Chapter 328

Rostov is very far away from Gorky, which is close to the sea on one side and Ukraine on the other. The investigation team spent several days on the road alone. So the investigation team decided to act separately. The team leader took a few people to fly there first, and the rest continued the investigation in Gorky city.

Boris's agents soon reported the new trend of the investigation team to him. The stinky meat on the container terminal had played a role, and Boris felt relaxed.

Along with the investigation team of Leningrad sub Bureau, Yakov, who had been waiting in Italy, set out almost at the same time. He accepted seryosa's new mission in Turkey, where the Gorky brotherhood had never set foot.

Yakov's visit to Turkey has two purposes. One is to win over the powerful Turkish Mafia and let them hand over the money laundering business to Nikolay. The other is to let them cooperate with seryosha's plan to plant grishen.

Although seliosha is now in the underground world of Moscow and Gorky, compared with grishen, seliosha's strength is still not enough to shake grishen. It's just that seliosha is favored by Secretary Angkor, who is on a par with grishen, He survived in Moscow. If Xie liaosha takes over grishen in China, he will not only be easily blocked by grishen, but also be likely to arouse the dissatisfaction of secretary an and Secretary Ge. I'm afraid it will be even more unfavorable to Xie liaosha himself.

Sometimes you don't have to stick to the domestic side to complain about this kind of thing. Many times, it's more difficult and persuasive to clean up the planting of export to domestic sales. Therefore, seryosa's plan this time is to take advantage of the Turkish media to arrest grishen for the crime of smuggling goods from Italy into the country, which is much more useful than directly poking the news to Pravda. However, before making a move, shailyusha has to deal with the Turkish Mafia.

Up to now, KK and HL from South America and Asia are the two most popular D products in the world. The raw materials of the two D products are coca and poppy respectively. Due to the unique requirements of growing environment, soil and climate, the origin of these two plants can only be limited in the remote areas of Latin America and Asia, which are thousands of miles away from the consumer countries of these two D products.

How many years have passed, the farmers who grow these two crops are still worrying about their livelihood, but the participants in production and circulation have made a lot of money. In the Americas, Medellin group and Carly group control KK in the United States and Europe respectively. Because of the production and sales channels, this business has been monopolized by the two big groups born in Colombia, and no one else can participate in it. Even the Mexicans can only start for them, that's all.

In Asia, the situation is even more complicated. Production is controlled by warlords in northern Myanmar and s-fighters in Afghanistan, and their profits will be used to pay for military expenses. In the subsequent circulation, various forces in Southeast Asia and local gangs in Central Asia participated in it. Especially the HL from the Golden Crescent region, they all the way west to Turkey, through the hands of the Turkish Mafia, sold to the hands of the Italian mafia. It can be said that the Turkish Mafia controls the distribution channels connecting Eurasia.

As a business partner all the time, Downey has a very good cooperative relationship with these Turks, so this time Yakov's trip to Turkey is also a bridge between Downey and them. For the sake of safety, the two sides arranged the meeting place on a yacht moored in the Aegean Sea, which Yakov bought directly from a Greek tycoon, because a brand-new yacht needs to be built in time. The yacht is about 300 feet (100 meters) long and has three stories from top to bottom, with Greek flags on top. Mobile games are as like as two peas, but they are almost never used.

The Aegean Sea is known as the sea of thousand islands. It's calm and sunny here. The fishing boat from Turkey soon came here carrying Yakov's guest, Abdel ketley. When the other party saw Yakov's yacht, it was obviously surprised.

"Is that Mr. ketley?" Yakov asked, standing on the side of the boat.

"Yes, you are the man sent by Mr. Nikolay?" The other side asks with suspicion. Ketley only knew that the meeting place was a yacht, but he didn't expect it to be such a big yacht. And the other party is still dressed like a rich man.

"Welcome to golf. I heard that you like golf. Are you interested in a few strokes?" Yakov invited him to the boat and asked kindly.

"Golf? Is it here? " Asked ketley strangely.

"Yes, to be honest, it's my first time at sea, too! Come on, let's go and swing a few shots! " Yakov warmly invited ketley, and everyone went to the stern of the boat. Yakov's men presented the clubs for them. Yakov went to the stern of the boat and lightly stepped on the button on the deck. Soon, two small holes appeared on the deck. Two metal balls with white balls appeared on the deck. Yakov went to the side of the ball, adjusted his posture and swung the club round, The white ball flew high into the sky.

"MD, these rich guys can really play!" Ketley said to himself that playing golf on the sea is really a unique experience. The scenery here is absolutely different from that on the ground, and the feeling is also different. Gradually, kaiteli felt the fun inside. The sea breeze, waves and high flying ball made kaiteli feel the experience he had never had before.

"Mr. bogorovsky, this is very interesting! Ah ha ha Golf let two people get familiar with it soon, we gradually become talking and laughing, and even joking. Ketley even forgot to come here today and have business to talk about.

After playing for an hour, they felt a little tired and stopped. They went to one side of the couch, sat down and drank a glass of iced drink. The sea breeze was blowing on them, making them feel very fresh.

"Brother Abdel, are you satisfied with this gift?" Yakov asked suddenly.

"It's fun to play golf here, but what do you mean by your gift? Is there any surprise, brother Yakov?" Asked Abdel.

"I'm talking about this yacht. Do you like it?" Yakov asked again.