Chapter 330

Yakov spent the night on the yacht, and it was not until the next morning that he returned to Italy on another yacht to pick him up. Abdel ketley stayed on the 300 foot yacht.

It took Yakov another two days to return to Italy from the Aegean Sea. In these two days, members of the brotherhood sent by Boris are seizing the time to enjoy capitalism, while Downey's people are not idle. He is helping Yakov stock up.

It was not until he returned to Naples that Yakov first met the ten men sent by China. In order not to make mistakes, Yakov told them that after this thing was finished, they might never go back to the Soviet Union, so they had to choose to go to the United States or stay in Italy. These people didn't feel unhappy when they heard Yakov's words. It seems that they have fallen in love with Italian life. The end result is that none of these people will go back and choose to continue the task.

In order to let these ten people go to Turkey at ease, don't talk nonsense. Yakov left their account at the Swiss bank and deposited half of their bounty, about $500000 each. The remaining half will be paid after the task is completed. These people were grateful to Yakov. They swore in the name of God that they would not betray the Gorky brotherhood even if they lost their lives. When everything was ready, the men tore up their passports and boarded an Italian cargo ship from Naples to Rostov.

This time, the ship was full of food from Italy, while the ten Golgi gang members followed the ship as cargo owners. Shortly after their departure, Yakov contacted Abdel ketley by telephone to give him information about the ship. Abdel promised on the phone that he would do it well.

From Gorky to Italy, and then from Italy, sailing on the Mediterranean. In a few days, the ten young men of the Gorky brotherhood experienced what they had never experienced in their life. In Italy these days, we have learned what it means to be drunk and spend money like dirt. The taste of Italian women makes us all a little lost. Unfortunately, the happy life is too short. After getting used to this kind of life, no one wants to go back to the past and go back to Gorky to live a dull life.

Everyone has half a million dollars in their accounts, which is enough for them to buy a house in Italy and a good car. That's only half the reward, and the rest will go into their pocket when it's over. Everyone wants time to go faster and arrive at Turkey, the end of the voyage.

The freighter departs from Naples and goes all the way south through the Strait of Messina between Sicily and Apennine. Then it sailed eastward through the antikycilla strait between the Peloponnesian Peninsula and Crete, and entered the Aegean Sea. Then, the course was re steered to the northeast, across the kikrazes, to Turkey.

When the freighter crossed the Dardanelle Strait in Turkish waters and entered the Marmara Sea, it was not stopped by Turkish maritime police. This made the brothers of Gorky brothers feel a little uneasy. When the freighter entered the Bosporus Strait and was about to enter the Black Sea, the Turkish maritime police finally began to take action.

"Listen to the cargo ship ahead, please stop sailing immediately and accept the inspection!"


In the absence of warning, the sea suddenly sounded a siren. The sailors on the freighter immediately felt a little confused. In this sea area, the Turkish police simply ran wild. Most of the time, they were no different from the Soviet police. The biggest fear for those who eat this bowl of sea food is to get into inexplicable trouble. If it's light, the ship will be detained. If it's heavy, the ship will be detained with people. In the Black Sea, the Soviet Union and Turkey are particularly difficult to get into trouble. But that's great news for the Gorky brothers.

The propeller of the freighter soon stopped turning, the fan-shaped ripple at the stern began to get smaller and smaller, and the Turkish coast guard's speedboat soon caught up with it.

"All hands on their heads, stand in the middle of the deck! Repeat, all hands on their heads, standing in the middle of the deck! " Several marine police speedboats surrounded and kept shouting at the cargo ship. After overtaking the freighter, the speedboat began to turn back and circle around the freighter.

The sailors on board were very nervous because they didn't know what was going on. Several brotherhood people looked at each other, raised their hands and walked slowly to the deck.

Soon a marine police speedboat slowed down and came over. The sailors on the cargo ship obediently took the cable thrown by the other side and tied the two ships together. The marine police on the speedboat point their guns at the people on the freighter. As long as there is something wrong, they will shoot without hesitation.

The ladder was quickly put up between the two ships, and the marine police commando rushed to the cargo ship as fast as possible, and then began to say aloud, "all hands on their heads, kneeling on the ground. I count three. Everyone kneels on the ground with their heads in their hands. If anyone dares to move, don't blame me for shooting! "

Everyone knelt obediently, and no one dared to resist the heavily armed police. And the police are even more like the enemy. Why did things suddenly turn out like this? Just this morning, the police received a tip off that the ship was carrying arms to the PKK. Therefore, all the police did not dare to be careless and immediately sent out the most elite armed forces to deal with the cargo ship described in the tip off.

After the marine police commandos searched all the people, more marine police began to search the goods on board. The members of the ship were also called into the cabin one by one to start identification.

"What's your name?" The policeman asked the captain.

"Alfonso Pizarro," replied the captain

"Who are you from?" The policeman continued.

"Italian?" The captain continued.

"Are there any undeclared contraband and dangerous goods on board?" The policeman asked sternly.

"As far as I know, the containers are full of Italian food. We are required to send them to Rostov!" The captain replied, pointing to the bill in the hands of the policeman. Suddenly a policeman came in and whispered something in Turkish to the policeman interrogating the captain.

"Is it really just some food?" The policeman barked again.

"Yes The captain replied with some diffidence.

"What about RPGs and anti tank mines in the cabin?" The police slammed the bill on the table.