Chapter 277

After receiving Yuri's help, Ivankov quickly got up from the bed. He ran to the living room naked, picked up the clothes he had just taken off on the ground, and put them on him in a hurry.

Ivankov rushed out of his suite with his bare arms. He ran and dressed with his satellite phone in one hand and his coat in the other. Yuri only told him on the phone that he had been shot, and also told Ivankov where he was. Under a river crossing bridge in the east of the casino, the rest of Ivankov didn't know. At the moment, Ivankov is in a state of anxiety. He has just arrived in a strange place. He is not familiar with his life and land. How can he find it? You can't ask the police.

Ivankov took the elevator to the first floor. When he got out of the elevator, Ivankov had put on his coat. He picked up the phone to ask Yuri where he was, but no one answered. Ivankov stamped his feet and cursed the damned.

Ivankov stopped a hotel waiter and asked if there was any bridge across the river in the East. Ivankov is a smuggler, and his English is still passable. After Ivankov's words and expressions, the waiter finally understood what he wanted to ask.

"I know what you're talking about. Go straight down the road in front of the casino, about five miles to see it!" The waiter replied.

Ivankov said thank you and ran out of the casino. Ivankov walked out of the gate of the casino and saw that a taxi had just stopped at the gate. He just wanted to go up, but he was boarded first. Ivankov was pushed aside by another guy who was waiting for the bus. That guy was still swearing. Ivankov wanted to rush up and beat him, but he was in a hurry, so he couldn't do it.

Ivankov could only run as fast as he could. A few hundred meters away from the casino, he saw the car parked on the side of the road. Ivankov instinctively wrapped his coat around his elbow, took a fancy to a car and smashed the glass of the car with his elbow. He got into the car, skillfully pulled out the starter circuit from under the steering wheel, he put up the wire, the car started smoothly.

Ivankov stepped on the gas and the car went out with a buzz. The car's acceleration performance exceeded Ivankov's expectation. He quickly hit the direction and drove out of the parking space by rubbing the rear of the car in front of him.

Ivankov drove the car for the first time. He fumbled for a long time before turning on the lights. The car accelerated along the road in front of the Taj Mahal casino for about 20 minutes. In Ivankov's view, a bridge across the river appeared.

Ivankov pulled over to the side of the road. He stood on the bridge and looked down. Dark night, a bright moon hanging high in the sky, can only reluctantly see the river lush forests, as well as the sparkling river.

"Yuri!" Ivankov yelled at the top of his voice and did not respond. He ran across the road to the bridge and called out, "Yuri!"

Ivankov did not hear any response. He went back to the car and drove along the bridge. Soon Ivankov found the track of broken guardrail on the other side of the bridge. Ivankov quickly stopped, went to the fracture and looked down. I still can't see anything except trees.

Ivankov went to the bridge, and he slowly climbed down the bridge with his hands and feet. The river bank under the bridge is covered with weeds, and the land is extremely muddy. Within two steps, Ivankov's shoes were left in the mire. He can only wear wet socks in the mud hand and foot and move forward.

"Yuri!" Ivankov continued to call. The sound of the river covered part of Ivankov's voice. Ivankov didn't have any lighting tools in his hands, so he could only search for Yuri's figure with the help of moonlight.

"You..." Ivankov was about to shout when a faint light flashed by the river and caught Ivankov's attention. Ivankov quickly searched in the direction of the light source, and soon a regular flash of light reappeared.

"Yuri!" Ivankov ran in the direction of the light. There were a lot of gravel in the soil under his feet, which made Ivankov's feet ache. As he approached, the light flashed faster and faster, and Ivankov was more sure that it was Yuri.

When it was really close, Ivankov finally found Yuri's figure. At the moment, Yuri was lying on the pier with a flashlight in his hand. The light of the flashlight was flashing.

"Yuri!" With joy in his voice, Ivankov quickly went down to the river, came to the pier where Yuri lived, and held Yuri in his arms.

"Yuri! What's the matter with you? " Ivankov looked at Yuri in front of him and asked in surprise. This young man was still alive just now. How did he become like this after a while.

"I've been... Plotted, and I've been shot in the waist!" Yuri's face was pale and weak. His hand was on his right abdomen, and his expression was very painful.

"Tell me to have a look! Tell me to have a look Ivankov took the flashlight and quickly checked the wound on Yuri's body. He first roughly checked Yuri's upper body and found that there was only one gunshot wound, which penetrated Yuri's abdomen. Ivankov was relieved.

"Don't worry, brother! The bullet didn't stay in your body, you can survive! Hold on a little longer Ivankov said as he set up Yuri. Ivankov tried to carry Yuri on his shoulder. Use both hands and feet to go back the same way. He was busy living and talking to Yuri to prevent Yuri from losing consciousness.

"Tell me, what happened? Don't sleep, talk to me, Yuri Ivankov kept asking.

"I... I was stopped by a uniformed policeman on the road. He shot me. I... I ran away... And then... A car hit me off the bridge..." Yuri said painfully. Ivankov used both hands and feet to climb up from the bottom of the bridge. He was very old. By the time he came up, he had exhausted his energy.

Ivankov finally put Yuri on his seat. He quickly got on the bus and ran on the road. At the moment, she was fighting for Yuri's life with death. Ivankov never dreamed that he would live such a luxurious life when he came here. What's more, Yuri, who seems to have boundless scenery, suddenly became dying. This makes me understand that Petrov's business is not so easy at all. I'm afraid he fought his life back.