Chapter 306

In Brooklyn, New York, the streets are very quiet in the middle of the night. A few Hispanic youths dressed loosely and hip-hop gathered stealthily along the street to a semi basement nightclub.

The nightclub was filled with smoke, and the girls were burning their explosive heads and twisting their bodies with the strong music. Just came in a few people and acquaintances warmly greet, and then across the dance floor to the back of the staff passage, after a series of body search and inspection, they have to go to a hidden room.

Everyone took the initiative to take out a handful of loose money from his pocket and put it on the table. Soon someone began to count it.

"Why are there so many twenty dollar bills?" A person of accountant appearance discontentedly asks a way.

A young man was shocked, but he replied fluently: "the guys who took the goods just robbed a convenience store. I think that's probably the reason!"

"Boy, remember to change back next time!" Has been sitting on the sofa smoking man discontented said.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gomez. I'll pay attention next time!" The young man bowed his head and said respectfully.

"Well, get the money, Santiago!" The old accountant waved to him.

Santiago went to another table, and soon someone gave him a bag of chips! These are his salary this month. Santiago didn't show any dissatisfaction. He said thank you and left here.

Santiago walked quickly to the intersection. He looked back at the figure behind him from time to time. His pace was faster and faster. At the moment, he just wanted to leave here as fast as he could. He turned a corner at the intersection, took a few steps forward, came to a car parked on the side of the road, opened the door and got in at the fastest speed, the car quickly left the place.

"You got it?" Asked a man sitting next to him in the car.

"Got it!" Santiago gave a bag of chips to the other party.

"MD, these drug dealers are so cunning that they use gambling chips as their salary!" The man sitting next to Santiago took out a handful of chips from his pocket and said angrily.

"What do we do next?" Santiago asked the others.

"Is that true? Go and trace the source of these things first Someone replied.

This scene is not a case in point. Recently, DEA agents active in the East Coast states have found that the d-crackers in their jurisdiction have suddenly started to pay with gambling chips. This makes the Drug Enforcement Bureau more and more confused about the capital flow of drug trafficking organizations.

These chips probably came from Atlantic City, which is a city that allows gambling. In order to facilitate the transaction, the local gambling association has set a unified chip standard for all casinos in the city. In Atlantic City, chips are money. You can use it to pay for hotels, bars, service staff, and even j-women's whoring. No one knows where the money comes from. Casinos have no obligation to ask, and gamblers will not take the initiative to say so. How do these DEA agents track down this?

Recently, those drug dealers rush to Atlantic City in droves. As long as they enter the casinos, they can play a few games on a certain gambling table! Then you can cash all these chips back. If they are arrested, as long as they have won the money, the police will have no evidence to charge them. As for casinos, if you want to sue casinos, you have to prove that casinos know that the source of the money is illegal, which is almost impossible. Is there a safer way to launder money in the world? All of this left New Jersey DEA agents at a loss.

The root of all this comes from the cooperation between Yuri and Medellin group. Now on the east coast, especially in New Jersey and New York, Atlantic City's chips are beginning to circulate in underground deals outside the Medellin group. Another effect of this is that more and more customers come to the casinos in Atlantic City.

Yuri and Ivankov didn't go on looking for trouble with those Irish casinos. He didn't fool himself into all the casinos in Atlantic City and let the police put all the pressure on him? On the contrary, he has to support those former competitors to attract firepower. There are several Irish casinos that can confuse the police. Anyway, these chips can't be traced. They come from that one. On the contrary, those Irish casinos with better operation are more eye-catching.

Yuri's casinos are far from making profits on the books. In fact, they are making a lot of money on the back. It's just the beginning. Yuri hopes to develop steadily and cautiously. Therefore, he is not in a hurry for a while, and he doesn't plan to continue to expand in the Atlantic City gambling market. Now the layout in Atlantic City is very reasonable, Yuri plans to wait a while to go to Las Vegas to see if there are any casinos for sale there.

During this period, Ivankov recruited a lot of Soviet people who fled from Afghanistan to the United States from Brighton. As the war of the Soviet Red Army in Afghanistan became more and more difficult, more and more Soviet soldiers were captured by the s-station troops and defected voluntarily during this period. Moreover, among the troops composed of some Turkmen and Uzbeks, the trend of defection became more and more fierce, which made the domestic decision-makers have to mobilize troops from Russia and Ukraine to participate in the war. Ivankov's Asian face attracted a lot of defectors and stowaways from Central Asia of the Soviet Union. These people went through all kinds of hardships and dangers to come to this strange land. What they needed most was a job to make a living. In addition, they all had been struggling in the battlefield. They were the most valuable talents in Ivankov's eyes.

After being chased and killed by the Irish last time, Yuri and Ivankov both understand the importance of holding the force in their hands. In this multi-ethnic country of the United States, all the minority gangs rely on their fellow countrymen to develop. Yuri and Ivankov have been on the road for so many years. It's easy to set up a violent organization that obeys their own orders. In addition, the recruits are all veterans who have participated in the war, and their combat literacy is very high. In addition, with sufficient personnel sources and funds, Ivankov and Yuri believe that, as long as time goes by, they will be able to win the war, Their organization will certainly have a foothold in New York and New Jersey.