Chapter 320

Under the arrangement of Donia, five Romanians came to Moscow and set foot on this strange land. Xie liaosha already knows that the KGB investigation team of Gorky is the ghost of Chernenko. Chernenko knows a lot about Xie liaosha and the Gorky brotherhood. Such people can't stay. Now Xie liaosha already knows that he is being held in Leningrad prison, but in the face of the heavily guarded prison, Xie liaosha has no good way for the time being. For today's sake, he had to invite the killer back to China first, in case he needed to be killed from time to time.

These people flew from Rome to Moscow on a Soviet civil aviation flight. Along the way, Dounia arranged them in the cockpit of the plane. No one had seen them. When the plane landed at the airport, they put on the ground clothes and mixed out of the airport. Hassan sent them to Petrov's father to hide for a while. It was not until the evening that seryosha rushed back here.

Five Romanians came forward in turn to salute seryosa. After some self introduction and greetings, everyone began to get to the point. Xie liaosha taught them all the photos and materials about Chernenko collected in recent days. Five people circulated them and then discussed them. It wasn't long before they made a general plan.

"This prison is built by the water. We can find a way to sneak in and kill him unconsciously!" The Romanian killer suggested to seryosa.

"Are you sure? How do you need me to cooperate with you?" Xie liaosha asked in a hurry.

"Don't worry, we'll be enough to accomplish this. We'll leave for Leningrad tomorrow, and you'll know the result in five days!" Opposite direction, seryosa assured.

"Is that all right? Don't you need my help? " Xie liaosha asked uneasily.

"Boss! Please believe in our ability The other side is sure to refuse Xie liaosha's kindness.

After the plan was made, the Romanian killers said goodbye. Hassan took these people to the place where they lived to have a rest. Along the way, these people didn't speak much, which made Hassan very embarrassed.

In the early morning of the next day, Romanian killers left moss in a very ordinary gas car provided by Hassan. They followed the route on the map all the way to the West and came to Leningrad that night. Their sleeping in the open did not consume much energy. They park their car in a bush across the river from the prison, hide it on the spot, and observe the prison's defensive force in secret.

Among the Romanian killers, NIKU Basescu is best at shooting, but the target, Chernenko, is in the high wall. NIKU's sniper expertise can not be effectively played, on the contrary, another member of the five Klaus is more suitable. Klaus is the best amphibious fighter among the five. This prison pattern with water as a barrier is the best scene for Klaus to play. Klaus quietly dived into the water and found that the sewage outlet of the prison is the best way to invade the prison. According to the prison map provided by Xie liaosha, these sewage channels pass through the high wall of the prison and directly lead to the prison hospital behind the high wall. After a field trip, Klaus decided to enter the prison from here.

So after discussing with his companions, Klaus decided to act alone. Before the operation, Klaus had a good rest to raise his spirits. His companion prepared diving suit, snorkeling mirror and breathing tube for him. Under the cover of the night, Klaus with equipment quietly into the water.

Klaus carefully controlled the frequency of air exchange in the water, and his eyes were always watching the light swept by the overhead searchlight. In the darkness, Claus found the location of the drain through feeling and memory, then adjusted his posture in the water and drilled in.

Crowsto stood up with a heavy body. After swimming in the water for a long time, he felt heavy when he stood on the land again. He moved his limbs slowly so that he could regain his flexibility as soon as possible. Klaus took off his diving suit and revealed his prison uniform. With the route remembered in his mind, Klaus found the right exit in the labyrinth of sewers. He climbed the iron ladder to the ground and gently pushed the well cover at the beginning. As depicted on the map, this is the washing room of the hospital.

Klaus picked out a white coat from a pile of dirty clothes and put it on his body. He took out the cover from his pocket and put it on his face. He looked outside through the small window on the door. There was no one in the corridor. Klaus pushed open the door of the washing room and went out.

Klaus tried to slow down and observe the rooms on both sides of the corridor. As he passed a doctor's office, Klaus went to the door, opened the door with a piece of wire and slipped in.

There is another glass cabinet in the room, in which there are some medical equipment, and on the table there is a medicine box with the Red Cross sign. Klaus took out the flashlight and put it in his mouth. With the light of the flashlight, he looked at the things in the medicine box. There was an operation bag and an injection bag in it. There are also stethoscope, alcohol, iodine and other common drugs. In addition, the doctors in this office also put their work cards on the table. Klaus picked up the work card and looked at it, then hung it on the pocket of his white coat.

Klaus closed the medicine box, put it in his hand, and slipped out of the office. It's midnight now, and the doctor on duty is not on this floor. Klaus went down the stairs and left the gate of the hospital. Standing at the gate, he could see the wide playground and the light of the constant cruising searchlight. He took a deep breath, tried not to think about the mess, and then walked in the direction of the cell.

The searchlight behind him soon shone on him. His forehead and neck were full of sweat, but he pretended to lift his hand without holding the box, as if to say hello. The light quickly moved away from him, the siren didn't sound, and Klaus took a long breath. He didn't speed up his pace, he still walked forward. If it is in a more heavily guarded prison, Klaus absolutely dare not do so, but this is just an ordinary prison, Klaus is still very sure.

A few hundred meters of road makes Klaus feel very long. When he enters the cell, the iron door behind him is closed, and Klaus feels relaxed.

"What's the matter so late, doctor?" The forewarning in the cell asked curiously.

"Oh! A patient's transaminase is on the high side, I suspect he has hepatitis! It's an infectious disease. I'd like to take some blood and go back to test it! " Klaus simply replied.

In a moment of silence, the C.O. looked up and down at Klaus, looking into his eyes without expression.

"Yes, doctor! Please hurry up They finally put Klaus in.