Chapter 316

There is nothing wrong with what Downey said. They all have unique skills. Yakov finally decided to take in the five Romanians. After Yakov offered them a job, they told Yakov their origin without reservation. It turns out that these five men are members of the same operation group of the Romanian Secret Police Force. They have cooperated with each other for many years. Their job is to eliminate those who pose a threat to the country. However, in a recent mission, I do not know why the news leaked, and their mission objectives were also hidden. As a result, the internal investigation of the secret police came to their head, and the situation became worse. They were considered to have lost their loyalty to the organization. The five knew what was waiting for them, so they fled Romania with their wives, children and children. They were sent to Turkey by domestic smuggling groups. They crossed the border on foot, and then crossed the Aegean Sea. They came to Italy as refugees.

These people are elite members of the Romanian Secret Police. They are proficient in special skills such as assassination, intelligence acquisition and explosive manufacturing. Yakov has never hired such capable talents. If these people were not pursued by the Romanian government, they would not have joined the Mafia in any case.

Yakov gave them a settlement fee. They would follow Yakov to work in the Soviet Union, while their families would stay in Italy. This is a way for Yakov to check and balance these people. The families of these Romanian killers stay in Italy to enjoy the rich lifestyle of capitalism, which is both a reward and a check and balance. Once something goes wrong with them, Downey will take care of the relatives of these killers.

Yakov did not go back to the Soviet Union immediately after he accepted the Romanians. There's one more thing for him to do, and that's to buy a new casino for Yuri. There is a reason why Yuri did not choose to expand his business in the United States, but went to Europe. This is the main consumer market of D products. Many channel companies like mafia are facing the dilemma of lack of funds. On the other hand, in the main production area of D products, manufacturers like Pablo are facing the situation of large amount of funds unable to circulate. Seryosha's organization is dedicated to serving these two groups. He can lend Pablo's money to Downey, and then let Downey buy Pablo's products. Seryosha can benefit from it. Therefore, it is necessary to open a casino in Europe.

Yakov is interested in the town of Menton, which is located on the border of Italy, France and Monaco. It is a famous tourist area and a very beautiful French city, rich in lemons and beauties. The scale of the casinos here is not comparable to Monte Carlo, but it is the most suitable for the Golgi Gang, because the French government has very strict supervision on large casinos. In addition, those large casinos are in the hands of some powerful businessmen, and the profits are considerable, so outsiders can not intervene.

As a small city, there are only a few casinos here. It's only one or two for Yakov to choose which ones are too small. In the end, Yakov set his goal as the sun casino here. Yakov sent his men to invite the owner of the casino to negotiate with him and buy it directly. Yakov offered a price that would never be rejected, but he was rejected.

"Can you tell me why?" Yakov was both surprised and angry. Some of his new Romanian killers knew French, and he translated Yakov's words.

"Your price is really attractive, but I really can't sell you the casino!" Yakov's angry look made the other party a little afraid, and he replied with some submissiveness.

"Hey, man, you're a gambler. Why don't you get along with money?" Yakov went over, put his hand on the other side's shoulder and said in English.

"I'm sorry, sir. I haven't run a casino. I'm just here to inherit from my relatives. I want to leave here as soon as possible. I don't want to stay for a day. I don't want to pit you. This casino has already been liked by some people. Even if it's sold to you, you can't operate it! " Romanians translate for the exchange between the two sides. The other side really has difficulties. Just now, Yakov felt that this guy doesn't look like a gambler at all, because the other side doesn't feel strong. But the other side can tell him that the sun casino is in trouble, let Yakov very grateful!

"Man, I appreciate your telling us the truth. But I still like your casino. Let's do it! I'll give you 10% of the price. You take the money and leave here immediately. How about I handle it myself Yakov grinned and snapped his fingers, and soon his men took over the transfer agreement. Yakov personally handed the pen to the other side, with encouragement in his eyes.

The price on the contract was not changed, but Yakov wrote a Swiss check for the price increase. This part will not be included in the transaction amount, which will exempt the tax cost. The other party greedily swallowed a mouthful of water, and then summoned up the courage to sign his name on the agreement.

As soon as Yakov called the bank, he immediately completed the transaction. Under the witness of the lawyer, the two sides quickly fulfilled the relevant legal procedures. The other party is naturally happy when he gets the money. He tells Yakov the truth behind it

"My conscience, sir, compels me to warn you. Another buyer of the casino is little spider Giovanni tagliato, a confidant of Neapolitan Mafia leader Michelle Zada. I'm afraid you can't beat him. "

"Thank you for your concern. I think I can handle the rest!" Yakov had a drink with each other, and then sent each other off enthusiastically. He called the assistant Donny had sent over and asked, "what's this little spider, Giovanni tagliato?"

"He is nothing, sir! But his boss Michelle Zada has always wanted to work with you! They have been in touch with us and want to be business partners with you like us The assistant explained to Yakov.

Everyone likes compliments, and so does Yakov. People who can provide funds are always respected. Yakov's trip to Italy fully understood this truth. Xie liaosha once told him that the hand who gives money is always higher than the hand who takes it. It seems that whether it is the underworld or the white one, this is a famous saying.