. The grievances, fears, and other negative emotions that I've suffered in these days all of a sudden have a way to vent. They immediately regarded Ivankov as a relative.

At the moment, Ivankov can be said to have completed more than half of the tasks assigned by shariosha. At present, the only problem is how to safely put these children on the plane. Because the airport is also outside the city, there must be checkpoints on the road leading to the airport. Ivankov once again faced the distress of a few hours ago.

For today's sake, Ivankov has only one way, that is, to cross the mountain road next to the checkpoint. Because it was a mountain road, Ivankov's car could not be used, so he had to walk through the forest on foot. Ivankov learned from the map that it was about twenty miles from here to the airport that shariosha told him. This is the last hurdle. Ivankov will complete his mission as long as he breaks through.

When Ivankov told the children about his plan, none of them opposed it. Because these children know who their only dependence is now. So a little distance away from the checkpoint, six people abandoned the car on the side of the road, and then disappeared into the roadside forest.

At the same time, in the trailer that Ivankov traded with the mercenary not long ago, the bodies of the owner and his wife were soon found by the neighbors who wanted to come here to order things. The police and the FBI arrived at the scene as soon as possible. According to the smell of the five hostages identified by the police dog, it is confirmed that the kidnappers have indeed been here.

"Search the neighborhood and see if there are any other clues?" Said the federal agent, directing the police.

Later, more police were mobilized here, and they made more discoveries. The heavy weapons used by the robbers were found abandoned by the lake, and their clothes had been burned to pieces. But even more exciting to the FBI is the discovery of these people's footprints, which show that they jumped into Lake Erie.

"These people are crazy. They've escaped into Lake Erie. They're going to Canada!" The FBI soon understood that these people's plans were not brilliant, almost stupid. But from the United States to Canada, there are a few people who can do it.

"Inform the marine police and the Canadian police on the opposite side to help us search for the prisoners. Go! Call all the helicopters and search all the waters of Lake Erie for me The head of the FBI said angrily. Seeing these people slip out of the net again, the FBI is going crazy.

These Tunisian mercenaries wanted to go to Canada from the very beginning. They once participated in the French Foreign Legion. They are fluent in French, but they are not easily recognized by the police in Canada. In the morning's gunfight, they only lost their true faces when they disguised as plumbers at the beginning, and they always covered their faces when they fought in the back. So they don't worry that the police can recognize their faces. The only thing the police can recognize is the faces of the five children, that's all.

So far, the FBI doesn't know why they were hijacked. At present, the biggest possibility is that KGB people did it, but judging from the pronunciation of imitating the robbers' conversation recorded in the morning police statement, these people speak Arabic! Why do Arabs hijack Russians? Why are they linked, and by a few Soviet students with espionage and Arabs? The CIA has been informed of this, but their intelligence experts can't figure out why.

At this moment, Ivankov and his five children are trudging in the mountains, while Tunisian mercenaries are marching in the lake. The police thought that the perfect arrangement was flawed to them. Who would be stupid enough to drive to a heavily guarded checkpoint. Ivankov's only regret is that he actually wore leather shoes to walk on the mountain road. Now he has the feeling of stepping on blisters inside his feet, but Ivankov has to take care of the five teenagers behind him.

After walking for more than an hour, Ivankov slipped down the hill with five people. Soon they heard cars whistling by, and they knew they were back on the road. Ivankov lay on the shoulder of the road and looked in the same direction as before. The checkpoint had been left behind by him. Ivankov took a long breath and put down more than half of it in his mind. So Ivankov called EVA who was waiting at the airport and told her about her situation. EVA agreed to arrange a car to pick them up immediately.

Early the next morning, when Ivankov and his guests had already crossed the border of the United States and Canada, the police just found the car abandoned by Ivankov. It was the police dog who found the smell of the five teenagers. The police finally knew that these people and the kidnappers finally escaped separately, but there was still no help. After the five teenagers landed in Canada, Karim's plane had been waiting there for a long time. Shariosha had long thought that Canada was still insecure. So the five teenagers were taken to Europe by Romanov's plane and finally sent to Yakov of Italy. So far, Xie liaosha's first step plan has been successfully completed.