Chapter 275

Xie liaosha is full of expectations for president an's independent fund-raising. However, the words of big figures are always ambiguous, which makes Xie liaosha not know how to explain president an's so-called "independence". On that day, no one specifically told him about this, which filled Xie liaosha's heart with expectation and confusion.

"Secretary ulyanov!" Kololev, chairman of Moscow's trade union, whispered.

"Ah! Chairman kololev, what can I do for you? " In his meditation, Xie liaosha regained his mind and quickly extended his hand to greet kololev.

"Chairman Xie Lieping of the all China Federation of trade unions wants to meet you!" Kololev whispered in seryosha's ear.

"Well! No problem! " Xie liaosha agreed, and they turned to an old man with white hair standing outside the crowd.

"Secretary Xie liaosha, with all due respect, I'm afraid your youth league member, yuganov, has come to take advantage of it. Don't you see that?" Kololev whispered to seryosha.

"What can I do? He's a secretary!" Xie liaosha said with indifference.

"It's better to take the initiative in some things. You're not very comfortable in officialdom!" Kololev kindly reminded them that they soon came to Xie Lieping. Xie Lieping took the initiative to stretch out his hand to hold Xie liaosha's hand, and then praised with a smile: "young man, you have done a great good thing for our workers!"

"This is us, chairman Xie Lieping!" Kololev introduced to seliosha.

"Chairman, you flatter me!" Xie liaosha replied modestly.

"Well, young man, it's nothing to call you here. I just want to get to know you. You have done a good job. On the contrary, our trade union has not done anything to improve the lives of workers over the years. A few years ago, I wanted to build a sanatorium for the comrades of the TASS society, but in the end I failed to do it. I feel ashamed! " Xie Lieping's tone is self mocking, and the application is a bit lonely, which makes Xie liaosha feel strange. Why did a senior official of the other party react like this?

There was a trace of doubt in Xie liaosha's expression. For a moment, kololev saw it and quickly pulled Xie liaosha's sleeve. Xie liaosha doesn't know what's wrong with him, but since someone reminds him, Xie liaosha also knows that there is a problem, and he quickly changes his smile.

"Secretary ulyanov, Mr. an asked you to take a group photo!" A girl's voice came from the crowd. Xie liaosha looked back and saw that it was his subordinate. He turned around and was about to tell Xie Lieping. Xie Lieping took the initiative to say: "well, comrade ulyanov, I'm here today mainly to get to know you. I don't have any other meaning. I don't want to waste your time. It's time for me to leave."

Kololev sent Xie Lieping away for Xie liaosha. On the way, Xie Lieping said to kololev, "this ulyanov really doesn't look like a cadre!"

"Yes! Teacher, he is really a young man. I don't know how he was transferred to Moscow. Is the position of Youth League Committee easy to occupy? It offends a lot of people. Just now, he almost suffered a dull loss in silence and was robbed of the credit by that Zyuganov. I really don't know how such people can get along in officialdom! " Said kololev with regret.

"But he is very capable, isn't he? We haven't been able to do anything for the workers in the trade union for so many years. He is much better than us! " Xie Lieping said.

"Teacher, you don't have to blame yourself. Some things are beyond our control. Now that Brezhnev has passed away, you still have a chance! " Kololev whispered to Xie Lieping.

"My chance, I'll never have it!" Xie Lieping replied calmly.

"Why? Brezhnev, who has always been right with you, is dead. You once became the second person in this country. Shouldn't you be reused? You... "Xie Lieping reached out his hand and interrupted kololev. He hesitated for a moment before he said to kololev:

"My child, I know more about Brezhnev than I know about myself. Do you think he is still in power these years? Brezhnev is a hedonistic guy. Will such a man start the war in Afghanistan? In addition, a few years ago, he was still talking with Nixon about an agreement to restrict medium range missiles. In recent years, he has been conducting military exercises on the western border, deploying pioneer missiles, and conducting a nuclear war exercise. Don't you think these are contradictory? " Xie Lieping analyzes that he looks at kololev. Kololev looks at Xie Lieping, who is called the teacher in surprise. He always thinks that his teacher is as simple as Xie liaosha. He can't imagine that the teacher can see it so thoroughly.

"Teacher, what do you mean? Do you think Mr. Bo has long been elevated?" Kololev whispered an incredible conclusion. There have been rumors in Moscow for a long time. It is said that President Bo has been reading speeches written for him in recent years, and has made a lot of jokes. It is said that during the meeting with former US President Carter, the secretary prepared a written note for him, telling him to read all Carter's questions if he asked long questions, and read the front part if he asked short questions. Later, Carter asked a short question. The Secretary crossed out the following content and handed it to Brezhnev. Brezhnev asked suspiciously, "do I still read the following?" It made Carter laugh and cry. The news was widely circulated as a joke. But if you think about it, it's Brezhnev. It's like a puppet.

"Who is in charge of all this? Is it Secretary Andropov?" Kololev asked in a low voice, this thing brought him too much stimulation. He always thought that Secretary Xie Lieping's depression was due to the suppression of general manager Bo, but he didn't expect that general manager Bo was also a puppet.

Xie Liping looked at Andropov, Gorbachev and grishen in the distance and said, "it's all of them!"

They quickly went to the car. Just before getting on the bus, Xie Liping grabbed kololev's hand and said, "you have to help this young man. Although he is a political idiot, he is in a very good situation at present. Chuerbanov is his good friend, Andropov appreciated him, and he is also very capable. As long as he wants to do something, the resistance will be much less. Kololev, I have no hope in my life, but you are still young. If you want to do something else, work with this young man! "

Xie Lieping left alone in his car. Almost no one cared about his leaving. Everyone was busy gathering around general secretary an to prepare for the big news tomorrow. Kololev looked at the far away car and sighed deeply!