Chapter 335

"Boss, through these days of observation. We found that the three border officers had been monitored by the KGB. We can't take them out of the KGB's eyes by ourselves, so we suggest that we'd better kill them. " NIKU Basescu reports to sherio shahui.

Xie liaosha didn't reply immediately. He was looking at the information they collected during the play. As NIKU and his colleagues described it, the three men had been secretly watched by the KGB. It's just that the KGB is very secretive. If it wasn't for professionals like NIKU, no one would have found these covert spies.

Just half a year ago, the officers of the three frontier forces were still powerful generals, but now they are transferred back to Moscow to serve as security advisers to the Ministry of the interior. Although the level and treatment did not change, but lost the right in hand, was sent to idle position pension. Now, outside their homes, the KGB often stops to monitor their cars, but the KGB is very skillful and arranges strangers to walk around every day. It's hard to find out without such experience. NIKU estimates that their homes and offices have also been bugged, and it's likely that some of the people working in these homes are from the KGB.

"Is it possible to get these three guys to places with a lot of people, such as railway stations, theaters and stadiums, and then start?" Xie liaosha asked.

"The boss, officials of such rank as bordzuza, totsky and pronicev, never go out alone. There will always be drivers and guards around them. I'm sure the driver of pronichev is definitely more than just a driver. Several times, he seems to notice that I'm following pronichev, forcing me to give up in the end! " NIKU explained to seryosha.

Xie liaosha nodded to show his understanding. However, in his mind, he was inclined to snatch these people out of the KGB's hands and secretly send them abroad. Because of such a long time of cooperation, we always have a friendship. Xie liaosha doesn't want to take the lives of these people, which is not in line with his usual style. Petrov's father always warned seryosha that in this business, people who are stained with too much blood are doomed to come to a bad end.

"All right! You can go on according to the present strategy! However, I haven't made the final decision yet. Don't kill people casually Xie liaosha said.

"I see, boss!" After Xie liaosha finished, he asked NIKU to leave first. Now he has understood the basic situation, that is, it is very dangerous to start in Moscow. In case of any accident, it is likely to lead to disaster. So shagliaosha picked up the satellite phone and called Ivankov in Cleveland.

"What's the situation there?" As soon as the phone is connected, Xie liaosha can't wait to ask.

"It's almost there. Now these kids are in Cleveland. Although their affairs are not big, the probability of being repatriated is very high. The mercenaries I found from Aruba island have arrived here, and I plan to let them snatch these people out of the hands of the CIA and the police, and then send them to other countries! " Ivankov replied.

"Is there a good chance of success?" Xie liaosha asked again.

"It shouldn't be hard, if these mercenaries are really capable!" Ivankov said uncertainly.

"Take a gamble, you can't be 100% sure of anything! But I just want to emphasize one point: don't let any of these five children die. Otherwise, we will push these generals to the enemy! " Xie liaosha said again.

After fully listening to the situation on both sides, Xie liaosha has a general idea in his mind. There are only two ways in front of seryosa. One is to kill borguza, Trotsky and pronicev, the three insiders of the frontier forces. The cost of doing so will be very small, and there will be no worries except for some regrets in conscience. The other way is more dangerous. First, Ivankov wants to successfully rescue these people's children from the hands of the U.S. government, and then he has to take these three people away from the eyes of the KGB in Moscow. For the KGB, which has been clinging to the Ministry of the interior, the risk of snatching suspects from their hands is too great. Seliosha can't bear the serious consequences of any mistake.

From a rational point of view, Xie liaosha should choose the first plan, but Xie liaosha knows that he will choose the latter one in the end. Xie liaosha is willing to fight for his conscience. But how can we get these three men out of Moscow from under the eyes of the KGB? In fact, Xie liaosha has a general idea, that is to start in a crowded place and try to separate the three people from the people who are watching them.

A theater? Xie liaosha immediately shook his head, the theater is too small, it is easy to be blocked exit, and the audience will not be too much, here is not a good place to start.

Airports and railway stations? It's also not suitable. There are already strong security measures in such places, and the police everywhere have a whole set of measures to deal with the crisis. No matter how powerful the Romanians are, they can't compete with the special police forces deployed there. It's a complete attack. Xie liaosha once again denied this place.

The only thing left is the stadium! This should be a good place to start. Let's make an appointment with those people from the Ministry of the interior, including chuerbanov, and then try to take them away from the eyes of the KGB. As long as you create some chaos in a stadium with tens of thousands of people, it's easy to realize your plan.

Lenin stadium, football? Shagliaosha seems to have found a trace of inspiration. He picked up the phone and dialed Yakov's number.

"Xie liaosha, what's the matter?" Yakov asked on the phone.

"Yakov, talk to the Naples and ask if you can let the Naples Football Club play a friendly game in Moscow!" Xie liaosha asked on the phone.

"Why do you want them to go to Moscow all of a sudden? Is there anything Yakov asked, puzzled.

"I need a big game to do something. If Napoli don't want to come, they will find another serie a team Xie liaosha said.

"When do you want it?" Asked Yakov.

"Next month, or earlier!" Xie liaosha said.