Chapter 294

In the FBI's New Jersey crime investigation center's coroner's room, the forensic doctor carries three bodies from Atlantic City to the autopsy table. The appearance of the three bodies had been burnt black, and it was impossible to tell who was who. The first thing that forensic medicine has to do is to confirm the identity of the three bodies.

At the same time, in another room of the building, the technical personnel of the authentication department are taking photos and numbering each piece of evidence found at the scene. All the evidence here will be filed, and then properly kept in the warehouse of the assurance department, until the case is finally completed, it will be handled separately.

It's been a long time since a criminal case like this happened in New Jersey, and the victim is still a local influential figure in Atlantic City. Investigators are naturally under a lot of pressure, coupled with the media's repeated reports during this period. People, especially in Atlantic City, are deeply worried about the deterioration of public security. But so far, investigators haven't found any useful clues.

The police focused their investigation on the bodyguards who were missing that night. From the time of the crime to now, Claire, one of the bodyguards who was supposed to protect one of the dead, is missing. And the scene has not left any traces of fighting, so the police have reason to suspect that the missing bodyguard Claire has a major suspect.

On the other hand, Yuri, who is struggling with how to express his love to gergina, has new worries at the moment. That's how to explain to Xie liaosha that he was seriously injured. It would have been another week before he came to Atlantic City. However, as Karim's affairs in Europe have been dealt with almost, so seliosha also changed his plan. In advance with a few of their loved ones came to Yuri's Taj Mahal casino.

When they arrived at the hotel, they drove by themselves. Only Ivankov stood down waiting for shariosha.

Xie liaosha stepped out of the car and took Ivankov's hand. They gave each other a gentle hug. Ivankov said with a smile, "Welcome

"Nice to see you again, Ivankov! How are you doing here? Why isn't Yuri here? " Xie liaosha said.

"I'm very happy here. Yuri is waiting for you up there!" Ivankov replied.

Xie liaosha takes EVA, Karim and Donia from the car. The luggage in the back of the car is picked up by the hotel waiters immediately. Shagliaosha told them to go back to the room first. He followed Ivankov up the elevator to Yuri's office to meet him.

Shariosha and Ivankov took the special elevator to the top floor of the hotel. Ivankov opened the door for Xie liaosha. Yuri didn't get up to greet him. He just signaled Xie liaosha to sit casually.

"What kind of music do you give me?" Xie liaosha said half jokingly.

"No, I sprained my waist a few days ago. It's really inconvenient on me!" Yuri replied with a smile.

"You don't give me face! I had a hard time coming, and you were injured! What's the matter? Does it matter? " Xie liaosha complained.

"A few more days off! But it's no big deal! " Yuri said.

After chatting with Yuri in the room for a while, xieliaosha leaves. Yuri secretly signals Ivankov to follow him. He himself is constantly wiping the sweat on his forehead, happy that he can finally fool Xie liaosha!

When Xie liaosha comes out of the room, Ivankov follows him and introduces the situation here. Xie liaosha listens quietly. From time to time to express their views. Xie liaosha is no stranger to the casino. In those years, he and Gregory earned the first bucket of start-up capital of Gorky Gang here, which became the foundation of Xie liaosha's career. Although he has already turned over his original wealth, I don't know how many times, but without the original sum of money, Xie liaosha's career would not be so smooth.

Ivankov took some of cheriosha on a tour of the casino, and cheriosha went back to his suite. As soon as he entered the bathroom, there was the clatter of three lovely wives. Sitting on the sofa, Xie liaosha turns on the TV. On TV, there are either politicians Xie liaosha doesn't know debating or some boring talk shows. Xie liaosha is not interested in these programs. He quickly presses the button on the remote control and switches channels. Suddenly, a piece of news caught Xie liaosha's attention.

Some pictures on the screen are obviously scenes after the fire, and the reporter constantly introduces some situations of the crime scene. Including the identity of the dead, some traces of the scene and so on. Suddenly, the picture turns, and there are pictures of the three dead, as well as some information about them. Xie liaosha sees that they are all casinos owners in Atlantic City. And there's a casino that looks familiar. I seem to have seen it on the way here. Suddenly, the reporter's words attracted Xie liaosha's attention. Reporters said the dead were Irish American citizens.

"Irish! The casino Xie liaosha can't help but have some doubts. Just now, in Yuri's office, Yuri never got up. Is this matter related to Yuri?

Xie liaosha's conjecture did not come out of thin air. He still remembers that a few months ago, Yuri invited Gregory to come here to help him deal with some troubles. Xie liaosha made it up at that time, and then he didn't care about the rest. However, Gregory said that he took a hard look at Yuri's competitors here and made them lose a lot of money.

Thinking of this, Xie liaosha immediately called back home. He wanted to find Gregory and ask the name of the casino.

This matter doesn't need to be kept secret. Seryosa made an international call directly from the hotel, far away from Grigori in Leningrad. Before long, the phone was connected, and Grigory's voice came from the receiver.


"Gregory, I'm seryosa. I have something to ask you! Do you remember which casino Yuri took you to when you came to America? " Xie liaosha asked urgently.

"I can't remember what it's called! I only remember Yuri telling me that their boss was Irish. By the way, there are several fire spray decorations in front of the casino door, which I think is very nice. Oh, yes, I remember. It's called... "

On the phone, Gregory's voice came to Xie liaosha's ears. Xie liaosha was more and more worried at the moment. He has realized that it is likely that Yuri did it. No, Yuri can't do such a big thing without Ivankov's help. Xie liaosha was angry and worried at the moment. This is a big case. Why didn't Yuri worry that the American police would come to us?