Chapter 297

After all, he was a Soviet citizen. So after staying in the police station all night. Early the next morning, Ivankov's lawyer took seryosha out of the police station.

"You are not a big problem. The other party does not intend to sue you. Just ask you not to talk about it to anyone The lawyer explained to Xie liaosha.

"What's the matter?" Xie liaosha asked in surprise.

"It is said that a reporter who came from New York for a holiday last night saw the whole story. As you know, it's not a glorious thing for a diplomat to default in a casino! So the other party is probably hoping to make things smaller! " The lawyer explained to Xie liaosha.

"What about our losses? I'm going to put that guy in jail for a few days, too! " Ivankov said angrily.

"The other party is going to make up with you in private. As for sending him to prison, I can do it! The other side has diplomatic immunity. We can't sue the other side by legal means! " The lawyer said helplessly.

"Yes, Mr. lawyer, thank you for your help. But I want to know what's the advantage of diplomatic immunity? " Xie liaosha asks curiously.

"This gentleman, simply put, if someone is a diplomat of a certain country, then even if the other party kills someone, we have nothing to do with him!" The lawyer said simply.

When Xie liaosha heard these words, he showed a satisfied smile on his face. He said to the lawyer, "Sir, you have explained it thoroughly. Thank you for your help."

Sheriyosha asked Ivankov to take the lawyer back first, while he himself called a taxi back to the hotel. Along the way, a bold plan began to form in her mind. He already knew what he had to do to stop the police biting Yuri.

Xie liaosha returns to the hotel alone. On the way, he has reported safety to his lovers. Back in his suite, Xie liaosha comforted his lovers who had been worried all night. Then he opened his carry on luggage and took out the voice changing device and satellite phone he used when he disguised himself as Nikolay.

Xie liaosha picked up the yellow page of the address book in the hotel room. He called his loved ones together and made a silent gesture. Everyone immediately calmed down. Looking at Xie liaosha curiously, I don't know what he's up to.

Xie liaosha opens the yellow page and looks up the phone number and address information he wants. First, he finds the phone number of the Italian Embassy. Thought for a while, then shook his head, this is not appropriate. Even if the Mafia is willing to help, I'm afraid Italy's diplomatic status is not very good. So he went to the map of the world and began to search for the small and poor countries on the map. He planned to find a breakthrough from these countries.

Some countries can't see their territory at all on the map, so they have only one name. Xie liaosha looked at it for a long time, but his eyes hurt, and none of them was satisfied. Although there are many countries in the world that are short of money, and Xie liaosha thinks that as long as he spends some money, it is still possible to identify two diplomats. But many countries are extremely unstable, and some have no credibility. Xie liaosha doesn't want to lose his money. Moreover, both Yuri and Ivankov are holding Italian passports, and the candidate country must have diplomatic relations with Italy, which is really difficult for seliosa. He turned his eyes to Italy and began to think about how to talk to the Mafia about the feasibility of this matter. At this time, a small line under Rome attracted his attention.

"Vatican! The papacy Xie liaosha couldn't help but read aloud.

A few years ago, when his business started, he used to fund the Solidarity Union. At that time, he indirectly contacted the Papal State and the government of the United States through Mafia relations. If seryosa gave the Soviet Union the evidence of the Papal State's collusion with the Solidarity Union, the small bullet country in Rome would be in great trouble.

Thinking of this, Xie liaosha has the best choice in his heart. He successfully found the phone number of the papal Embassy in the United States on the yellow page.


"Dong ~ ~ Dong ~ ~ Dong!" A knock at the door interrupted the communication between Archbishop Russell, the Plenipotentiary of the holy see in the United States, and God. Although he was very dissatisfied, he said to the people outside the door calmly: "please come in! My child

It was no one else. It was Russell's secretary. He went to Russell's side, whispered a few words to him, then picked up the receiver on the phone in the room, and gave it to Russell with a dignified face.

Russell hesitated to take the phone and said to the man who called himself Nikolay at the other end of the line, "God bless you, my child!"

"Monseigneur, thank you for your blessing! But the reason why I'm talking to you today is to let you be able to benefit more people, such as my two friends! " Xie liaosha said on the other side of the phone.

"How can I help you?" Russell asked gravely.

"Very simply, I hope you will provide my two friends with the diplomatic status of the holy see in the United States! Of course, I will not ask for your blessing in vain! I am willing to contribute a sum of money to the Holy See, the amount is 100 million dollars! " Sherius haggled with bishop Russell like a business deal.

"I think you are a bit of a whim, sir! How can our diplomatic status become a chip of donation! You are insulting me, the Holy See and God Russell said sternly.

"I have told the gentleman who answered the phone just now that I have evidence of your collusion with solidarity and the Italian mafia. If you don't agree to my terms, don't blame me for telling the secret!" Xie liaosha smiles and threatens.

"Dare you, our Holy See has never done such a thing!" Russell denied it.

"Really, Monseigneur? Do you want me to tell the reporters all about the amount of your assistance, the people who handle it, and the people who receive it from the Solidarity Union, so that they can be published in the newspapers tomorrow morning? " Xie liaosha threatened.

"You... You..." bishop Russell was so angry that he couldn't speak. In fact, he knew that what he said was true. The Polish born Pope personally planned this incident. Unexpectedly, it leaked the news. If it fell into the hands of the Soviet Union, the Vatican's activities in Eastern European countries would be seriously hit. What's more, the Vatican would be charged with interfering in a country's internal affairs and colluding with mafia, This is a scandal that the Holy See, which rules Catholics all over the world in the name of the Lord, cannot afford.

"What are we going to do?" Russell couldn't make up his mind.